Newton Public Schools FY25 Digital Budget Book

2023 - 24 Annual Report

Goal 2

Anti - Ableism Curriculum

Since the summer , the anti - ableist curriculum working group has been meeting to move the development of a curriculum for elementary schools . The anti - ableist curriculum , tentatively titled " Getting to Know Me and You ", currently consists of eight lessons per grade level that will be taught within general education classrooms .

The working group also developed a tentative thematic sequence of lessons for students in kindergarten through fifth grade . The content will be drafted with universal design in mind , ensuring that alternative means of taking in , processing , and showing information are facilitated through the materials provided . Extension activities and monthly visuals carry the exploring of the topic across the month . Professional learning will be provided by the DEI and SEL departments prior to the lessons being delivered . To complement the development of the anti - ableism curriculum , the Office of Student Services formed a Disability Advisory Group ( DAG ). Comprising dedicated individuals from various professional backgrounds and lived experiences , this group embodies our commitment to fostering a meaningfully inclusive education for all students . DAG ’ s major responsibilities are to advise the Office of Student Services on :

programming and services for students with disabilities the district ’ s work on anti - ableism supporting the conditions for learning for all students with disabilities

The advisory group works to ensure that the needs and rights of individuals with disabilities within our school community are recognized , respected , and addressed in all aspects of education and school life . Disability Advisory Group members are :

Norah Ferry Tracey Hatch Caroline Laband Steiner Jessi Champion Ashia Ray Jack Lovett Rachel Falkenstein David Clark


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