Middle School Student Activity: Fees for participation in Triple E activities and Drama are used to offset teacher stipends for extra assignments in the Newton Public Schools Operating Budget.
Account Title
FY23 Expense
Stipends/Extra Assignments/Timesheets
Middle School Student Activity Total
Newton Community Education: This community educational service for adults and children is self-sustaining mainly through course tuitions.
Account Title Instructors
FY23 FTE FY23 Expense
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
967,673 608,489 147,970 114,153 276,091 89,227 37,033 79,751
Salaries - Administrative Salaries - Secretarial
2.0 2.0
Other Expenses
Instructional Supplies/Equipment
Marketing / Postage
Newton Community Education Total
$ 2,320,387
Non-Resident Student Tuition: Tuition paid by certain non-resident students who may be charged tuition based on the unsubsidized cost per student including tuitioned-in special education students from another Massachusetts district, visiting international students and students living without a parent under the age of 16. Tuition funds are used to offset Teacher, Aide and Specialists salaries in the Newton Public Schools Operating Budget.
Account Title
FY23 Expense
Salaries - Teachers Salaries - Aides
$ $ $ $
72,454 125,000 7,504 30,825
Other Expenses
Non-Resident Student Tuition Total
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