2023 - 24 Annual Report
Goal 4
Portrait of a Graduate
Newton Public Schools is in the process of developing our Portrait of a Graduate - a collective vision that articulates our community ’ s aspirations for ALL of our students . Our Portrait of a Graduate will be a shared aspiration that all of our students have an educational experience that prepares them to be lifelong learners and contributors . In January 2024 , the district held two community sessions to introduce the Portrait of a Graduate process to the community and to begin the process of gathering feedback on what our community wants students to know and be able to do . In May 2024 , we will hold sessions for district leadership , staff , and students to continue the input process for the development of the portrait . In fall 2024 , the Portrait will be developed by the Newton community in the form of a “ Portrait Design Team .” The Design Team will include individuals across and throughout Newton , aswell as NPS families , staff , and students . We expect to have the Newton Portrait of a Graduate finalized by December 2024 . Following the creation of the Portrait of a Graduate , the district will engage in a strategic planning process to establish a strategic plan for the district .
Food Service - Chartwells - Our New Vendor After an extensive Request for Proposal ( RFP ) NPS will award the next contract to Chartwells . Chartwells understood Newton ’ sdesire to elevate our program to be an exemplar Food Services program in the state of Massachusetts and committed to improving the student experience by : A level of support that is necessary to adequately service 23 sites Reinforced a fundamental focus on quality with food cost proposal
Menu development coordinated by an Executive Chef and in - district Registered Dietician Focus on sustainability by staffing an in - district Sustainability and Engagement Manager Operational focus on being present in schools and staff training and development
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