Fh Ya v2e5 i sr etcheei veelde v ernetihm cbounr ss ee mc uet ni vte yf reoamr f o trhwe h isctha tNe e wu tnodne ra n dt h oe t h Me rc KMi ansnseayc-hVuesnettot s sl ec ghiosol al tdi oi snt r i fcot sr tcroasnt ss .pMo rctKa it ni onne yo-fVheonmt oe li es sbs usdt ug de teendt sa. tI n$ 4F5Y52, 05 0, t0h ebseef of ruen dt hs ea ar en tui csiepda tt eodpraeritmi a bl l uy ros fefms eet nt tr aonf s$p2o2r0t a, 0t i0o0n. Ao fdMd iat isosna ac hl l uy ,s eF tYt 2s 5f owr itlhl eb et rtahnes pt hoirrtdi nyge oa fr ftohsatte rN ce awr teosnt ur ed ceenitvse. sNpe awr tt oi anl irse iemx pbeucrtseedmteonrtefcreoimv e t$h2e0s, 0t a0t 0e in additional funding for these expenses. Other Transportation Ideas We have previously discussed other options which include: • At hl laonwpi anyg i ns cghroeonl t b, wu soeusl dt or pe da rukc eo no uSrc hd oa oi l ly/ rCai tt ye , pt rhoups ehr et yl p. iWn gi t tho t choi sn ot rpotli oc on s, tosuar nvde np do ot er n, rt iaat lhl ye r al ot ct raat ci ot no tt ho epr abr ikd bd ue rs se si notne rSecsht oe do l i/nC Ni t ey wl atno dn ,. bTuot di ta ti se , swo me he tahvien gb ewe en cuonnatbi nl eu et ot of i nbde l ai esvuei twa bo luel d bbeusbfelneeetfiicniatlh. eThfuistumrea,ywahlsiochhcauvrertehnetlaydhdaesdmbaennyefcithoafllternyginesg. to move towards electrifying our • Wt r aenhs apvoer taal tsioo nd issecruvsisceedmt ho adte Nl teowotuorn p, lui kbel i cmsacnhyo oc ol mr i dme ur sn itthi ea sn, ipsrroevqi du ei rse ad mu nudc ehrgsrteaat tee lra w . Tg rhaedset at ht ea tl ar we s ri de eq u2i. r0e1s mp ui l be lsi co rs cmh oo or el s f tr oo mt r at nh se pi roar st ssitgundeedn pt su ibnl ikc i sncdheorog la. rWt een wt horuol ud ghha 6v et hv e r y fdeowllarridseifrswtehaadt owpotuelddtmhieseptotlhiceys.e criteria and we would save approximately $2.1 Million • wL ai st ht liyn, Nweewhtaovne. aNl es owdt oi snc ui ss os endl yt roabnl isgpaot er tdi nt go Nt reawn st po no rstt sutduednetns tas ttthe en ds ai nmg epdr ii vs taat ne csec ht oo oa lns ap pr op vr iodvee dt r ap nr isvpaot re t sa ct ihoono sl earsvti hc ee spbuebyl iocnsdc ht hoios l rtehqeuy i rwe omuel dn tb. eAal ts hs iogungehd wt oe awt toeunl dd . nWo et scauvr er e n t l y mu t oi l ni zeey obuyr ter xa ins st ipnogr tbi un sg fpl er ei vt at toe rsecdhuocoel os tvuedr ec rnot swpdri on vg i ad ne dd tbi yml ea lwi n, ews se iws souuel sd tbhea ta bwl ee ct oo nbtei nt tue er to experience for our public school riders. Food Services Ni s et wh et of ni n iasl cyuerarre onft ltyh eo uc tu tror ebni td f fi ov re -ay se ua cr cceosns torra Fc to. oI nd t Se er re vs it ceeds cMo ma npaagneime se mn tuCs ot ms upbamn yi t (bFoStMh Ca )parsi cFeYa2n4d ne voanl-upartiec de pb ryoap foi vs ae l- mb ye mM ba recr hc o1 m4 . mT hi tet eneo. nF -rpo rmi c tehpersoepnoosna -l ,pirni cc el uedvi na lgu aa nt i oi nn-sp, et hr seoCni ti yn tPerrovci euwr e, mwei lnl tb e Or ef cf iocme rmweinl ldeavt ai ol unaat en dt hme apkrei cae fpi nr oa pl roescaol smamn de nmd aa kt ieo na rf oe rc oSmc hmo eo nl Cd oa tmi omn i tt ot eNe Pa Sp. pNr oP vS awl oi l nl rMe vairecwh 2t h5a tt o ensure that an unsigned contract can be submitted to DESE for review by their April 5 deadline. Nr eeswp ot onns ihv ae smdei fnf euroe pn tt ii oa tnesd; oopuer rRa Ft iPo nt oa lreexf lpeecrt i seenvceeraanl dk esyt rpart ieogryi t; ifei ss c: af ol ot rda innsnpoavr ae tni coyn;; sctualftfu r a l l y engagement and retention; and sustainability. Gt oo pv reor ng roarmH ef ianl ay n’ scci aolmv mi a bi timl i teyn, ta tsows eulsl taasi nhi inggh ue rn if ve edresraalll yr ef irme eb mu resaelms feonrt arlal tsetsu fdoerntths ehfai rs sbt eme ne aclrsi t i c a l p a se r s r o e v g l e f r - d a s m u - s b ’s t r a r e i e n a v k in e fa g n s u p t e r a o t n o g d r s a l u u m p n , p c t o h h r . e t H $ o o 4 p w . e 3 e r 8 v a / t e m i r o , e n t a h s l e - h i c a s u s o r t r n o e l y n c t o $ v r 4 e e .3 i r m 8 a b l p l u e p r r r s m o e g m e r a e a l n m . t A c r s o a F t s e o ts o - : d t f h o S e o e d r s v ; o s i u c e r e r c s v e i i c s o e f b 9 w u 1 d a % g r e e t o - e f t d t r h a to e y s b , e uFSteMnCsi.ls, food packaging; all labor -60+staff; equipment purchase and repair; and payment to the
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