Collaborative Process The process of developing the FY25 budget is complex and involves the following: • Cb ar irtgi caai nl if no gr pu lnaint ,ntihneg Nt heewFt oY n2 5T eb aucdhgeerts wAasss ot hc iea st iuocnc. eTs hs feu cl uc os tnotdr ai aclt aangdr eaedmmei nn ti swt ri at ht i voeu r l a r g e s t contracts have not been settled at the time of this writing. • Ma sasne sasg itnhge af innda nfocri aelc arisstki nagntdh cehFaYl l2e4n gbeusdtgheattaanrde ianhaedaddi. t i o n t o M u l ti - Y ea r F o r ec a s ti n g to • Aassssuemsspintigotnhseniemepdaecdt. of the FY24 budget on FY25 budget planning and any carryforward • Pscrhoojeocltsiopnenodfibnugd. get areas to match commitments, cost trends, and multi-year impact of • Apladnenepinegnptrryocpelsasn. listening tour of district needs as part of the new superintendent entry • CreofllleacbtosrNaetiwngtown’isthgoceanlstraanldovffaiclueeasd. ministrators and principals to ensure that the budget • Mt h ee eyt ai nr ge oe xnpe e- or ni e-no cni en gwai tnhdsiedceonnt di fayri ny gp hr ionwc i pwael sc taon hi ne ac or rt ph oe rvaet reyt hr ee ai rl fceheadl lbeancgke isnat no do un re ebdusd g e t priorities. • Pscrhoojeocltsiopnenodfibnugd. get areas to match commitments, cost trends, and multi-year impact of • Focusing on broad district-wide goals and School Committee Budget Guidelines. • Rp ae svti ef ewwi nygeeanr sr ,oal lnmdemn ta tt rc ehni ndgs , epnrreosl el mr vei nn tg laesv eml sa nt oy rseuspopuor rc tess af so rp socs hs iobol les pauntdi ng rpalda ec el ei vn etlhs et o the extent possible given funding constraints. • Rneoebdusstananddcorengsutrlaairnctosmofmbuonthictahtieocnitbyeatwndeethnescshchooool lasn. d city officials to review the fiscal • Cfeidtyeraaslsfeusnsmdienngtoopfproervteunnuiteietrse, anndds aonthdesroluorccael sreovf esnuupepso. rt for schools from property taxes, • Review of any other trends that may impact school finances. Alignment with System-wide Goals and School Committee Budget Guidelines The proposed budget is responsive to the current Newton Public Schools System-wide Goals, both educational and managerial, to support the Newton Public Schools System-wide Goals. Additionally, the budget has been developed with the School Committee Budget Guidelines as detailed above. Conditions and Assumptions in the FY25 Budget: The conditions and assumptions in formulating the FY25 budget are outlined below: 1 . eC xoel lceucttei vde. BTahr eg aCi un si nt ogdCi ao lnat nr adc At sd-mTihnei sNt reawt i tvoenc To en at rcahcetrss hAasvseo nc ioatt iyoent cboe ne nt r ae cx te chua tsebdeaetnt hf uel l y time of this writing.
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