Oil $500 - By Flavious J. Smith, Jr.

– Chapter 5 –

Our Most Controversial Strategy: Beating the Market By Porter Stansberry Founder, Stansberry Research

Flavious note : We’ve presented several investing ideas for you so far that will grow your wealth and your experience in the dynamic world of commodities – oil, platinum, coal, and fertilizer. But you may still be wondering how to allocate your funds and time your investments in these markets to achieve the greatest results possible. The following essay from my friend, publisher, and mentor Porter Stansberry is the best guide I’ve read on how to choose investments that will not just make you money... but will actually beat the market . Read and re-read his four-step list for picking successful investments in any market. Implement these lessons, and you should far outperform the average investor. Out of all of the things I’ve said or written in my career, the thing that gets me in the most “hot water” is my view that you can and should time the market. When I write “you,” I don’t mean some representative sample or some investor somewhere. No, I mean you... the person reading this book... the person who is going to put his savings at risk when he invests in the stock or bond market. You.


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