King's Business - 1923-12




A Book That Sings Itself! ’HE hundreds of thousands of Tabernacle Hymns No. 2 sold in the past two years permits us to offer this wonderful book at a Big Price Reduction! as follows:

TABERNACLE HYMNS No.2 Biola Book Room 536*558 So. H op« St:, Los A ngeles, Calif. -Gentlemen: I accept your special sam ple offer and enclose j- for which please send me a | M anila \ bound copy of Tabernacle H ym ns No. 2.

$40 per 100 in full cloth $25 per 100 in Manila We co n tinu e th e A rt E uckram superfine bind ing a t $50 p er hu n d red .

Tabernacle Hymns No. 2 is the only 320-page Book for Churches and Bible Schools to be had a t these very lowprices. There are 351 Hymns—some the gems of the ages—all writ­ ten out of Christian experience—strong in the Faith. Many of the best of all other Hymnals are in it. It has been adopted by hundreds of wonderful Churches and Bible Schools—names on request. We loan one sample copy for 30 days to Music Committees. But if you are a lover of really good Church and Sunday School Music, sign and Mail Coupon Today You will then see for yourself. Thousands of buyers say Tabernacle Hymns No, 2 contains the choicest collection of “standards” and “singable-songs” now offered. The work of every well-known composer and writer is found on its pages. Its cloth binding is made doubly strong. It will stand very rough usage.

BIOLA BOOK ROOM B ib le In s titu te of L o s A n g e le s 5 3 6 - 5 5 8 S o . H o p e S tr e e t L O S ANG ELE S, CA L IFO R N IA b


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