Oil $500 - By Flavious J. Smith, Jr.

The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power by Daniel Yergin

The Prize is considered a definitive history of the oil industry, and Yergin is the definitive expert. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in the petroleum industry. It connects the dots between oil, geopolitics, capitalism, and society. The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World by Daniel Yergin This is a sequel to The Prize . It addresses alternative forms of energy, electric cars, coal, and natural gas. And it investigates the future of fossil fuels and the rise of climate change. Inkpen and Moffett provide a primer for the workings of the oil and gas business. It covers upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and gas operations. This book is a great resource for anyone who wants to know more about oil and gas. Oil Capital: The History of American Oil, Wildcatters, Independents and Their Bankers by Bernard F. Clark, Jr. Oil Capital explores the link between oil men and their bankers. The symbiotic, often parasitic, relationship… and the need for capital. Clark outlines how banks evaluate lending and value and how oil men build relationships that provide the capital they need. The Global Oil & Gas Industry: Management, Strategy and Finance by Andrew Inkpen and Michael H. Moffett


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