EXECUTIVE SUMMARY aI nn 2i n0t2e4g-r2a5t e, dt hpe rNe secwh tooonl , Pf iuf tbel ei cn Seclhe omoel ndtias rt ryi cs tc hi so po rl so, j feocut er dmt iod sdel er vsec ha op oplrso, xt wi moaht ei gl yh 1s 1c h, 8o0o0l ss, ttuwdoe n t s i n aS lut pe renr iant ti ve en dhei gnht ’ ss cPhroooplops reodgBr aumd gs e, at ni sd$s2t 7u 8d ,e5n4t7s , 0i n0 o7 uatn- odf -i nd ci sl ut rdi cets sap $e 9c i. 9a l Me di lul icoant iionnc rsecahsoeo, los r. T3h. 6e8F%Y ,2 5 bovuedrgetht.e FY24 budget of $268,655,413. Salaries and benefits make up approximately 87% of this wI ni tahd dt hi tei oanp pt or oovuarl Fo Yf 2t h5e bCui dt yg eCtoaubnoc vi le, ,c tohme mC iet ny chi an sg ei ns t Fa Yb 2l i 5s h. Te dh ea nF YE2d5u cpartoi oj encat el dS t aa mb i ol iuz na tt i owni l Al bc ce o$u4n. 1t MM ii ll ll ii oo nn idsopl lraorjse. cWt eed et xopgercot wt oahnanvuea tl lhyi.sTf hu insdf iunngdf owr i tl lheeanr ne xat nf di v reeyt ea ai nr si n( tFeYr2e 5s t- Fi nY 2t h9e) aa cncdo tuhnet .$ 4 . 1 Tp ahret Eodf uo cuart oi opnearlaSt itna gb ibl iuz da tgieotn. TAhcicsoaucnctoius notvwe ri l al nh de l apbf ou vned tkheeyoppoesriat it oi nngs bt huadtgDe tr .aNn do l ii sn thhaesr ei df oe rnet inf ioetd aC so np tarrat cot .f Mh eorr ee ndter tya pi l lsaanrnei npgr oavnidd ewdi lbl eallos wo .c To va ek re ns ot mo gee ot hf et hr ,et hc oe sFt Ys 2a 5s sBo uc idagt ee dt pwl ui tsht thheeErdeuc ec antti oNnTaAl Stabilization Account will total a combined 5.21% increase from the FY24 budget. Enrollment Is ne rt voet aal p, ipnrcol ux idmi nagt et lhye 1d1i ,s8t 0r i0c ts’ st ui dn et engt rs ai tne dF Yp2r 5e s. Nc heowotl oann’ sd Ko -u1t 2o pf dr oi sj et rcitci to pn lsa fcoermneenx tt sy, ewaer e( Fx pY e2c5t) t o icnodniscias tt ee nat daeccrloi ns se lienveenl sr. oEl ll me me ne nt toaf r7y4s cs ht uodoel sn tasr et op1r o1 j, 5e c2t2e d( otro ad de ce lci lni ne eb oy f - -20. 2. 6%%()-. 1T0h8i ss dt uedc lei nn tes i)s, n o t mi n icdr de al es es cbhyo 0o .l9s %a r (e+p3r5o jset cutdeednttos )r. eTmh ae i cnusrtraebnl et f(i -v1e -syt ue adre ne nt )r, oalnl md ehni gt hp rs oc hj eocot il os nasr et hprroouj eg cht e2d0 2t o8 - 2 9 skhi nodwe rogvaerrtaelnl dc il as tsrsiec st ea nr er opl rl mo j ee nc tt edde tcol i ne ne st ei rn. Ae as cihn yperai or ,r ayse laarrsg, et rh ec l caus sr rees ngtr fai dv eu -ayt ee a, ar nedn rsoml laml leenr t pT rhoi sj eicst ti oh ne ss ei nvcelnutdhe yset aurd oe nf tesnpr or ol l jme cetnetddteocel innreosl li nf rNo me wpt eornm. Si tt taetde wr ei ds ied, eMnat isasladc ehvuesleotpt smheanst se.x p e r i e n c e d ao f- 4E %d u sc taat ti oe wn ii ds ep rdoejcelci nt ien gf r ao mn ast ei ovne wn iydeea resn ra og lol m. Tehni st dt reecnl idn ei s oef x-p4e. 4c %t e df rtoomc o2n0t2i n1u- 2e ;0t3h0e, Ua nS dDae pd ae rc tl mi n ee n t oDfu-e4 t. 5o%d ei cnl iMn iansgs aecnhruosl lemt tesnotv, me rotshteosf aomu er epleermi oedn (t aErnyr os cl lhmoeonl st aArneanl yos il so nRgeeproerxt ,ppeargi een1c)i n. g e n r o l l m e n t pn reexst sfui vree .yMe aorsst. oDfeNt aeiwl etdo ne n’ sr soel lcmo ne dn at ri ny fsocrhmoaotlisoanr ies ef ox pu encdt ei nd tthoebEe nernorl ol ml l eedn tc Al onsael yt os icsaRpeapc iotryt .f o r t h e Building Projects Tt hhei sd hi sat sr ibc et . eCnoan spterrui cotdi oonf os ifgtnhief i cNaenwt tporno gEraersl ys oC nh ibl duhi lodoi nd gPpr roogjreacmt s (aNnEdCf Pa c) i pl i rt oy j iemc tpar to 6v e8m7 eWn at st earct roows ns So tf rteheet Lwi na cs oclonm- Epl il oe tt eSdc hi no oDl eacte1m5b0eJra 2c k0 s2o2n, wR oi tahds wt uadse cnot smi pn l et ht eednaenwd l tohcea tpi or onj ei nc tJ awnausapr yu t2o0u2t3t. oDbeisdi gi nn tchoen sf at rl luoc ft i2o0n2, w3 . iAt hgcroomu npdl ebtri oe ankei nx pg eccetreedmf oorn yt hwe asst ahret lodf isnc hDoeoc el mi n bSeerpat enmd bt heer p2 r0o2j5e .c t i s c u r r e n t l y i n Ta lhs eo ppar soscaegeed owf itthhet Mh ea Cr cohu 1n 4t r, y2s0i d2e3 aSnpde cFiraal nEkl el icnt ieolne mb aelnl ot at rqyusecsht iooonl sb#u 2i l dainndg #p3r oaj lel cotws . eTdhNe e w t o n t o Countryside School project recently completed the project scope, budget agreement, and funding -45-
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