King's Business - 1923-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

THE FUNDAMENTALS (Continued from Page 140)

Give Books This Christmas These Attractive Gift Books for Little Folks will be much appreciated

for help rang up to heaven; and when angels and arch­ angels in perplexity asked, “Whom shall we send and who will go for us?” the only-begotten Son in the bosom of the Father answered “Here am I; send m e!” He came, therefore, to die. To live? Aye, surely, and thus to show us evermore what life should be. But if that were all, it was merely to decorate the walls of a mauso­ leum with an unattainable dream. Let him prepare the way by quashing the indictment against us. He must raise the dead before he can give significance to any program, of life. Behold the Cross!- It lays the specters oj: the mislived past; it cancels the obligations of the broken law; so that God can now be “just and the justifier of the ungodly” in the behalf of all who signify, by the acceptance of faith, their willingness to be saved that way. This is the doctrine of “justification by faith,” Who can suggest any obligation to it? There are three parties to the Covenant of Grace; to-wit, God the Father, who con­ sents to give his only-begotten and well-beloved Son for for us men and our salvation; God the Son, who consents to expiate our sins by taking our place before the bar of the broken law; and the party of the third part, to-wit, the sinner. When I have once affixed my signature to that cov­ enant, where in all the universe is any man or angel who can presume to interpose between us? In the sign of that Cross the Church goes forth to the conquest of the world. “I, if I be lifted up,” said Jesus, “will draw all men unto me” ; and the chronicler adds, “This he said signifying what death he should die.” To pass tearful eulogiums on the singularly beautiful life and character of Jesus while casting reproach upon the supreme importance of his vicarious death as our only hope of sal­ vation is to scandalize all his life-giving words. It is to cry “Hail, Master!” while betraying him with a kiss. It is to crown him with thorns, mock at his passion and make a reductio ad absurdum of his whole redemptive work. Oh, no! "Thus it is written,” he said, “and thus it must be.” Wherefore we preach not merely the man Christ Jesus but Christ and him crucified; “unto the Jews a stumbling-block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; but unto them which are called, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” The Authority of the Holy Scriptures The third of the fundamentals is the Authority of Revela­ tion. There must be authority somewhere for the essentials of our faith, for the Godhood of Jesus and the saving power of his cross, else the preacher runs, like Ahimaaz, without a message. It will not answer to say, “I have the witness of truth in my inner consciousness.” Who cares for the inner consciousness of another man? A pioneer’s claim to his quarter-section is not established by squatter sover­ eignty but by a recorded title with a Government seal upon it. “So then, your religion is the religion of a Book?” Cer­ tainly. Why not. Precisely as our Republic rests upon a written Constitution. Its basic principles are there, writ so plain that the wayfaring man though a fool need nor err therein. Pointed fingers are not arguments. If the Bible could have been laughed out of court the Lucians and Yol- taires and Ingersolis would have disposed of it long ago; but because it stands to reason that no thesis can hold its own without a foundation in ultimate and infallible author- (Continued on next Page)

Beautiful Stories Series

Young People’s Favorite Authors


Stories from th e Bible to ld in a m anner th a t will be readily und ersto o d and followed b y young readers. Profusely illu strated . The F irs t C hristm as The F irst E a ste r O nce in Seven Y ears T he S to ry of th e Jubilee W ith H am m er an d Nail The S tory of Jael an d Sisera Five K ings in a Cave The S tory of a G reat B attle The W isest M an The S to ry of Solom on A F arm er’s W ife The S tory of R uth The M an W ho D id N ot Die The S to ry of E lijah W hen Iro n D id Swim The S tory of Elisha W hat Is Sw eeter Than Honey ? The S tory of Sam son The Boy W ho Obeyed The S tory of Isaac The F arm er Boy The S tory of Jacob The F av o rite Son The S tory of Joseph The A dopted Son The S tory of Moses _ The Boy G eneral The S tory of Joshua The Boy a t School The S tory of Sam uei The Shepherd Boy The S to ry of D avid The Boy W ho W ould Be King The S to ry of A bsalom The C aptive Boy The S tory of Daniel The Boy Jesu s B inding D ecorated in Gold an d C olors T hanksgiving T urning th e M ill-W heel W ho D id It? A t G randpa B o g art’s By M oonlight H a rry ’s Invention H ow H e E scaped M iss D r. B elby M ission of a G ray Sock R ailroad B uilding Sketches an d Stories T alking I t Up T hanksgiving D inner

W e recomm end th e fol­ low ing list of books for y o u n g people—-to those who will be w an tin g low priced books for C hristm as giving. N othing b e tte r can be had fo r th e price. J . Cole M iss T ootsey’s M ission B eyond th e M arshes Jessica’s F irst P ray e r (T he) C enturions S tory K ept for th e M aster’s U se Sw an Creek B lizzard Bonnie Jean L addie Ye N ext T hing D id th e P ard o n Gome Too L a te ? W axw ing A D ay’s Tim e Table (T he) B aritone’s P a rish The G ift The L o st S ta r W ords of H elp for* C hris­ tia n G irls Reliable Gospel Gift Books for Boys and Girls— If th e selection is left to us w e will carefully select books to th e b e st possible value to su it boys and girls of vario u s ages. B rig h t Eyes A dventures of A Sixpence Bonnie Sw eet Robin Two L ittle H elpers Lonely Lily L ittle P rodigal T he Seed, Soil an d th e Sow er



Amy Robb B oys of A lgeria C arrie’s E xperim ent D anger Cliff Day in th e C ountry H appy Summ er In V acation L ight from P ersia M orning R ide Old S oldier's Story O ur H ero R alph’s W olves R inging W ords S titch in Time

Sunday School Teachers and others who are wanting seyeral inexpensive books to use as gifts will do well to o rder from these lists.

If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com a by m ail ad d 10% fo r p o stag e.

B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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