Oil $500 - By Flavious J. Smith, Jr.

We want exploration and production companies that have experience and expertise in directional drilling and hydraulic fracking. We want service companies that deliver best-in-class results using the newest technologies with experienced crews and leadership. We want infrastructure companies that use automation and the newest processes across their systems to monitor deliveries, storage, capacity, outages, and repairs. Innovative technologies will help U.S. exploration and production companies to reduce costs. Except for Saudi Arabia, the U.S. will be the lowest-cost producer worldwide. Lower-cost wells will allow U.S. companies to ramp up production quickly because wells will be profitable earlier in the demand cycle. As demand for oil rises in China and India, U.S. companies will be the first to meet it . The U.S. is the leader in oil technology and innovation. As world oil demand skyrockets, U.S. companies will pioneer new ways to get more oil for less costs.

Oil $500 is coming. And U.S. companies will be the winners.


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