WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Here is the Mid-February to Mid-March edition of Wisconsin Christian News. Enjoy & God bless you.

Information • Education • Inspiration •

Mid-February to Mid-March 2024 • Volume 24, Issue 9

“To Publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all Thy wondrous works.” -Psalm 26:7 (KJV)

WI SCONS IN C HRISTIAN www.WisconsinChristianNews.com N EWS The Invasion of America The Planned Globalist Attack

Pages 12, 44, 46

WCN Ministry Conference ‘We Won’t Back Down!’ April 12 & 13, 2024 Page 3

INSIDE Highlights: Globalist Babylon Is Coming........................... Distortion of Love, Proliferation of Evil............. FBI & DOJ Raiding Homes Of Pro-Lifers..... Honoring Our Husbands & Wives................... Schools vs. Parents.......................................... Do People Know You’ve Been With Jesus?.. Are You Offended Yet?.............................. Adjusting Your Aim In 2024........................ US Consumer Delinquency Rates.............

Bread & Circuses Page 4

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A National Christian Newspaper Based in Wisconsin

CONTACT US Rob Pue, Publisher Wisconsin Christian News 225780 Rib Mountain Dr. # 229 Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 486-8066 Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com The Official Pastor of WCN : Pastor Mike Spaulding Lima, Ohio Call for Pastoral Counseling 567-259-6001 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEER DISTRIBUTION TEAM: Bernie Cudnohoski James Frisch • Ray LeBlanc David Berding • Nancy Smazal Mike & Deb Larson • Harry Wilkinson Bernie & Rose Petrie • Merry Stern Karl Kimmes • Trygve Boettcher James T. Smith • DeAnne Winter Charles Larsen • Deborah Dorzok Dan & Amy Timm • Richard Bollom

About WCN Wisconsin Christian News represents a cooper- ative effort by active Christians from all walks of life. In our pages and on our website, you will find Infor- mation, Education and Inspiration, with a majority of the articles written by members of our “WCN Fam- ily” of contributors. There is something of interest to every member of the family. We hope you are blessed and become a regular reader. WCN seeks, at all times, to publish the TRUTH, regardless of “political correctness,” standing up for America’s historical Christian heritage and urging a return to biblical, moral standards. We offer very thought-provoking commentary, inspired teach- ing, real life testimonies, world, national, state and regional news, plus advice and information from experts in their areas of business and ministry -- all in the various sections of our 48-page newspa- per. In addition to providing valuable content to the Christian community, we focus equally on reach- ing those who are lost and seeking, and those who may have been alienated from church as an institution in the past. You’ll find WCN on the racks in the lobbies of grocery stores, family restaurants, shopping centers and malls and most Christian book stores. Of course, you can also find a copy at many of our “Ministry Partner” advertisers’ business and ministry locations. This is our outreach to the mar- ketplace, and we receive many wonderful testi- monies from people who have found the Lord for the first time, or returned to Him, after many years away, after finding our newspaper in a public place. Our Doctrinal Statement • There is one God, who is infinitely perfect, existing eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was

• The Church consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born again of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church, which has been commissioned by Him to go into all the world as a witness, preaching the gospel to all na- tions. The local church is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together for the worship of God, for edification through the Word of God, for prayer, fellowship, the proclamation of the gospel, and observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. • There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and of the unjust; for the former, a resurrection unto life; for the latter, a resurrection unto judgment. • The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent and will be personal, visible, and pre-mil- lennial. This is the believer’s blessed hope and is a vital truth which is an incentive to holy living and faithful service. All viewpoints expressed in Wisconsin Christian News are those of the authors and do not nec- essarily represent the viewpoint of the publishers. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any articles, based upon content, length, value and source requirements.

conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross, the just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice, and all who believe in Him are justified on the grounds of His shed blood. He died, was buried and arose from the dead ac- cording to the Scriptures. He is now at the right hand of the Majesty on high as our great High Priest. He will come again to establish His kingdom of right- eousness and peace. • The Holy Spirit is sent to indwell, guide, teach, empower the believer, and convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. • The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as origi- nally given, were verbally inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. They constitute the divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice. • Man was originally created in the image and like- ness of God; he fell through disobedience, incurring, thereby, both physical and spiritual death. All men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the love of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. • Salvation has been made available through Jesus Christ for all men; those who repent and be- lieve in Him are born again of the Holy Spirit, receive the gift of eternal life, and become the children of God. • It is the will of God that each believer should be filled with the Holy Spirit and be sanctified wholly, being separated from sin and the world and fully dedicated to the will of God, thereby receiving power for holy living and effective service. This is both a crisis and a progressive experience wrought in the life of the believer subsequent to conversion. • Provision is made in the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the healing of the mor- tal body. Prayer for the sick and anointing with oil are taught in the Scriptures and are privileges for the church in the present age.


