Leadership in Action - US English - 201907


Adrienne & Michael Sifontes GEORGIA “Embrace the Suck” and Fail Forward

Adrienne and her family are passionate about Melaleuca’s products because they felt a marked improvement in their health when they began using them. “I actually started out just as a Preferred Member,” she says. Adrienne’s friend introduced her to EcoSense® household cleaners, and she was sold. “When I converted my home to Melaleuca products I could tell a difference in air quality immediately,” she says. She found herself using her inhaler less. Renew® Lotion made a life-changing difference to the Sifontes family as well. “My son Xavier has eczema, and Renew keeps his skin really moisturized,” she says. “He even has fewer outbreaks!” Adrienne’s experience with the quality of Melaleuca’s products inspired her to become a Marketing Executive. “This company changes lives,” she says. “I had to share my love and joy for these products because I want to help others raise their quality of life—just like my family did.” Next month, Adrienne and Michael’s son begins his education at a Montessori school. They were able to take care of his tuition in one full payment at the beginning of the year. “If I could tell people one thing about Melaleuca, it’s that this company has the biggest heart,” Adrienne says. “It is truly so generous. Every time we go to an event or get a call from our business partners at headquarters, it reconfirms that we’re home.”

One thing Adrienne Sifontes has learned over the course of her journey with Melaleuca is to “embrace the suck.” That means letting go of perfection, allowing yourself to make mistakes, and failing forward. “I’m a mom, so I know the feeling of wanting to be perfect and have everything under control all the time,” she says. But being unable to meet those expectations can be discouraging, especially when succeeding as a Melaleuca Marketing Executive requires confidence and self-motivation. “That’s why I tell my team to embrace failure,” she says. “Go through that process, because the greatest leaders in this world have all made mistakes too. And you know what? They failed again and again until they won. Perseverance. That’s the key.” Her top tips for new Marketing Executives are to work closely with your enroller, stay connected to your business partners, and utilize Melaleuca Overview resources on the website. “The path to success is already in place—all we have to do is walk it.” Her last tip is simple: fall in love with the products. “After that, everything is going to lock into place,” she explains. “Your conversations will be more transparent, authentic, and effective.”

“The Peak Performance Pack changes the nutrition game,” Adrienne says. “I can really feel a difference in my energy level. I’m an everyday user for life!”



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