King's Business - 1923-12

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THE CHILDREN’S GARDEN (Continued from Page 143)

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man thankful? (v. 25). What did the people think? (v. 26). (4 .) Read Luke 6:5-11 and fill in blanks. “The Son of man is............. also of the...............’’ (y. 5 ). Jesus had the............. to heal a man who had a ............................... (v. 8). (5 .) After reading John 5:1-16 write five sentences telling the story of the man who was healed. One sentence may tell how the people felt (see v. 16). (6.) Why did Jesus have a right to heal on the Sabbath? Luke 6:5 and Matt. 12:8. (7.) What two kinds of Sabbath work did Jesus teach us to do? (see Matt. 12:1-13). (Necessary work and works of kindness.) (8.) Read Mark 7:32-37 and write three sentences telling of Jesus’ power to heal the man. (9.) Read Luke 17:12-18. Tell the story of the healing of the lepers in five sentences stating which one you like the best, giving your reason. (10.) Boys and girls, ages ten through twelve, write a story of not more than one hundred and fifty words, telling of some incident in which Jesus showed his healing power. Children seven through nine, write two sentences telling of Jesus’ power. Memory Work. Luke 5:24; Luke 6:28, 38. SECOND WEEK,— Jesus’ power over nature (the wind and sea). (1.) Read Mark 4:36-41 and write five sentences telling the story of Jesus’ power over the wind and sea. (a.) After reading Mark 6:47-51 write three sentences telling what kind of a GOOD WORDS FOR THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS IN ITS NEW DRESS From a Baptist pastor in Washington: “The October number of the King’s Business is a hummer” and I am enclosing One Dollar for extra copies. The Christian people of our county will main­ tain a booth at the County Fair and we will have oc­ casion to give out copies of the King’s Business and if you can contribute some copies for that occasion we will appreciate it. I hope to take an offering on next Siinday to buy extra copies.” A Kansas Sunday School Worker says: “October number of your magazine just received. Accept congratulations on its fine appearance in its new dress. May it always stand for the Whole Bible for the Whole World. Enclosed find draft for $2 extension of my own subscription for one year from expiration and a year’s subscription for a friend.” A Mission Worker in Minnesota: “Upon seeing your October 1923 number, I con­ cluded that it was about time for me to be getting my name on your subscription list. In fact, this number so impressed me, that I secured another dollar to go along with mine.” From a Missionary in South China: “I find the Sunday School lessons are exceedingly helpful in our Chinese Sunday School and the notes by Miss Mabel L. Merrill seem as well adapted for the little almond-eyed tots in China as for beginners in the U. S. A.” man Jesus was as shown in this story. Memory Work. John 5:24, 39, 46.

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