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Volume 24, Issue 9


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Volume 24, Issue 9

Bread and Circuses

By Jim Schneider, Executive Director, VCY America February 2024 A Roman poet by the name of Dec- imus Junius Juvenalis, known to most as just “Juvenal,” lived from around 55AD to 127AD. In one of his composed writings, he penned under

ernmental debt. On top of this, American household debt has been setting record highs. But we’ll keep spending because we have to get our fix of the “bread and circuses” available to us. Our nation is tightening its own noose with the ex- tremist energy policies underway cutting off our plentiful supplies of natural gas and oil while penal- izing those who want to advance their use. This, as electric vehicles pile up in graveyards at charging stations in the cold of winter. While we are con- sumed by our “bread and circuses,” gas appliances are at risk, gasoline vehicles are under attack, and our infrastructure continues to crumble as we grow our dependence on other nations. Morally, our nation is in a free fall. Over 65 million babies in our country have been murdered by abor- tion and this is tragically increasing by the day. Politicians, if elected to office, are stumbling over themselves to promote the killing of the pre-born. But please don’t bother me, I’m still making my way through the tantalizing “bread and circuses” being dangled before my eyes. Recent published polls by the Public Religion Re- search Institute indicate that nearly 30% of Gen Z adults in the United States now identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or queer. The indoctrination occurring through our educational system, the entertainment scene, politicians and social media is reaping great dividends. A mockery has been made of marriage and increasingly women’s sports are being decimated by men who are gender confused. Religiously, many churches are awash with the “bread and circuses” mentality. Doctrinal truth is sacrificed for entertainment and keeping everyone busy with activities is at the forefront of the agenda. Afterall, numbers are more important, aren’t they? What ever happened to being “salt and light?” Sadly, the Great Commission has become the Great “Omis- sion” as the fields are ready to harvest but the laborers are few. A critical juncture lies before every individual, family, church and to our society as a whole. Will we awake out of our slumber to the great spiritual needs of our time? Or will we succumb to the great diversion of the “bread and circuses” offered by the world, the flesh and the devil? VCY.org

the guise of “political satire,” “Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.” The word “cir- cuses,” in its Latin meaning, includes that of “games or sports.” Many individuals rose to political power by keeping individuals occupied with inexpensive food and entertainment. The populace would be so consumed with gorging themselves with the dainties provided and an overwhelming amount of their time on sports and entertainment that they did not rec- ognize that they were surrendering their freedom. This mob, oblivious to their own defeat, followed Fortuna, known as “the goddess of fortune and the personification of luck.” This false goddess was be- lieved to bring not only increase, but also prosperity. So the hordes would follow this pied piper to their own peril. This “political satire” has become a reality. Tragi- cally, numerous Americans are being swayed by “bread and circuses.” Many in our nation are oblivi- ous to the fact that we have become totally preoccu- pied with “bread and circuses” and as a result, our country is quickly falling apart at the seams. The at- tacks and subsequent loss of liberty are happening on many fronts. Consider this brief overview: Recently the World Economic Forum met in Davos, Switzerland. It was a “Who’s Who” of those directly attacking national sovereignty to succumb to the promise of “salvation” from world players who expect nothing less than the surrender of national sovereign to give way to the globalist elitists. UN Secretary-Gen- eral Antonio Guterres called for “global governance” in a “a new multipolar global order.” Additionally, the World Health Organization is calling for elitist powers in preparation for “Disease X” (to be named at some future time) hence the necessity of a world-wide pan- demic treaty with the WHO calling the shots. Are we alert? No, we are distracted by the “bread and cir- cuses.” Due to a disregard of enforcing existing law, the floodgates are wide open for those entering our coun- try illegally. Recently, a coalition of ten former officials

from the FBI gave warning in a letter sent to congres- sional leaders. In this warning, they wrote to “express our concern about a current, specific threat that may be one of the most pernicious ever to menace the United States.” The letter went on to warn stating, “the United States is facing a new and imminent dan- ger.” They were referencing our southern border, which saw a record 2.4 million illegal migrant encoun- ters in the most current completed fiscal year. They referred to it as an “invasion” stating, “In its modern history, the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now.” They indi- cated, “Military aged men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thou- sands.” They indicate this invasion is occurring “by foot across a border that has been accurately adver- tised around the world as largely unprotected with ready access granted.” They also issued a warning, “We would be remiss not to call out this potentially grave threat in the most direct terms. The warning lights are blinking.” But the citizens of America cannot be bothered with this at this time, because we have our “bread and cir- cuses.” Perhaps another day! Economically, we are headed quickly toward the brink of financial collapse. With over $34 Trillion in debt, every man, woman and child in the U.S. would have to pay approximately $265,000 each to wipe out this liability. Additional trillions are owed for intra-gov-

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Volume 24, Issue 9


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Perspectives Opinions • Commentary • Letters

From the Publisher...

