Oil $500 - By Flavious J. Smith, Jr.

– Chapter 7 –

What You Should Study and Our Investment Checklist

The oil and gas sector is no different than any other cyclical market. Prices will inevitably rise and fall. But it’s impossible to know the exact moment when a market will bottom. We can all agree that buying low and selling high is a fundamental concept of investing. It’s what everyone wants to do to make money. But simply “buying the dips” is a strategy that’s too short term to allow you to get the most out of your money in the long run. Many investors attempt to build their strategies based on history. But past results and trends aren’t always the best measures of exactly when something is going to happen again in the future. For example, we can predict that oil prices will rise down the road because of some conflict or geopolitical event. But it’s impossible to tell you the exact day – or even the year – when this incident will cause the global oil and gas markets to erupt. But someday soon, it will break out to $500 oil…


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