Newton Public Schools FY25 Digital Budget Book

Ag r saudcecse3s stfhurl oi mu gphl e5mc el anstsartoi oonmosf ht ha se bEeLg Eu dn uaccartoi os sn tchuer rdiicsut rl ui cmt . Wf o ri t ghr tahdee isnKt r tohdruocutgi ohn2oaf nt hd i ss ehl ei gc ht - qk nu oa lwi tlye di ngset-rbuucitlidoinnagl lme aartne irni agl ,ewx peehr ai evnecteasktehna tk ea yr es ct eupl tsuirna lpl yr oavf if di rimn gi nsgt uadnedngt sr owuint hd ecdo hi ne rgernatd, e - l e v e l , complex, and engaging texts that have had a positive impact on student engagement. TE dh ue cdaet pi oanr ttmo epnutr wc haass ae wa da rddi tei do naa$l 1hMi g hg-rqaunat l fi rt yo mi n st ht reuDc tei op na ratl mmeant te roifaEl sl et mo seunpt aproyr ta nt hdeSaedc oo pn tdi oa rnya n d ipmu rpcl eh ma seens t iant ci ol undoi nf gt hter andeewb eoloekms e, pn rt ai nr ty al int de rdaicgyi tcaul rt reiaccuhl ui nmg . aTnhdi sl egarranni tn wg iml l aht ee lrpi adl se, f ar anyd tchoencsousmt sa ob fl e al enadr nr ienugs aa bnlde fruerstohuerrcde es eupseend tthoesi ur pmpaosrtte cr oy notfecnrti tki cnaolws kl ei dl l gs ea. nTdhki snionwv el esdt mg ee fnotrwt hi lel agcrcaedlee .r a t e s t u d e n t Ts eos ss ui opnpsotrht atte iancchl eurdsewd iat nh ot hvee ri mv i epwl e mo feint st apt hi oi lno os of pEhLyE, db uu ci ladtiinogn ,f awme ipl i raor vi tiyd ewdi tah stehrei ecso onft el enat rmn iantge r i a l s , awni dt huUnndbe or sutnadnEd di nfgo rt hi me wp laeyms ei nn twa thi oi cnh stuopepf foerct t wi v iet lhy fiomupr l secmh eo no tl sc toon st eunptpmo rot dt ue al ecsh. eWr se wa li st ho bp ea trttenre r e d laenvde rgaogai lns gf ot hr ei ncsut rr rui cc tui ol unmt or ee sxoe uc ur ct ee st ht oe imr pe er ot ftehses inoeneadl sl eoaf ranl il nl eg asrtnr ae tr es gayn. dA nt o adl leovcealtoi op na f col re ao rn vg iosiinogn professional development should be factored into the budget. Ac osmwper ceohne tni sniuv ee tcou rs rt ri caut el ugmi c arlel yv ipelwa nt ilmo negl i nt eer tmh af ot rd ea mc yocnl se tor af tceusr rr ei cguul luamr arsesveiseswm, ewnet shoa fv tehees t a b l i s h e d a cr eu sr er iacruc lhu ma n' ds roenl eg vo ai nngc ef eaenddb ae cf fke cf rt iovme nset sask, eahl lool wd ei nr sg. uT sh it so pmr oa kc ee sas daj lussot ma l el onwt ss bt ah seeddi sotnr i cc ut rt or e n t cc ou nr rsiicsut el unmt l yppurroc vhiadsee st hteh ahti gi mh epsat cqt ut ha lei tTyeraecshoiunrgc ea sn df oLr eoaur rn isnt ug dbeundtgs e, at .n d s t r a t e g i c a l l y m a n a g e English Language Learning Ta nhde sDuepppalretmmeennttaol fs Ee rnvgi lci es hs fLuanndgeuda gb ey Lt he ea rTni itnl eg I(I EI Lg Lr a) ncto, oa rnddi noavteerss ienesst rc uo cmt ipolni aanl cper owgirt ahms tsa, tset aafnf idn g , fl ee adrenr ea rl sl a. Awlsl ianncdo mr eignugl as tt iuodnesntths awt ph eo rs tea fi anmt oi l it ehse aerdeuicdaetni ot inf i oe df Eans gsl pi seha kl ei an rgnae rl as nagnuda fgoer imn eardEd ni tgi ol i ns ht o Ei nnsgt rl ius cht iaorne os cf rael el np er eds bc hy ot oh le sEt uL dL eonf tf si c ied. eBnetgi fi inendi na gs si np e2a0k1i 8n g, t ah ilsa nh ga us ai ng ce l iund ae dd dt iht ei oans tsoe sEsnmg el ins th a. n d St ht ue idrelne tvse al roef Ee vnagllui saht epdr oa fni dc i ep nr oc yv .i dTehde wE Li tLh dEeLpLa irnt ms t reunct tai ol sno aonvde rs suepepsoi rntt ferropmr e Et aLtLi osnt aafnf da ctcr oa rnds il na tgi ot on sPearrveinc te sA tdhvai st oarrye Ca ov auinl ac bi l l (eEtLoPtAe aCc) h, we rist ha na dv iosti ho enrf os tratfhf ei ngNr oeuwpt ot on ,i na nf odr ms u dp ipsot rr itcst tphoe l Ei cni egsl i fsohr LEaLnLgsuaang de pi nr aEcLt Li c ae ns df oSrEf Ia m( S ihl ye let enrgeadg eEmn gelni st h. TI hn es tdr ue pc tai rotnm) ef on rt aElLs Lo do ev pe rasr et me secnot nt tei ancuheedr sp raonfde sasl il ot ne aa cl hdeervse il no pt mh ee n t district respectively. EfriogmhtohuurnOdcretodbaenrd1forty-six (846) students are currently classified as English learners, an increase st enrollment of 839, and 649 students are former English learners in grades PK- 1l i 2m. iTt ehde onru imn tbeerrr uo pf tset ud df eo nr mt s ai lnetdhuecEa Lt iLo nP r( oS gL rI Fa mE ) fal ur ec tau as mt e as l tl hpraorut gohf oouutr tEh Le Ly epaorp. uOl ua tri os tnu, daenndt st hwe iyt h rSet uqduei rnet sa de dx iitt itohneaEl Ls eLrpv ircoegsr ianml iwt ehr aecnyt ha ne yd bmeactohmt eo phreol pf i ct hi eenmt iant tEani ng lgi srha.d e - l e v e l a c a d e m i c s k i l l s .


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