Globalist Babylon Is Coming

By Rob Pue February 2024

telligence. No doubt, this “new Bible” will be all-inclusive, mixing the pagan with the holy, or removing the holy altogether as it will likely teach we must worship and serve created things, rather than the Creator. But we should also be mindful of Revelation 18, which describes “Babylon the Great.” This

The entire convention was replete with ses- sions on feminism, climate change, pagan rit- uals, globalism, earth worship — honoring “Mother Earth,” esteeming science over sound theology, “interspecies justice,” which dealt with the worship of animals, transgenderism,

Recently, I wrote a message titled “Babylon the Great Is Fallen.” In that message, I erro- neously stated that “Mystery Babylon” was mentioned in Revelation 18. Since that time, I’ve done a much deeper study on the subject and there are some things I’d like to clarify here. First of all, “Mystery

is no mystery. This is eco- nomic Babylon — yet still described and named “Babylon,” and still repre- senting Globalism, a “new-world order,” a “one- world system.” After the one-world religion is de- stroyed by God, the eco- nomic system of “Babylon the Great” is next. We read, “Babylon the

Babylon” is not mentioned in Revelation 18, but specifically in Revelation 17. “Mystery Babylon” de- scribes the “great whore,” upon whose forehead was written “Mystery, Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.” As I have learned, this “Mystery Babylon” is the coming one-world reli- gion... a false religion, wor- shiping false gods. A great abomination. As we read in Revelation 17, this “woman” that John saw in his vision was “drunken

great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habita- tion of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit...for all nations have drunk the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have commit- ted fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” Here, Babylon the Great is about to be de- stroyed by God. But John hears another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my peo- ple, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues.” These exact same words were used in Jeremiah 51, when God warned His people to leave the city of Babylon before He destroyed it. God always warns His people of coming judgment. Through Noah, He warned the people of the world that some might be saved, yet only eight people were. He also warned the Israelites prior to sending the death angel to Egypt. He warned Lot and his family before the destruc- tion of Sodom. He is warning us today. I don’t know for sure if Babylon the Great is a city, as Scripture tells us, or if it represents a nation. If it is a city, it will likely be the headquarters of the New World Order, now being assembled by the Globalists. But whether a city or a nation, it’s a place of great arrogance toward God, with no reverence for God and in fact, a disdain for God. It’s a place — or a system — where the people rely on their riches, their luxuries and their comfort, and rather than honoring and serving the one true God, they think themselves to be gods. It’s right out of Satan’s playbook — using the same tactics he used against Eve in the garden — “you shall be like gods.” Today, so many are just as arrogant, if not more so. And we’re seeing the characteristics of this “Babylon the Great” of Revelation 18 in the institutions now wielding power over all the world: the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Na- tions — all seeking the dissolution of national sovereignty, the destruction of national bor- ders, the centralization of power and control, and “building back better” after they destroy it all. Continued on Page 7

homosexuality, and I could go on. Over 8,000 people attended, from more than 95 coun- tries, representing more than 210 different re- ligions. Please understand, that the entire premise behind “Babylon” has always been a one- world order, a one-world government and one- world religion. In other words, as we know it today, “Globalism.” But God Almighty does not embrace “globalism.” He destroyed the tower of Babel and the city of Babylon be- cause it was wicked, and sought to deceive people, drive them away from the one true Creator of the universe, and ultimately Jesus Christ, our Savior. But that spirit of Babylon is rising again in today’s world — at an alarm- ing pace. Today, spiritual Babylon of Revelation 17 is being established through things like the “Parliament of World Religions” and the “World Council of Churches.” Not to mention, the Roman Catholic pope, standing hand-in- hand with Islam, even as he endorses homo- sexuality and transgenderism. We also have the modern American churches, most of which have become apostate as well, with a “form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” “Making the Word of God of none ef- fect,” through traditions, trends and tactics designed to simply fill the seats by pastors using “soft words,” that tickle itching ears. No doubt, a one-world religion is coming. The leadership of the World Economic Forum

with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” So, Revelation 17 de- scribes “Mystery Babylon” as spiritual Baby- lon — a coming together of false religions from all over the world; as I said, a coming “one- world religion.” This spiritual “Mystery Babylon” is already coming together; indeed, already in place. You would do well to study on the topics of the “Parliament of World Religions,” or the “World Council of Churches.” Here in Wisconsin, we have the “Wisconsin Council of Churches,” a branch of the “World Council of Churches.” But these are not Christian churches; they’re apostate in every respect. They advocate for everything God considers an abomination, under the guise of “Christianity.” Be not de- ceived by them. Last year, the Parliament of World Religions held their annual meeting in Chicago. The event opened with a thing called “Sacred Fire: Greeting the Day Prayer and Fire Offering.” Other sessions during this conference focused on “Bhawana Yog - Guided Meditation.” Many sessions were held addressing the topic of combating “Climate Change,” there was a ses- sion called “Seed The Earth Altar in the Women’s Village,” a session was held titled “Going Beyond Diversity, Equity and Inclu- sion.” And not to mention the one titled “The Spear Within - The Staff is Passed to the Fem- inine.” And these are just a few of the ses- sions on the first day of the five-day event.

