King's Business - 1923-12

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THE FAMILY CIRCLE (Continued from Page 141)

Give Books This Christmas We wish to call your attention to the following books that able presents is make very accept- Prodigal Daughters By Joseph Koclung This is not a religious book in any sense of that term, but it is exceedingly wholesome nevertheless. Present day conditions are fearlessly presented in such a way as to hold. Another story which will hold the reader spell-bound until the last page is reached. It is a frank, up-to-date story. A powerful piece of writing in which the famous novelist graphically describes the struggle against the flood of new morals and ethics and dress of the younger generation of women. Cloth, $1.75

Saturday, 29—Assurance of Success. “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt medi­ tate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”— Joshua 1:8. Pray for the Missions in Hawaii. Sunday, 30—Road to Riches. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”—Matt. 6:33. Pray that Chris­ tians may stand true to the Word of God. Monday, 31— Jesus Is Coming. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and re­ main shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”11-1 Thess. 4:16, 17. Pray for His Return. ab ab COMMENTS ON C. E. TOPICS (Continued from Page 142) January 6, 1924 Topic: Do Better Still— Phil.. 3:12-14. (Consecration Meeting.) While there is not absolute perfection in this life there is progress. Surely it is the desire of every born-again one to do better this year than last year. We will do better if we have,— first, BETTER PRAYER. More earnest prayer, more real prayer and more intercessory prayer. Second, BETTER BIBLE STUDY. This: means more time to be given to the study of God’s Word, more intense study, more thorough study. Means systematic study. Third, BET­ TER GIVING. Pay what we owe God, a tenth, and bring our offerings cheerfully and liberally. Fourth,i: BETTER SERVICE. Our business, as believers, is to glorify God in the winning of souls. Better service means more definite work, i. e., personal work, talking to individuals, one by one, about their need of salvation in home, store, shop, school, office, street, anywhere and everywhere. Writing letters and giving out. tracts. Always alert for souls. This is the best possible service. Fifth, BY BETTER TESTI­ MONY or WITNESS. We give forth a testimony by our lives as well as by our lips. Many who own Him with their lips deny Him with their lives. Sixth, BETTER CONSE­ CRATION. This time a complete surrender of self to Him. That sin you did not forsake last year— that idol you failed to tear down, that plan or scheme that you did not give up— that will that you did not surrender last year. Sur­ render to Him that He may fill you with His Holy Spirit and 1924 will be better than any past year of your life. A WELCOME VISITOR TO AMERICA Our good friend, Dr. A. C. Dixon, writes us that Mr. John Rinman, founder and principal of the Swedish Bible and Missionary Training Institute at Sodertelje, near Stock­ holm, a co-worker in Christian activities with Prince Berna- dotte (brother of the King of Sweden), is now in this coun­ try, and ready to preach or lecture in Swedish or English. Mr. Rinman has travelled extensively visiting mission sta­ tions throughout the world, and is the author of about thirty publications on Bible Teaching, Homiletics, Apolo­ getics, Mission Study and Pedagogics. We presume that any one desiring to avail themselves of the privilege of hearing this man of God, can reach him through Dr. Dixon, pastor of University Baptist Church, Baltimore, Md.

Exit Betty

Hie Witness

G race L ivingston Hill Faced w ith th e problem of m arry in g the w rong m an, B etty Stanhope disap p ears ju s t before th e m arriag e cerem ony is to tak e place. T h ereafter follows a series of en th rallin g incidents, in w hich th e tan g le of h er life is straig h ten ed ou t. T his p re tty rom ance is a pleasing com bination of c h arac te r de­ velopm ent, th rillin g ad v en ­ tu re, te a rs and sunshine. C loth, $1.75

G race L ivingston Hill A sto ry of y outh, of col­ lege ad v en tu re, of high en ­ deavor finally trium phing over d an g er and tem p tatio n , and how one i n c i d e n t w rought an enorm ous change in a m an’ 8 life a re told in th is book in th e fascinating style w hich M rs. Hill alw ays em ploys. If you like a real live sto ry be su re to read th is one. C loth, $1.50

The Layman’s Handbook of Daniel By D r. G. A . Briegleb Most people think that Daniel is a very hard book to understand and consequently they do not read it very often nor undertake to study it.' This new Layman s Handbook of Daniel is designed for just such average Bible readers and students. Chapter by chapter the principal things are taken up and explained—briefly, clearly, simply so that by the time you have finished the study of the book you have a good understanding of all the great vital teachings of the prophecies of Daniel. Paper, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 Grenfell of the Labrador By Dillon W allace The Cross in Japan By F red Eugene H agin

T his book is a stu d y in a c ­ hievem ent an d o p p o rtu n ity . It gives th e read er a b ird ’s-eye view of th e w hole m issionary situ atio n in Jap an . P a s t a c ­ hievem ents a re se t fo rth in a very effective w ay a n d m ade the b asis fo r th e p resen tatio n of the very g re a t o p p o rtu n i­ ties fo r service now open an d for th e appeal fo r w orkers. C loth, $2.00 Songs in the Night By M alcolm J. M cLeod S atisfying, cheering w ritten for those w ho •have been forced to d rin k of th e b itte r w aters of M arah; for those b e­ se t w ith dou b t; for th o se who despair. Studded w ith choice­ ly chosen illu stratio n s, an d fitting lite ra ry allusion, each c h ap ter h as a m essage. C loth, $1.25

H aving him self b rav ed the h ard sh ip s an d perils of th e L ab rad o r co u n try , an d know ­ ing well how to reach his boy- audience, Dillon W allace has produced a sto ry of the g reat L ab rad o r M issionary and B en ­ efactor, w hich should quickly tak e a fro n t place am ong W al­ lace’s popular sto ries of a d ­ ven tu re in th e F a r N orth. A sto ry fo r boys. Illu strated . Cloth, $1.50 Stepping Heavenward By M rs. E lizabeth P ren tiss A beautiful sto ry in diary form . It depicts th e s tru g ­ gles an d sp iritu al grow th of a young girl,— talented, quick­ tem pered, willful, im petuous, loving. T he sto ry is v ery

life-like, an d show s th a t we conquer only w hen we let C hrist live o u r lives for us. Cloth, 75c If money does not accom pany order, goods w ill be sent C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If boolcs are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal._______

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