Ni necwr etaosni ,naglloyncgo wmipt hl e ax l al no dt hpeer rMs ias st es anct hsut us de tetns tcnoememd su, nbiot ti ehsi, nc oa nc at idneume si ctsoacnodp ei nws iotchi aglr- oe wm iontgi o, na na ldh e a l t h ag nr odwwi ne gl l ,- bd ee isnpgi t. eT dh ee cs lei nnienegdesnhraovl lemoennl yt . bP ea er tn oefxoauc er rrbeas tt eodr abt iyotnh pe lpa anns daei dmeidc , bayn tdhset uE dd eunc at tni oe enda sl a r e SWtaebairliezaptlieoansefudntdoshwavilel bargaining unit, the Newton Teachers AC us ss ot oc di ai taino sn A( Ns sToAc i)a. tWi oen aarnedi nN ae cwt itvoen nEedguoct ai at it oi onnasl Swei ct hr eot aurri et ws Ao sostohcei ra tbi oa rng(aNi nEi SnAg )u, nb ui t ts ,dtoh en oNt ehwa tvoen eTxheecnuetewdccoonnttrraaccttswaitthththeetiNmTeAoifsthaitsowtarliotifnag.four-year (one year plus a three-year contract) term tahdadti toi fof ne rtso ctohme pa ge rt iet ei vde uwp aogneCs Oa Ln Ad ’ bs e( nC eo fsi tt so. fTLhi ev i cnognAt rdaj cuts ti nmt er on dt su)c. eFso nr eewx acmo ps tl se , t wo eo ua rg rbeueddg teot irna i s e tahded eannt rayd ldei vt ieol nsat el p1 0p lma ci ne umt ee ns tpfeorr doauyr fUo nr iCt aCt e( gp oa rr ya p1r omf ee sms bi oenr as .l sI )n taodadtittri aocnt, awned ardedt aeidn ns et awf f Aass swi s et al lnat s Ap rt ho gl ertai cmDs iar se cptaorrts oafntdh eA ct ho lnettri ac cTt r. aWi neehr apvoes ai tlisoonisntcor ebaostehdhtihgeh bs ec hn oe foi lt ss tf oo rs uo pu pr opratr oe nu traal tlhe laevt ei c a n d FOanme iolyf tMheedmicoarleLcehaavlelepnogliincgieass. pects of the NPS budget over the last several years has been the rbeul ii lat nocne aalnmdous st e$ 4o .f6o Mn ei l-ltiiomneoffuonndei n- tgi ma ne df ugnrda inntgs , two hf ui lne dt hoen Fg oY i2n4g boupde gr ae tt i wo nass. bTuhiel t FoYn2$32b, 2u8d3g ,e2t0w0 aosf o$ 4n 1e -0t,i0m0e0 ftuonhdei nl pg fiunnc dl ucdhi na gr t ae r$ m7 0a0i n, 0t 0e n0 aCni cr ec upi rt oBj reec at sk et or lBorwi degreoGurradnet ffi rcoi tml atsht ey eCai try. Ians awdedlilt ai os n , N P S hb ea gs ibnenei nn gt hoef Fr eYc2i 5p .i eOnut ro fFEYS2S5EbRuIdI gI ef ut ni sdbs uoivl te wr tiht he al aps ltatnhnr ee de y$e3a, 0r 0s ,0w, 0h0i0c hCiisr csueitt tBoreexapkierre a t t h e CAallroryf ftohriswoanrde-.time funding effectively helps to lower our budget gaps in each year, but when the f$u2n5d0i,n0g0 0d ooef sEnSoS tE rRe cI IuI rf,ucnrde sa t(ews hai cbhu df ugne dt eg da ps ai nl a ar i feudt uproes iytei oanr .s I inn Ft Yh 2e 5p, rwi oer nbou dl ognegt )e rn oh ra vt he et h$e4 1 0 , 0 0 0 i$n7 C0 h0 ,a0r0t e0r i Mn aa di ndtiet ni oannaclef uf unnddi ni nggt, on ho er ltph oe f$f s7e0t 0h, 0e a0 l0t hb irni ds gu er agnrcaen ti n. Hc roewa seevse ri n, wF Ye 2d5o, et hx up se cht etlop irnegc et oi v e, this one-time funding is not recurring and perpetuates a structural da reef i gc irtaftoerf uNl ef owrt tohne PEudbul icca St icohnoaol lSs t tahbai lt i zt ha et i oo np eArcact oi ounnat l, owvhei rcrhi dael l oi nwFsYf 2o 3r lwe voeul l ds ehr av vi cee as mwei tl hi o sr oa mt e de . W e ss ot ruartceeg iocf nneeww i fnuvnedsitnmg efno trs Na enwd tsoonmPeurbel si ct oSrcaht oi oonl ss. fHr oo mw eFvYe2r 4, i. tTshheo un ledwb set an bo itlei zdatthi oant of unnc de ti sh ea c r i t i c a l Et hdaut cwa ti il ol nn ae le dS t taob bi l ei z aa dt ido rne As scecdo.uWn tei sa rf eu lcl yo md empiltetteedd t, owsee ee xkpi negc tnteowh as ov ue rac es us bosf tfaunntdi asl tfhurnodui gn hg as hvoarrtifeatlyl oe ff f ci chi ae nn nc ieelss , t aosawi de ol l uars faugt ug rr ee sbs ui vdegl ey tps .u rAslul ibnugdggreatns tc oopnpt aoirnt ua nr ei tai se so af nr ids kf i na nd di ntgr ande ew- oof pf se ar antdi o, ansa la l w a y s , wciteywpiallrtcnoenrtsintuoeadtodcrelosssetlhyemcohnalilteonr,gaessstehsast, awnedfraecpe.ort on our financial situation and work with our It no fcionnacnl cuisailomn ,atnhaegNe me we nt ot na nP du bplri ci oSrci thi oz ionl gs Ba cuaddgeemt fi oc re Fx cYe2l 5l e rnecfel e, ec tqsuai t by a, al anndc ce od ma nmdusntirtayt ee gn igcaagpe pmreona tc. h Ta lhl isst ubduedngtest wa ihmi lse tsot rpiovsi ni tgi of no rt hf ies cdailsrt reiscpt of onrs icboi nl i tt iynaunedd ssuusctcaeisnsaibni lpi tryo. vi d i ng h i g h - q u a l i t y e d u c a ti o n t o
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