Newton Public Schools FY25 Digital Budget Book


Newton Public Schools collects revenue in connection with certain programs that are supported in full or in part by tuition and/or fees and accounted for in revolving accounts authorized by M.G.L Chapter 71. School revolving account revenue directly supports activities associated with the programmatic purpose of each account. The use of revolving account revenue is reported below for FY23, the most recent year for which a full year of actual spending is available. School Revolving Accounts support 24.3 FTE staff positions in FY23 and a total of $8,016,690 in direct support for program costs/expenses. See the All Funds Revenue Summary for additional information.

High School Athletics: High School Athletics are supported by student athletic fees, gate receipts and a transfer from the Newton Public Schools Operating Budget.

Account Title Coaches/Officials

FY23 Expense $ 1,397,688

Regular Transportation

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

446,390 129,115 143,853 146,847 43,685 37,586 10,442

Recreational Supplies & Equipment

Rental/Lease - Property

Other Expenses

Uniforms Benefits

Work by Other Departments

High School Athletics Total

$ 2,355,606

Middle School Athletics: Middle School Athletics Fees are used to offset the cost of coaches and other related expenses in the Newton Public Schools Operating Budget.

Account Title Coaches/Officials Other Expenses

FY23 Expense

$ $



Middle School Athletics Total




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