has even s u g - ge s t ed that a n e w “proper” B i b l e m a y soon be written by Artifi- cial In-

MISSIONARIES TO THE PREBORN Speaking Up For the Oppressed Preborn Babies P.O. Box 26931 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226 (414) 462-3399 defendbabies@missionariestopreborn.com www.MissionariesToPreborn.com

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Volume 24, Issue 9

Celebrating God’s Plan For Marriage

Wisconsin Family Connection

C OMMENTARY BY J ULAINE A PPLING President, Wisconsin Family Council

Strengthening, Preserving & Promoting Marriage, Family, Life and Liberty in Wisconsin

February 2024 Do you celebrate God’s plan for marriage? Does your family? Does your church? I certainly hope the answer to all three of those questions is a resounding, enthusiastic, “Yes!” because every marriage that reflects God’s design of one man and one woman should be celebrated be- cause God’s plan for marriage is universally good and well worth celebrating. Because we have so much biblical illiteracy both outside our churches and sadly within, I’m going to rehearse what the Word of God says about marriage. The opening chap- ter of the first book of the Bible, the book of beginnings, Genesis, tells us, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it’… .” In Genesis 2, God gives more details about the creation of woman in particular and in verse 24 of this chapter we have the first use of the word wife: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined [or cling] to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Clearly God created marriage when He created Adam and then saw the need for Adam to have a helper exactly suited to and for him and made woman using a rib from Adam. In the New Testament, Matthew 19:4-5, Jesus reiterates these truths of a binary creation and of one-man and one- woman marriage, “And He answered and said to them, ‘Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?”

The blessings of marriage include, typically, natural pro- creation — the bringing of new life into this world through the unique contributions of both the male husband and female wife. Children born to or adopted by men and women in a God-designed marriage are, on average, bet- ter off in every way than children in any other kind of fam- ily structure — including being considerably more likely to avoid poverty, poor health, abuse of all sorts, educa- tional difficulties, crime, substance addictions, and more. Men and women in one-man, one-woman marriages also enjoy great — again, on average — benefits, such as better health, especially for men, higher income (even when only one spouse is working), more savings, avoid- ance of poverty, in particular for women, and more. All of these benefits have been verified thousands of times by social science research not just in the United States but around the world. And we should not be surprised by that. God’s plan for marriage and family works. When we deviate from that plan, the problems begin — and not only continue but expand. When individual God-designed marriages are numerous and are strong and healthy, the entire society is better off. February 7th through the 14th is designated as National Marriage Week. It’s a great time for families and churches in particular to rehearse God’s teaching on marriage and to champion this divinely ordained institution that is good for all people, at all times, in all places. Online: WiFamilyCouncil.org Tel: 888-378-7395

I believe one of the most important biblical teachings on marriage is the New Testament analogy we have of Christ being the bridegroom and His Church being the bride, a holy union to be sure, and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where of course, the Lamb is the bridegroom, Christ. Both human marriage, an earthly picture of this spiritual marriage, and the spiritual marriage itself are God’s plan and design. I believe God will not allow His divine plan to be sullied and blasphemed without ultimate judgment. God’s Word al- lows for no deviation from one man and one woman uniting in a monogamous, lifelong relationship. Any other relation- ship configuration called marriage is wrong and outside of God’s plan and blessing. Importantly, God’s institution of marriage, designed for mankind’s good and God’s glory, comes with unparalleled blessings — blessings that God in His unfathomable good- ness allows to extend to those who do not believe in Him and even to those who blaspheme Him. That’s God’s com- mon grace.

Strengthening, preserving and promoting marriage, family, life and liberty in Wisconsin. P.O. Box 2075 Madison, WI 53701

www.wifamilyaction.org • 888-378-7395 In Madison: (608) 256-3228

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WisconsinChristianNews.com Globalist Babylon Is Coming (Continued from Page 5) “Surely God has sent us strong delusion. Surely this nation is guilty of sinful pride and arrogance. America has blood on its hands from the sacrifice of our own children to Molech under the guise of “women’s rights” through abortion; through instigating the devastation of war around the world, and the lies of the “official COVID hospital protocols” that would have made Hitler and Josef Mengele proud...” Volume 24, Issue 9 Page 7

