Newton Public Schools FY25 Digital Budget Book

2023 - 24 Annual Report

Goal 2

Elementary Multi - Tiered Systems of Support ( MTSS )

Multi - tiered systems of support is “ a comprehensive continuum of evidence - based , systemic practices to support a rapid response to students ’ needs , with regular observation to facilitate data - based instructional decision making ” ( DESE , 2018 ). Ensuring every school has effective systems and supports in place to provide consistent , high - quality tiered instruction , intervention , and enrichment opportunities to meet all students ’ needs is at the core of our MTSS work . Building on foundational work begun in 2022 - 23 , the Elementary MTSS Steering Committee conducted a district wide assessment of our elementary MTSS systems , structures , and practices in August 2023 and identified three key priorities that guided the team ’ s work during 2023 - 24 school year . These areas are summarized below : Clearly defined vision : The Elementary MTSS Steering Committee has developed a cohesive vision for MTSS implementation at the elementary level through defining instructional practices , structures and systems , and aspects of culture and climate . Although all elementary schools are engaged in strengthening multi - tiered systems of support , eight elementary schools received coaching during the FY24 school year to facilitate this focus with an MTSS or Instructional Leadership Team ( ILT ) meeting structure . Expanding coaching to all fifteen elementary schools is a goal for the future . Clarity and consistency of available intervention tools : Collaborative working groups have identified consistent intervention tools and curricula across literacy , math , and social - emotional learning departments at the elementary level . Literacy specialists , math coaches , and mental health teams will build their fluency and understanding in implementing their content - specific intervention tools and curricula by the end of June 2024 , ensuring consistent elementary student access for the 2024 - 2025 school year . Additionally , NPS has explored MTSS management platforms to assist in monitoring student progress and facilitating data - based decision - making for all stakeholders . Revised elementary scheduling guidance and support : Cross - departmental working groups have worked to provide revised scheduling direction and support in response to needs identified at the elementary level . Elementary schedules for the 2023 - 2024 school year will prioritize the blocking of content blocks to allow for flexible student groupings across grade level classrooms , established intervention / enrichment blocks at every grade level , and increased common planning time to support educator collaboration in support of student needs . Continued work to examine the strengths and challenges of the elementary schedule as outlined in the new Unit A contract is slated to begin this spring and continue next year .


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