Newton Public Schools FY25 Digital Budget Book

2023 - 24 Annual Report

Goal 1

Community Partnerships and Engagement

To improve communication and partnership with families , Newton Public Schools hosted community events , developed new webpages to share information , and launched new communication tools . We look forward to continued collaboration with the community to ensure transparency in learning , programming , and operations . Below are a few of the efforts undertaken this year .

Family Conferences

The Department of Elementary Education tracks yearly family participation in conferences . Strong parent / family and caregiver engagement has a strong correlation with successful student academic and social - emotional outcomes . This year , fall conference data indicated extremely high family participation in these conferences in Newton .

Community Meetings and Forums

This year , NPS held two community forums to educate families on programming and operations in the district . The first forum on safety in our public schools was hosted in November . The second forum on the METCO program was hosted in December . The METCO program was designed to share the rich history of the program in the Newton Public Schools . Superintendent Anna Nolin welcomed community members and METCO Director Lisa Gilbert - Smith , shared an overview of the program . Following the presentations , a panel discussion with current Newton METCO students provided useful insight into the program . The forum was recorded and can be found on our website .

In addition , the School Committee and Superintendent Nolin hosted additional forums to share entry plan findings , answer questions about the budget , and understand the conditions before , during , and after the recent teacher strike . Superintendent Nolin has also led building and classroom walkthroughs at all schools with elected School Committee members to help them understand the needs of the district . In March 2024 , 14 City Councilors participated in a multi - school tour to gain insight into the complexity of our schools ’ needs and what classroom teaching and life is like in 2024 post - pandemic conditions .


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