Email: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

But this new world order, this “Babylon the Great,” that the Globalists are building will come to an end in one day. Indeed, in one hour. “And the kings of the earth, who have com- mitted fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, “Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judg- ment come. And the mer- chants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their mer- chandise any more.” Let’s read on: “The mer- chants of these things, which were made rich by her, (can you say “Bill Gates” — or “Pfizer?”) shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, and saying, ‘Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and pre- cious stones, and pearls!” Revelation 18 goes on to describe Babylon the Great’s complete and utter destruction. I believe we’re reading about the destruc- tion of the Globalist New World Order system. A sys- tem of tyranny, deception and absolute domination and control by the Global- ist so-called “elites.” We also read, “...thy merchants were the great men of the earth; and by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” It’s important to note here that the word “sorceries” is correctly translated “Phar- makea” — drugs, chemi- cals, mRNA “vaccines,” jabs. All nations have al- ready been greatly deceived by the COVID planned- demic. Now, they’re plan- ning for “Disease X,” which they tell us they don’t know what it will be, yet they’re already developing a new “jab” to treat it. How con- venient. No “warp speed” needed this time. Now, they’re developing the next “jab” to treat an illness that doesn’t yet exist. And peo- ple are buying into this — because they are deceived. Regarding the destruction of Babylon the Great, verse 20 tells us, “Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye

holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.” And then verse 24, “An in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth.” Friends, the United States may or may not be “Babyon the Great.” As I study these Scriptures more and speak with learned Bible scholars, I’m convinced it will be the headquarters of the New World Order. Still, the United States, I believe, will receive a similar judgment of God. We’ve committed all the crimes of Babylon the Great, whether you re- alize it or not. I believe there are 197 countries in the world today. The United States sends foreign aid to 180 of them. Are you aware, that in order to receive this for- eign aid, all of these coun- tries must accept, push and promote two things? Those two things are: ho- mosexuality and abortion. All nations that accept our foreign aid (via our tax dol- lars) are required to pro- mote homosexuality and abortion — with the excep- tion of Muslim nations. They receive our money with no strings attached. This country used to be a lighthouse on a hill, send- ing missionaries to the ut- termost parts of the earth to share the Gospel to all nations. We used to defend the oppressed and help the poor. Now, many of the missionaries we send are spreading the same false gospel they preach in our modern American churches. A friend of mine once met with a missionary from Africa, who came here to visit, and this man begged us to stop sending missionaries because the missionaries were apos- tates — preaching a “differ- ent gospel” than that of the Holy Scriptures. We’re no longer defending the oppressed or helping the poor. Now, we’re send- ing them drugs, pornogra- phy, homosexuality, transgenderism and war in- stead. We have become the oppressors, for the benefit of the money our politicians can make from them. And now, we’re reaping the whirlwind we’ve sown,

as we live under a tyranni- cal regime that imprisons its political opponents, that has destroyed our na- tional security and de- fense and has instigated an invasion by foreign en- emies. We export sodomy, homosexuality and trans- genderism, we kill, rape and abuse our own chil- dren sexually, physically and mentally. We give lip service to advocating for the dignity of women, but then declare that males can be females, if they choose to be. We declare that 50-year-old men can masquerade as 15-year- old girls and join their swim team; and change clothes and shower with them too. Because now, 50-year-old men can “identify” as 15-year-old girls and if you think or say otherwise, that’s “dis- information.” Surely God has sent us strong delusion. Surely this nation is guilty of sin- ful pride and arrogance. America has blood on its hands from the sacrifice of our own children to Mol- ech under the guise of “women’s rights” through abortion; through instigat- ing the devastation of war around the world, and the lies of the “official COVID hospital protocols” that would have made Hitler and Josef Mengele proud. So many in our land have fallen for great de- ception. But as I stated, God always warns His people. He always makes a way of escape before He pronounces judgment and destruction. I pray that many will open their eyes today, awake from their stupor and turn back to God. Open that dusty Bible, get on your knees and pray and seek His face and turn from your wicked ways. You know what your own personal transgressions are. Face them, repent from them, and turn back to God. The Globalist Babylon is coming; we can’t escape it. But we can be rescued from it and rejoice when God Himself squashes all the plans and schemes of the wicked kings of the earth in just one hour’s time. Understand the times we’re living in, warn

others, stand strong and don’t back down.


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Page 8


Volume 24, Issue 9

The Distortion of Love and the Proliferation of Evil In America

By Pastor Matthew Trewhella February 2024

to fit in. With wanting to not offend. Many view resistance to evil as unloving. But the truth is, love does not negate resistance to evil. True biblical love does not legitimize silence in the face of evil.

Biblical love — God’s love — is not all-accommodating to whatever someone wants to be or all-accommodating to what someone wants to do. God’s love has limits. Biblical love has limits. How do we know love has limits? Because of the Scrip- tures themselves.

