2023 - 24 Annual Report
Goal 2
Routine and Accountable Work of the Data and Research Office
This year , the district has done an extensive review of the ways in which we track our student achievement , social - emotional needs , and our schools ’ performance on key state , national , and local metrics , as well as how we implement initiatives in the district and their impact on students . The following has been achieved : Development of agreed upon metrics for tracking student achievement trends and student progress in social emotional learning and mental health Creation of data dashboards for use by school staff and leadership to drive improvement inclusive of but not limited to the agreed upon metrics noted above Work towards the selection of math , literacy and social emotional learning benchmark assessments and screeners to help us track the needs of all of our students
In the near future , the district will publish a data dashboard that will draw a connection between the investments made in district initiatives with the outcomes achieved .
In2022 - 23 , an important district improvement strategy centered upon strengthening collaboration among district leaders across departments : elementary principals , curriculum coordinators , and student services administrators to improve instruction , programming and supports , as well as academic & SEL outcomes for students . To build upon this work in 2023 - 24 , NPS partnered with the Center for Educational Leadership to provide an Instructional Leadership Academy focused on strengthening leaders ’ skills and knowledge by focusing on : Aligned observation and analysis of teaching methods and student experiences Enhancing the capability to identify and respond to disparities in student learning Calibrating expectations for teaching and learning practices through discussions focused on evidence gathered during classroom observations Strategies to support teacher practice through strengths - based , actionable feedback driven by evidence Methods for collecting , analyzing , and using data to understand students ’ experiences in the classroom Instructional leadership is an important area of sustained focus , especially in light of our efforts to implement our new literacy curriculum , as well as our work to ensure strong multi - tiered systems of support ( MTSS ) in all schools . Our goal is to ensure that all district leaders share common language and expectations for instructional practice and are routinely sharing their expertise and experience across departments to analyze instruction , identify areas of strength and challenge , and develop coordinated plans to support educator growth .
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