Oil $500 - By Flavious J. Smith, Jr.

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Recommended Reading

Below are some of my favorite books about commodities and investing.

This is just a sample of what I have in my home library. I frequently take these names off the shelf to read and re-read them. I always seem to find some new nugget of wisdom on each pass through.

I hope you learn as much from these works as I have.

Energy Investing for Dummies by Nick Hodge

In Energy Investing for Dummies , Hodge discusses investment strategies for oil and gas as well as coal, nuclear, and alternative energy. He also sites investment resources, data, types of investment alternatives, and what may be coming in the future. Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy by Matthew R. Simmons Simmons details the Saudi Arabian culture, political issues, and economic drives related to oil. His thesis is that Saudi oil production is in decline. And he discusses the ramifications of that on a global scale.


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