Love is defined in various ways here in American society, but it has become akin to

making accommodation for whatever anyone else wants to be or whatever anyone else wants to do. That is how love is

For example, 1 John 2:15 states: “Do not love the world or the things in the world.” That right there — “do not love” — shows biblical love has limits; love is not how the world has defined it as all-accommodating to whatever someone wants to be or wants to do. It goes on to say, “ If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world.” Love is defined by Scripture and what we are to love and not love is defined by Scripture. Psalm 97:10 states, “You who love the Lord – hate evil!” Love is not all-accommodating. Scrip- ture shows us what we are to love and what we

defined to the American. And this is nothing new. If you study the history of man – he has been adept at defining, or redefin- ing, “love” in some way other than how the Lord defines love in Holy Scripture. And sadly, Ameri- can Christianity has adopted, to a great extent, the world’s view and definition of “love.” If someone is offended by what you say, that is viewed as not being “loving.” In fact, that is the paramount tenet of this definition of love by our society – to not accommodate yourself to what- ever someone wants to be or to whatever some- one wants to do is the greatest sin. “Love” accommodates all.

Love and resistance to evil are not contrary to one another (as most of American Christianity wants you to believe). It is not an either/or. In fact, love most often demands confrontation with evil; taking the evil to task – in the right way, given what the sit- uation may be of how evil is demonstrated. Evil must be spoken against and it must have action taken against it. Biblical love does not teach the world’s view or definition of love — that one must accommodate to whatever anyone else wants to be or whatever anyone else wants to do. Biblical love is defined by — yes — the Bible. Scripture teaches us what love is; it teaches us how to love God and it teaches us how to love our neighbor. The law and Word of God teach us how to truly love our neigh- bor. The law and Word of God teach us what is right and wrong, what is good and evil. If you define love outside of Scripture, you can use “love” to justify anything; you can accommodate anything. And that is what evil men and dupes in our society are doing in order to sell their evil — they peddle it under the guise of “love.”

are to hate. God’s law and Word shows us what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil. God’s Word, for exam- ple, tells us homosexual acts are evil. So when the world tries to sell such perversion under the guise of love, we have a duty as God’s people to speak against it and act against it. Listen, no one is called by Scripture to love evil. The Scriptures call upon us to do the exact opposite. We are to hate the evil. We are to resist the evil. By how we conduct our lives and by proclamation of His law and Word with our mouths. Did not the prophets confront the evil of child sacrifice? Did not the prophets confront the evil of idolatry? Did they not con- front the evil of kings and tyrants? Of businessmen and church- men? Did not Abraham confront the evil of his family being stolen? Did not Asa and Jehoshaphat confront the evil of the sodomites? Did not Jesus confront the evil of the money-chang- ers? Did not He confront the evil of the Scribes and Pharisees? Of the lawyers? Of Herod?

And this is a distortion of love. Distortion is the action of giving a misleading account or impression. And that is what American society and American Christianity have done to love. They dispel and dispense a misleading account or impression of love. And their distortion allows evil to proliferate. The distortion of love aids and abets the proliferation of evil in society. Under the guise and proffering of “love” we have hid ourselves from confronting evil. Under the guise and proffering of “love” we have decided to stand still off to the side and let evil proliferate. As Tolkien asked in The Hobbit – “When did we allow evil to be stronger than us?” Or, another way of saying it: “How did we allow evil to become so strong?” This is how. Many view resistance to evil as unloving. This is the presupposition that fuels the ability for evil to proliferate in the land. And it is taught by the bulk mass of pulpits in Amer- ica. Understand, the road to hell is paved with a thousand “kind- nesses.” With wanting to be nice. With wanting to be liked and A Program that’s worth your time!

Continued on Page 10

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Volume 24, Issue 9

Page 9

The Salt & Light Brigade

Christians — Enemies Of the State

By Coach Dave Daubenmire February 2024

fighting for our nation. We ac- tively pray for and financially sup- port his wife and 3 children during this wicked incarceration. Pastor Bill Dunfee Our dear friend and Patriot Pas- tor Bill Dunfee from Warsaw, Ohio was on trial in DC the week of January 22 for doing nothing more than standing in front of the US Capitol on January 6 and preaching the Gospel to those in attendance.

Many of you may not be aware, but I run a ministry. I started Pass The Salt in 2002 after being sued by the ACLU for praying with our High school Football teams. I left my teach- ing job to start a ministry that confronted the culture. We have been pounding knots on the

Devil’s head ever since.

