Guest Speaker: Professor Rossi Setchi MEng (Moscow), PhD (Cardif), CEng, CITP, FIET, FIMechE, FBCS, SMIEEE
Rossi Setchi is Professor in High-Value Manufacturing and the Director and Principal Investgator of the Research Centre in AI, Robotcs and Human-Machine Systems (IROHMS) at Cardif, which she founded in 2019. IROHMS is a collaboraton of the Schools of Engineering, Psychology and Computer-Science and Informatcs. IROHMS currently involves over 100 academics and postgraduate researchers and 35 PhD students. For many years she led ASTUTE Cardif, a team of 20+ academics and researchers helping Welsh manufacturing companies to develop more advanced and sustainable engineering solutons. Rossi has a distnguished track record of research in a range of areas including AI, robotcs, systems engineering, additve manufacturing, industrial sustainability, Cyber- Physical Systems and Industry 4.0, and, in partcular, has built an internatonal reputaton for excellence in knowledge-driven symbolic AI, computatonal semantcs and human-machine systems. Her edited books on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing are among the top Springer publicatons in 2019 and 2018 that address important United Natons Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For a full bio, please see:
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