2023 - 24 Annual Report
Goal 1
Panorama Survey on Student Social Emotional Health
In order to learn more about student experiences at school , and measure students ’ feelings of connectedness to school ; their core social and emotional learning ( SEL ) skills , aswell as mindsets , students in grades 3 - 5 completed an online survey . The survey , administered by Panorma , asked students to reflect on their responses to challenging feelings , emotional regulation , growth mindset , positive feelings , supportive relationships , learning strategies , and engagement ( connectedness ). Their feedback provided invaluable insights into their experiences and how we can improve and adapt our district to their needs . Staff reviewed this data , alongside other information , toplan interventions for students with identified needs . Survey data will also be used to plan programming for the district , schools , grade levels , classrooms , and individual students .
Some key takeaways from this survey include :
Our students scored in the 40th - 59th percentile nationally for emotion regulation , deliberate use of learning strategies to manage their own learning processes , and feelings of supportive relationships , indicating areas for growth for the district as whole .
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