The decade of the 2020s has been nothing like the American people have ever experienced. In fact, it has overwhelmed the sleepy churches as the assault upon Christianity in American has reached a fever pitch. This year of 2024 is going to be a season where more evil is going to be exposed. That is what we have been doing on the front lines in America since the birthing of PASS THE SALT. The Satanists have launched an all-out assault against the advancement of the Gospel of the Kingdom. We are in a Spiritual war that is manifesting in the natural realm. Things are about to get real. If you have followed the J6 event you certainly un- derstand that CHRISTIAN men are under assault by our Government. Hundreds of them are in the DC Gulag WITHOUT A TRIAL OR THE OPPORTUNITY TO POST BAIL! Let me put a face on some of the perse- cuted. Isaac Yoder We have known Isaac for over 20 years, thanks to our Operation Save America days, and Isaac was re- cently booked into Federal Prison for simply standing up for what is right on January 6, 2021 in Washing- ton DC. Our ministry had over 100 people in atten- dance that day and experienced one of the greatest false flags in world history where the infiltration of dark forces into a peaceful gathering into a false “in-

The Constitution guarantees the right to “peaceably assemble to petition the Govern- ment for a redress of grievances.” Pastor Bill did not go in the Capitol, nor did he encourage anyone else to do so, but rather addressed our need to “reclaim our government of, by, and for the people.” There

lagher, Cal Zastrow, Coleman Boyd, Caroline Davis, Paul Vaughn, Dennis Green, Eva Edl, Eva Zastrow, James Zastrow, and Paul Place — these are all friends of ours and of the ministry and they covet your support! Even though abortion has been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by SCOTUS, the Biden administration’s hatred of Christian activists contin- ues unabated. These are indeed perilous times. PLEASE JOIN US AS WE APPEAL TO HEAVEN FOR JUSTICE. Christians Have Become the Enemy My wife, Michele, and I, can honestly say that “there, but for the grace of God, go I,” as we watch our friends and faithful soldiers of the cross be per- secuted for their faith. IT HAS BECOME DANGER- OUS TO BE AN ACTIVE CHRISTIAN in this once great Christian nation. The very future of our children and grandchildren hangs in the balance. We appreciate your continued support as we endeavor to leave an inheritance of faith to our children’s children. Now, more than ever, is the time to STAND and FIGHT. The battle is raging and the war is real! May God Be Glorified through our lives. LET’S MAKE CHRISTIANITY GREAT AGAIN! Web: www.CoachDaveLive.com E-Mail: Coach@CoachDaveLive.com

were millions of people in DC that day to simply PE- TITION the government — and for that, Pastor Bill is facing 20 years in prison for leading an “insurrection.” (His sentencing will be May 24). The weapons we all wielded that day were SPIRITUAL and not ONE PER- SON HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH CARRYING A WEAPON. Bill’s weapons were the Bible, and a bull- horn! Please pray him and his family.

Stand With the 10 Also in January, eleven brave Christians stood trial in Nashville for their heroic efforts at the abor- tion mill in an attempt to rescue women and chil- dren from the curse and scourge of abortion. They were charged with a Fed- eral FACE indictment and will stand trial, facing decades in prison for lay- ing down their lives for the innocent ones. Chet Gal-

surrection” orchestrated by our own government. Isaac was sentenced to 1 YEAR in Federal Prison for doing nothing more than dressing as a patriot and


Random Thoughts From a Disciple of Jesus Christ (Commentaries on America’s ‘Hot Button Issues!) Make The Pulpit Great Again (12 Things Christians Can DO Right Now!) Matthew 1-9 (A Commentary for the Remnant of Jesus Christ!) Mark 1-8 (A Commentary for the Remnant of Jesus Christ!)

Page 10


Volume 24, Issue 9

Hateful Democrats, A Derelict President, and Cops Beaten in the Streets – Is This Our Beloved America?

By Michael Bresciani February 2024 In the world of honest journal-

World, while the nation crumbles like a monolithic national monu- ment made of cheap plaster?

Even Hunter would have trouble selling that ignominious painting.

The most perplexing times and the most complicated problems

often have simple answers. Often it is only a matter of priorities. What is first in our lives, who or what is at the top of our thinking?

ism, two facts emerge every day. First, when a few Bible verses are quoted, or too much emphasis is placed on the right and wrong of a current event, it is tucked away in the “religious” cat- egory, never to be heard or seen again. The second, plunge into surrealism is the fact that now most Americans are discussing the lesser of two evils. The idea that one thing is solidly evil, but an- other is not quite so evil. No right and wrong, only shades of difference. This writer has never been offered $50K for some childish art piece like Hunter Biden, but I have

Here is one short answer.

Put Christ on the throne of your heart. Put a good President like Donald Trump back in the Oval Of- fice and put the love of America back in the hearts of our children. But, if we insist that there is no solution to any of our problems from the above stated remedy – then con- sider this...

