Newton Public Schools FY25 Digital Budget Book

• MI9asi,nWta-i4n,iCnOgRdIiss,trSiOctR, Isst,aftien,gaenrdprfiendteinragl, ecotcm. pliance, record maintenance, and safety including • Administering changes that arise from labor relations and collective bargaining agreements • Padromviindiisntgrahtiogrhs-quality employee relations consultations in response to the needs of staff and • Managing benefits administration for Newton Public Schools staff and retirees. • Ensuring license compliance for educators and staff • Ri necsl pu od ni ndgi nt hg ep Er oqmu apl tEl ymt op lnouy mm ee rnot uOspipnoqrutiur ni ei st y, aCuodmi tms , iasns di ocnoamnpdl itahnecDe ef pr oamr t mmeunl tt iopfl e a g e n c i e s , Elementary and Secondary Education (EPIMS reporting) • Hosting informational retirement seminars and responding to individual needs. • Providing annual back to school training for all employees • Aanddmpineirsstoenrianlglesatvaeffsleaves of absence including Family Medical Leaves (FMLAs), childcare, • Assisting employees with accommodations requests • Providing district Civil Rights and Ethics support for staff Health Insurance TF Yh 2e 4F Yb 2u 5d gbeut d. Hg eeta fl tohr iHnes aulrtahnIcnes uc or as tnsc ae ries p$ r3o8j ,e2c0t 1e d, 3 t9o2 m, aankien uc rpe aa ps ep roof x$i1m, 5a8t e1l,y3 11 13 ,. 7o%r 4o. 3f %t h,eoFvYe 2r 5t h e Np leawn st of no rPaul bl al i cc t Si vceh oe mo l sp lbouyde ge es ta. sT hwee bl l uads gf eotr froert ihreeaelst ho ni ntshuer aMnacses iancchl uu sdeetst st hTee adci shter ri cs t R’ s esthi raerme eonf th e a l t h SByesl ot ewma(rMe Tt hReSp) .rRi me tairrye ebsuodng et ht ed rCi vi teyros ff oNretwhteohneRael tthi rienms uernatnScyesitne cmr eaarseep: a i d f o r i n t h e C i t y b u d g e t . • gToh ei nFt Yo 2e5f f ehceta ol tnh Jiunlsyu1r a, 2n 0c e2 4b ,uadsgae tr er es uf l letcot sf ns ee vwe rbaal rcghaai nnignegs ct oo nstcrha oc tosl . hTehael st he pc hl aannsg we shiinc chl uwdi el l tf oh re rf eo tl al oi lwcianrge: f1r)o imn c$r5e at soe$c2o0- ppaeyr fvoi rs iut ,ragne dn t3c)aar eh if gr oh me r $e1m0ptloo y$e2e0 ppeerrc ev ni stiat ,g2e )oifn4c 8r e%a sfeo rc on-epwa y employees choosing a PPO plan. • Hc oesat lst hh ai nv seurri as ne nc epcol sati -mp acnods et smhi ac .vFe obreFeYn 2i 5n ,c trhe ea sCi ni t gy ohvaes ratdhvei sl ae sdt tsheavtehr ea al lyt ehairnss ausr amnec de i rcaatl evsi s i t fi no rc raecat si ve ebeym6 p. 9l o%y, eoens awvi el lr iangcer. eTahs ee sbeyp7e. r1c%e n, toang ea vi ne rc ar eg ae s, ae sn da cpcloaunns tf of or rMt hTeR cShraent igreese ms we ni ltl i o n e d in the first bullet above. • Ti nhcel uodveesr aa lnl ni nucmr ebaesre oof f h1e8a lpt lha ni nssbuar sa endc eo np l raencse wn ti lhl ei na cl trhe aesner ob lyl m5 8e npt l ap nr os j ienc tFi Yo n2 s5, . aTnhdi safni g u r e increase of 40 plans for net additions in staffing in FY25. • OT hn ee s- tei mf uen dC si t ya rfeu np dl ai nn ng ewdi ltloogf fos ea twaapypirno Fx iYm2 a6t. eAl yd d$ i7t i0o0n, 0a l0l y0 , ignr ah ne tasl tahnidn sr ue rvaonl vc ien cg ofsutns di ns wF Yi l2l 5 . aolpseorcaotivnegrbaupdpgreotx.imately $525,000 in health insurance costs which are not included in the Pinlfeoarsme asetieonthoenHheeaaltlthhIninssuurraanncceeB. udget Detail summary later in this document for more detailed


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