Newton Public Schools Revenue Funds Summary FY22, FY23 and FY24
FY22 Actual FY23 Actual FY24 Budget
City Appropriation (Annual Operating Budget)
$262,070,208 $271,842,665 $278,547,007 35,052,411 36,717,855 37,600,374 9,252,270 4,734,431 6,116,494 6,114,167 6,562,409 6,657,911 3,616,143 3,665,738 3,658,618
$6,704,342 $882,519 $1,382,063 $95,502
Expenditures by City* Federal Grants Circuit Breaker
State Grants Trust Grants Private Grants
143,787 2,600 260,000
26,555 175,000
25,404 250,000
-$22,804 $10,000
Newton Schools Foundation E-Rate Reimbursement Revolving Funds Revenue:
$0 $0
Athletics (High School and Middle School)
1,007,210 1,103,290 1,194,737
$91,447 $150,437 $8,530 $14,521 $9,810 -$36,243 $12,800 $11,856 $24,656 $36,372 $22,090 $321,621
School Lunch Space Camp Bus Fees
106,453 385,718 738,337 403,093 695,447 585,834 568,524
347,563 426,509 726,064 490,510 691,513 640,004 592,798
498,000 435,039 740,585 500,320 655,270 652,805 604,653
Fee-based Programs (Extracurricular) Instructional Programs/Student Tuition Ed Center Pre-School Tuitions Newton South Pre-School Tuitions
Pre-School Student Tuition Newton Community Education Use of School Buildings Subtotal Revolving Funds
1,154,358 1,232,802 1,257,458 1,813,033 1,818,615 1,854,988 795,292 1,104,499 1,126,589 7,098,941 7,941,364 8,262,986 $323,405,695 $331,739,866 $341,105,990
* Includes retirement benefits, health insurance for non-MA Teachers Retirement System employees, long-term debt retirement, long term debt service/school construction, student support services (nursing, crossing guards) and general administrative services.
FY23 Revenue
City Appropriation 82%
Expenditures by City 11%
Circuit Breaker 2%
E-rate <0.1%
Newton Schools Foundation <0.1%
Federal Grants 2%
State Grants
1% Revolving Accounts 2%
Private Funds <0.1%
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