Leadership in Action - US English - 201907


Kimberly Bertolucci & Aurthur McCauley IDAHO A Schedule for Moms

month they woke up at 5:30 every day. And they didn’t see tangible growth at first. Kimberly’s business didn’t grow those first four months of waking up early. It would have been easy for her to give up and sleep in. But she stuck with it, and as a result, she saw incredible growth in her business and her team’s businesses in 2019. “Experiencing these delayed results taught me to get up and do the right things every single day, even when it’s hard and even when I don’t seem to be making progress,” Kimberly says. “Our culture demands instant results. We want to work today and get paid for it today. Melaleuca doesn’t really operate that way. The work you do today will pay six, eight, twelve weeks from now. My team and I learned to dig into the Critical Business-Building Activities and just do them no matter what.” Kimberly loves that she has been able to help other moms build their businesses through this early-morning initiative. She knows what it’s like to need help. “About a year and a half before I enrolled with Melaleuca, I quit my job,” Kimberly remembers. “One of my daughters was experiencing serious health problems, and I needed to be there for her. We had to travel with her for specialized surgeries. We maxed out all of our credit cards. We took out a lot of loans. It was really hard on our marriage. We hosted a garage sale to try to make enough money to buy groceries for the week. That very day, I enrolled with Melaleuca and began building a business.” Kimberly is coming up on the two-year anniversary of that garage sale and her enrollment. When she looks back, she sees just how life changing Melaleuca has been for her. “We weren’t in a good place,” she says. “I don’t know where I’d be without Melaleuca. Melaleuca saved my family.”

Last summer, Kimberly was sharing a live video with her team, and during the course of the video, all three of her kids made an appearance—crying. “They were crying and I was crying,” Kimberly laughs. Kimberly thought about her team full of mothers. She was an Executive Director 6 at the time and earning a solid residual income. “I just remember thinking, if showing up for my business with kids around is this hard for me, how hard is it for mothers on my team who are making smaller paychecks or those who haven’t quite caught the vision of Melaleuca yet?” Kimberly says. Kimberly’s solution was an uncomfortable one, especially for her. “My husband knows not to talk to me in the morning until I’ve had two cups of coffee. But I knew I needed a solution and that my team needed a solution. So I told my team, ‘I’m going to get up at 5:30 tomorrow and start working. If you’re up too, great. We’ll get to work. If not, I’m going to have my Zoom [video conference] link open.’ I thought we’d maybe have six or seven people on. We had 42.” That’s when Kimberly knew she was right—parents were struggling and needed a solution. These early mornings provided the necessary quiet time. The team stuck with it. Month after

At the time of the interview for this story, Kimberly was enjoying a vacation she earned through Fast Track in Kauai. She took her laptop with her and woke up at 5:15 every day to work her business.


“It’s my roots,” Kimberly says.


Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

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