Newton Public Schools FY25 Digital Budget Book

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FY23 Actual

FY24 Budget

FY25 Budget

Change from FY24

Expense Description







FTEs Amount


SALARIES Special Education Teachers Guidance Department Heads Counselors - Non-Guidance Guidance Counselors

318.9 $29,109,848 323.7 $31,607,811 325.9 $32,956,346 2.3 $1,348,535 4% 37.9 $3,835,149 37.2 $3,901,094 37.2 $4,062,876 0.0 $161,782 4% 1.5 $209,458 1.5 $215,423 1.5 $221,373 0.0 $5,950 3% 20.3 $1,828,414 21.5 $2,176,659 21.5 $2,285,425 0.0 $108,766 5% 27.7 $3,488,161 28.0 $3,640,610 28.8 $3,893,261 0.8 $252,651 7% 18.3 $2,018,338 19.3 $1,900,955 26.1 $2,520,572 6.8 $619,617 33% 217.7 $7,257,023 211.4 $7,821,140 220.1 $8,810,166 8.8 $989,026 13% 222.4 $11,117,297 215.2 $11,345,416 218.5 $12,353,368 3.3 $1,007,952 9% 49.4 $7,275,622 49.9 $7,052,753 50.7 $7,387,282 0.8 $334,529 5%

Psychologists Social Workers

Special Education Aides

Aide Specialists

All Other Special Education Salaries

SUBTOTAL SALARIES 914.0 $66,139,310 907.6 $69,661,861 930.3 $74,490,669 22.6 $4,828,808 7% Subtotal Salaries without Guidance 874.6 $62,094,703 869.0 $65,545,344 891.6 $70,206,420 22.6 $4,661,076 7% EXPENSES Special Education Tuition $13,044,379 $14,607,336 $15,814,604 $1,207,268 8% Circuit Breaker Tuition Credit -$982,539 -$4,718,286 -$5,815,756 -$1,097,470 23% Circuit Breaker Carryforward -$4,057,287 -$2,283,200 -$3,000,000 -$716,800 31% City funding/ESSER III (TBD) $0 $0 $0 $0 City Bridge Funding for CB $0 -$700,000 $0 $700,000 -100% Subtotal Out of District Tuition $8,004,553 $6,905,850 $6,998,848 $92,998 1%

Special Education Transportation

$2,766,799 $1,132,504 $204,758 $160,346 $12,268,959

$5,481,169 $1,005,328 $195,350 $125,506 $13,713,203

$5,221,906 $780,328 $195,350 $121,489 $13,317,921

-$259,263 -5% -$225,000 -22% -$4,017 -3% -$395,282 -3% $0 0%

Contracted Services


All Other Expenses

SUBTOTAL EXPENSES Total Student Services Total without Guidance Health Insurance and Benefits Grand Total Student Services Including Benefits

914.0 $78,408,269 907.6 $83,375,064 930.3 $87,808,590 22.6 $4,433,526 5% 874.6 $74,363,663 869.0 $79,258,547 891.6 $83,524,341 22.6 $4,265,794 5%




$534,752 5%

914.0 $90,656,083 907.6 $94,580,870 930.3 $99,549,148 22.6 $4,968,278 5%

Total without Guidance

874.6 $86,611,476 869.0 $90,464,353 891.6 $95,264,899 22.6 $4,800,546 5%

Out-of-District Tuition aTshae rFeYs2u5ltboufdtgheetffoollroowuitn-ogff-adcitsotrrisc:t tuition is funded at $6,998,848, an increase of $92,998 over FY24 • Ipnlaccreeamseenotfs.$1,207,268 due to a 5.0% projected rate increase for day and residential


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