King's Business - 1923-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

THE VIRGIN BIRTH (Continued from Page 181)

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sentences of Jesus have done more for the world than all the words ever spoken by all the men who ever used a word. And there are not many of them for you can read every word He said, that is recorded in the Bible, inside an hour. And there is not a young person listening to me, with an ordinary memory, but can memorize every word of Jesus which has come down to us, inside a month. And yet those words ringing down these ages have influenced the world as no other power has ever affected it. The mar­ velous speech of the Son of God, concerning which He said Himself, “My words are life!” And no one comes under the influence of them but knows that is true, for they are living words. And His deeds that He wrought have been the glory of all these multitudinous generations. For every child in Christendom is bettered because Jesus once put His hands on the heads of little children and blessed them. And wherever there is failure of these great facts to obtain among men, a woman is better dead than alive. I read only yesterday the story of Russia and the habitual cruelty of the man towards the woman. And Russia’s greatest writer told us a little while ago of a man moving along with his ox cart with his wife tied at the end of the cart, and when he lashed the ox he lashed the woman. And yet when he met another man along the road, he said, “Good morning, little brother.” Oh when He wrote that day in the sand, in that unknown writing there is the proclamation of emancipation for every woman on God’s earth. So He lived His wonderful life, and at its close as I have said a hundred times He took up His chal­ lenge and threw it down to heaven as He affirmed, “I do always the things that please God,” and heaven gave no contradiction; and to earth He said, “Which of you con- victeth me of sin?”, and the whole earth was dumb; and to hell He said, “The prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me,” and hell was silent. The perfect life! Now then how was He born? Then cometh the end, when He shall sit on the throne of the universe, but pre­ ceding that is His reappearance from heaven with great glory, prior to that is His triumphant ascension into the skies, and before that is again the miraculous grave-break­ ing power of his resurrection, and that is preceded by the unique death on Calvary’s cross as Saviour of the world, while antecedent to that is the only perfect life ever lived. Then how will He be born? Suppose I did not know! I should sit down, I firmly believe, and begin to reason and say, No one who lived that life, died that death, rose again, went to heaven in His own right, descends from heaven in His glory, conquers all His enemies until He sits on the alone throne of the universe, I should say He was not born as I was born. There was something in Him from the very start that there is not in me. You begin to see where you have gone. You have gone where you ask the startling question, How was this Jesus Christ born into this world? I was in a town last week where a preacher said Jesus was born of two healthy p'arents, a man and a woman. But that does not suffice to explain what you and I have been looking at this morning, else how is it somebody else born of two healthy parents never achieved all that glory, and why is that glory exceptional? How was He born? I be­ lieve if I had never been told I should in my own mind man­ ufacture and set up a creed that said He could not have been born as others are born. And so it is a relief to my intelligence when I open this book and read a prophecy ut­ tered hundreds of years before the birth in Bethlehem, “A virgin shall bear a Son.” When I look at the life, the

B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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