When the inexplicable happens to us in the future,

on any scale — small or great, think of what Christ told one group of people who couldn’t ex- plain why such a bad thing hap- pened to good people.

produced a few pieces and studied art with great relish in my college days. The first thing we learn about color, shades and hues is that there are not any colors without primary colors. In the case of grays, which is considered a hue — not a color, there is also, no shade of gray without black and white. Society has pillars so it will not crumble like an old outhouse. The Bible, the Constitution and all State laws and statutes are not unreasonable restraints to take away the life or freedoms of a peo- ple. They are the mortar, the glue, by which each generation is guar- anteed a future. We are a picture of the greatest nation on earth, now being re- painted with no primary colors and no blacks and whites. It is hard to imagine something so ugly – or is it? Glance over the news stories of any reputable news outlet today, and you can see this hideous pic- ture of our nation emerging.

Are we calling on pop culture fig- ures, comedians, and the devil himself to save the nation? Some say we should beware that a woman who prances around in glittering underwear and sings about a whole lot of diddly, may single-handedly get Biden re- elected. Taylor Swift will be a pudgy middle-aged has-been, in short time. She will take her place among the forgotten, like Madonna or Lady Gaga, in only a few short years. Should we fear a pop culture icon, with no more political savvy than a fifth grader? Is there no dig- nity left in the American citizenry? Shall we go to the game and cheer, all while hoping for a glimpse of America’s latest pop-culture flash in the pan? Christ told us to have faith and, become like little children. We would rather throw faith in the trash bucket and remain com- pletely childish.

Once, the mention of the great cultural centers of London, New York, Paris and Rome would spark ideas of great accomplishments, great people, and legendary lead- ers. Today, we can hit an online search engine in in seconds see a video of high-ranking New York Police officers being beaten, kicked, and humiliated in front of those they are sworn to protect. The mob of cop-beaters are young foreigners who sought out our na- tion as a refuge from the oppres- sion of their own native birthplaces. They pass through NYC’s revolv- ing door legal system, and then re- turn to the streets making public gestures (the finger) to insult us, all of us, as they go. We look like fools because we are acting like fools. Or as one said, “stupid is as stupid does.” Don’t tuck these warnings away in the backwaters of collective na- tional obscurity, but take heed and then act.

Ponder it carefully, it does apply to us.

“There were present at that sea- son some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answering said unto them, ‘Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, ex- cept ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but, ex- cept ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.’” (Luke 13:1-5). Learn this. There is no fickle fin- ger of fate, but there is a particular fate for the fickle.

Repent America.

Can we take enough drugs to make reality a perpetual Disney

Distortion of Love, Proliferation of Evil (Continued from Page 8)

Did not John the Baptist confront the evil of Herod? Did not Paul confront the evil of the silversmiths exploiting the people with their lit- tle silver shrines of Diana? Did he not confront the evil of Elymas? Did not the early church confront the evil of the colosseum? Did not Basil confront the evil of infanticide? Did not Amy Carmichael con- front the evil of child prostitution in the temples of India? Did not tens of thousands of Chris- tians confront the evil of abortion by interpos- ing at the doors of America’s deathcamps? No one is called by Scripture to love evil. The Scriptures call upon us to do the exact op- posite. We are to hate the evil. We are to resist the evil. Both by how we conduct our lives – and by proclamation of His law and Word with our mouths.

To say we should never resist evil becomes an evil in itself – as such teaching proliferates evil in the land. To say we should not resist evil is what is “unloving.” To say we should never resist evil becomes a treason against God and a betrayal of neighbor. Is it proper to, in the name of love, not resist evil to betray the weak to the wicked? To, in the name of love, not resist evil to expose someone else’s cheek to an attacker? To, in the name of love, not resist evil and allow wicked men to burn down churches, plant atheism, and destroy the nation? To, in the name of love, not resist evil but instead, stand by while children have their genitals mutilated and their minds corrupted? The truth is, it is precisely LOVE which com- pels us to resist evil. The two are not at odds

with one another as American Christianity and American society would have you believe. We understand that confronting and opposing evil are acts of love in themselves. Love for God and love for neighbor are pre- cisely what motivates and compels us to resist evil when it raises its ugly head. Our hatred for evil also compels us. We cannot sit by in indifference, blithely chalking it up to our prophesy charts or the sovereignty of God – all used wrongly to justify indifference. Rather, we are bothered when we see His law or Word being impugned by men or the governments of men. We must speak and we must act – and we can do no other. Do not allow yourself to be neutralized by this distortion of love by American society. Do not allow the churchmen and “Christians” of

American Christianity to lull you to indifference and complacency when evil is present and harming many. May Christ be praised. Matthew Trewhella is the pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church ( MercySeat.net ). He and his wife, Clara, have eleven children and 35 grandchildren, and reside in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. He is the founder of the organization Missionar- iesToThePreborn.com and of the think-tank De- fyTyrants.com . If you would like to hear the sermon “The Distor- tion of Love and The Proliferation of Evil in Amer- ica,” you can do so at SermonAudio.com https:// www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp? SID=1312417482974 or go to the Mercy Seat Christian Church channel at YouTube.

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