Newton Public Schools FY25 Digital Budget Book

2023 - 24 Annual Report

Goal 3

Ensure Equitable Access to Effective Educators

Our Department of Human Resources and our Office of Diversity , Equity , and Inclusion have been working this year to attract , retain , and strengthen a diverse workforce in the Newton Public Schools .

Initiatives to Attract and Retain Staff of Color

To attract staff of color , the district has : Participated in the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education ’ s teacher diversity professional learning community ( PLC ) to expand the district ' s knowledge and capacity to reach recruitment and retention goals . In concert with this PLC , the district developed a process for better targeting demographic groups that mirror the student demographic .

Continued partnership with Lasell University to support the Masters of Education program for NPS employees of color in specific employee groups .

Provided training on hiring with a DEI lens and expanded recruitment strategies to target diverse candidates .

To retain staff of color , the district has : Maintained and expanded staff affinity spaces . Feedback from events has been positive with requests for additional events in the future . The district is also working with BIPOC ( Black , Indigenous , People of Color ). Coordinators to create a systematic plan for grade level educators , i . e ., elementary , middle and high school cohorts .

Developed a professional learning community ( PLC ) for Induction Mentors to support BIPOC mentees and active allies for non - BIPOC mentees .

Coached supervisors and administrators through the Team Dynamics Workshop in culturally responsive supervision practices to support and develop staff of color for leadership positions . Facilitated participation in the 6th Annual Black Male Educator Convening ( BMEC ) in Philadelphia . With collaboration from the Grant , Human Resources , and DEI Dept . NPS was able to support all six Black male administrators to attend the three - day gathering of 1 , 000 Black male educators across the country . The conference was focused on informing , inspiring , and energizing our commitment to increase and retain Black educators and improve outcomes for our students .

Provided programmatic and financial support to assist employees in seeking and securing licensure .


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