Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Tt i hmee Ddei rpeacrttomr eanntdoaf sDs ii vs tearns it t dy ,i rEeqcut oi try wa int dh Iandcml ui sni ios nt r (aDt iEv Ie) swu apsp eo sr tt a. Ibnl i ps ha er tdnienr s2h0i2p0waint hd di si sl terdi cbt ya na df u l l - bs turiel dn ignt gh sl eaandde rasrhe iaps, of af cgurlot yw, tsht ut hd reonut sg ha nadl et hn es op fa er eqnuti tcyoamnmd ud ne vi teyl, otph ei mDpErI oovf ef imc ee wn tosrtkr sa tteogiide es nt thi af yt w i l l bs tersut cst eurrvees er oa coht esdc hi no or al cc iosmmma nu dn irt ey p. Al al cl emtehme mb ewr si tohf st hy set Ne mP Ss ca onmd ms t ruunci tt yu rme su st ht aatc tl ei vaedl yt od mi s mo raen t l e equitable outcomes for all students. Highlights of the department's work in FY23 include: • Leading multiple educator and staff trainings, including: ○ Culturally-Responsive Instruction ▪ F( pa rciinl ict iapt ianl sg at rnadi nb-ut hi l ed-i tnrga ienqeur i tmy ot de ae ml e ds ) wo on rCkus hl toupr as lwl yi tRhe as pl l oenl es mi v ee nI nt asrt yr usccthi oo no l s (c Cy Rc lIe) itno aslul p1p5osrcthi omopl sl e; mc oennt ti an tui oi nng ot fo apyaer at nr -el ro nwgi tphr socf he sosoi losnianl cdoenvseul ol tpamt i oe nn tt o support PD planning. ▪ Emxopdaenl de di nwg oo rnklsahsot py ewa irt’ hs ma l li dmd il de dslcehsocohl ot or al si n( ipnrgi n, fcai cpial il tsaat endd tbrua ii lnd-itnhge -etqr au ii nt ye r ti me apml esm) teon bt autiilodnoonf cauyl teuarra- ll ol ynrgeps pr oofnessisvi eo ni na sl tdreuvcet iloo np mt oesnut pcpy oc lret i n a l l f o u r spcrhoofeoslssi;ocnoanltdineuvienlgoptompeanrttpnlearnwniinthg.schools in consultation to support ○ NPS Non-Discrimination Protocol ▪ Op rf foepr ee rd i omnpgl oe imn ge nc toant si ounl t ao tf i tohne annedwsl uy prpe ov ri st et do Nv aPrSi oNuos ns-cDhi os oc rl si mi ni nsautpi opno rPt ool if c y and Protocol regarding discrimination reports and investigations. • NPS-Lasell Scholars Academy for Paraprofessionals of Color If on rpPaar rt na pe rr sohf ei ps swi oi nt ha lLs al saeulnl cUhnei dv ei rns Ji at yn, ut ahreyi n2 a0u2g3u! rI anl pc uo rhsouritt foofr corue ra tNi negwmt oonr eS cphaot lhawr sa Ay sc af odre m y cCosnt taifnf umi negmebdeur cs awt i iol lnbaengdi nptrhoef ei rs sj oi ounr na le ay dt vo awnacredms eanMt faosrt eNr PoSf sEtda uf fcoa ft icoonl oi nr , Ma coodhe or ar tt eo f 1 5 U n i t Disabilities at Lasell University. We will be launching another cohort in September 2024. • COSEBOC Vanguard District FC oo lal loi twi oi nngoaf Sc cohmopoel st i Et idv ue caapt pi nl igc aBtoi oy ns opfr Co coel os sr , (NC POSS EwBaOs Cc )h toos e“ no ubryf ut hl le cnoamt imo ni taml ne no nt -t po rhoifgi th - qp ua ratl ii ct yu,l ae rq ub iot yy s- caenndt eyroeudnagnmd ec nu l ot uf rcaollloy rr”easnpdo n“ .s. .itvhee eddeut ce ar mt i oi nn af toi ro na l al ns tdu dd ee dnitcsa-t iaonnd i n dp re omvoi dnes tar abtreoda ad sr laenagdee rosf os uf pt hpeo rNt eawn tdo sne Pr vuibc lei cs St oc hbouoi ll ds . ”c aApsaac ivt ay nagnuda sr tdr edni sgt trhi cetn, Cr Oe lSaEt iBo On sChwi pi sl l ai nmc loundge ds iesdt rui cc at tl ieoandael rlse, aeddeurcsawt oi rt hs , tf raemmi lei ne sd, osut us deex nptesr, i ae nn dc ec oi nmKm- 1u2n isteyt tmi negms ba ec rr so. sTs ht he ier t e a m ca oc hu inetvr eym, we int th gpaaprst .i cOuul ar rp ea xr tpneer rt isshei pi nwpi rl loimn col tui dn ge ae qnueiet yd sa na sds ce lsossmi negn ot , popnogrot iunngi tl ye aarnndi n g f r o m cooumt r me auc nhi, tpyr- oggrroaumn deevda lduaattai osno, uarncde so, tphreorf ec sussitoonma il zdeedv setl roaptme gei ne st ,. c o a c h i n g , c o m m u n i t y
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