King's Business - 1923-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

HOW DO WE KNOW THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD? (Continued from Page 135) self said, “I find no fault ■with Him.” Judas said, "I have betrayed innocent blood.” The Roman soldier said, “He was a righteous man.” , The thief on the cross said, “This man has done nothing amiss.” P ilate’s wife had a dream about Him and said, “He was a righteous man and you had better not touch the sacred life.’’ His enemies verified it and He challenged all those about Him by s a y i n g “Which of you convinceth Me of sin?” and there came not an answer back from friend or enemy. Those who had lived with Him for three years increased their admiration and their respect into reverence, then fell down and worshipped Him because He had lived that perfect life without a single stain or sin resting on it. We are in the midst of light, this electric light, this mar­ vel amongst all the marvels of our modern age. The light is here. We are living in it. We believe in it. We trust ourselves to it. We are not going to be in the dark. The light is here but down through the building somewhere, unseen, run the wires that connect the bulbs to the dynamo. I know the light is here because there is a dynamo some­ where else and there would be no light without the dy­ namo. This effect must have an adequate cause and I can argue logically along the same line and reach only one con­ clusion concerning Jesus Christ. He was God because I have seen the effect and the startling effect of a sinless life demands an adequate cause. His Deity Attested by His Miraculous l i f e I know He was the Son of God for another reason. Be­ cause of His miraculous works. While He was here on earth His whole pathway was marked with the touch Of God on the world and on human kind. He demonstrated the fact all the time that He had with Him a power that was capable of manipulating the forces of nature as only God could do and of changing things in an instant by His mira­ culous power. The whole record of His life of miracles corresponds with His perfect sinless life. Just what we would expect, took place. A perfect sinless Being ought to be able in the world in which He lives to do things nobody else could do. That is what happened. He un­ stopped deaf ears. He took the film off of blind eyes. He made the paralytic stand up perfectly well. He healed the leper. He went through the whole catalogue of diseases and demonstrated His divine power and at last reached the climax by raising the dead. And He did not finish when He finished His earthly life. Throughout the cen­ turies He has been demonstrating that same thing by His miraculous power. You can go through all the religions of the world and ask the question: “Mohammedanism rise up and witness to what you have done for civilization. What miracles have you performed?” Mohammedanism replies, “We con­ trolled a great part of the world’s geography and had under us hundreds of millions of human beings all through the years.” That does not mean anything. They say, “We have taught the world that there was one God and that Mohammed was his prophet. We have told men to pray five times a day and told men about a heaven that was physical and sensual and we have told them to murder their fellowmen.” There is nothing in Mohammedanism that would civilize this old world of ours but only de­ grade it and turn it back again into barbarism. Buddhism, come on! The Buddhists control something like three hundred millions of the world’s population. (Continued on next page)

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B I OL A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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