WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Volume 24, Issue 9


Page 11

FBI & DOJ Raiding Homes of Pro-Lifers


Paul looked out a side window and saw many unmarked cars with flashing lights. A few of his 11 children were going out the back door for school, to be met by an armed man with an AR 15. At the front door, Paul saw non-uniform men pointing guns at him. He asked them who they were looking for, and they said, “You.” This exchange reminded this writer of another un- just arrest that occurred over 2000 years ago. Paul and his wife repeatedly asked to see a warrant and iden- tification. One of them pointed to his Velcro ‘’FBI” patch, that looked like something anyone could get online, and said, “That’s all you get.” Arrogant and cocky they were, until Paul’s wife started videotaping them. Then suddenly, their manners changed, and they attempted to answer a question or two. However, they would not tell them where they were taking Paul, so Mrs. Vaughn called an attorney in their church, and they spent 6 hours making phone calls, trying to find out. Paul had been arrested without his wallet or cell phone. Once in their ve- hicle, he first learned that he was charged with FACE. They took him on a 1.5-hour ride into downtown Nashville. He had to agree not to go within 150 feet of their sacred altar for child sacrifice, before being released. The FACE Act states, “Who- ever by force or threat of force, or by physical obstruction, in- tentionally injures, intimidates, or interferes with … any person … from obtaining or providing reproductive health services… is subject to a misdemeanor of up to 6 months in prison.” Apparently, this penalty was not long enough for Biden’s DOJ — they have also charged six of the defendants with a “Title 18, 248 Violation of Civil Rights, Conspiracy” charge that can add on another 10 years in prison. So, what did Paul do to bring the wrath of the federal government upon him? He acted as a liaison to the police during a Rescue, to communicate their in- tentions to simply prevent baby murder, with a sit-in beside the entrance of the murder center, in a peaceful, non-violent way. This occurred at the Mt. Juliet, Tennessee “Careafem” abortion center, about 1.5 years prior to his arrest. Today, that abortion

rights conspiracy charge. In a highly unusual move, the obvi- ously pro-abortion judge had those non-violent Rescuers taken off to prison directly from the courtroom, rather than giving them some time to prepare by waiting for sentencing, which is not scheduled until May. Heather Idoni was involved in both the D.C. Rescue and the Mt. Juliet, Tennessee Rescue. Since she was already in prison, she was moved daily from Kentucky in shackles during the Nashville trial. To see how far this country has strayed from God and our foundational documents, a division of the federal government that is supposed to be concerned about civil rights, seeks to severely punish those protecting the most vital of all God-given rights, the right to life. As the Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men [even babies] are created equal [not born equal], that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these rights governments are instituted…” The argument can certainly be made that Constitutionally, the government is duty bound to secure the right to life of every human being, even from fertilization. Abortion, being a direct attack and destruction of human life, should itself be a violation of the US Constitution. The court did not go far enough in over- turning Roe, they should have declared that the practice of abortion violates the 5th and 14th Amendments: “No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” (5th Amendment). “No State shall…deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction, the equal pro- tection of the laws.” (14th Amendment). Learn more about the Nashville trial and the Rescuers involved at: www.StifledCry.com ConstitutionPartyOfWisconsin.com (608) 561-7996

center is closed. Paul did not participate directly by sitting down to block the entrance with the other 10. The City Fathers represent- ing the people of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, never approved for this “clinic” to do surgical abor- tions, however, in another ex- ample of judicial tyranny, a federal court issued an injunc- tion to force the city to do so. The Face and Conspiracy charges against six of the eleven, from the Carafem Res- cue, started on January 23rd, 2024. Sadly, a week later the jury found all six Rescuers guilty on both counts. Their sentencing is scheduled for July. The Rescuers charged with “Conspiracy,” refused plea deals from the DOJ that would drop their charges down to mis- demeanors if they had plead guilty to the FACE charge. This they are unwilling to do, believ- ing that what they did was just and right, in seeking to protect human life, and it’s those who are doing the abortions that should be charged with felony crimes, as the prophet Isaiah said in his time, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…” (5:20). The Federal 6th Circuit Court has gone so far as to say, “FACE should be broadly interpreted to include all forms of obstruction to clinic access, even when temporary, incomplete, or when they do not employ tactics.” A similar trial of a Rescue oc- curred last year in Washington D.C. and resulted in a guilty verdict also on both charges, FACE and the federal civil

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Our Backyard Constitutional Patriot rallies will again be going around WI! With your contact info, we can let you know when we will be in your region of WI – maybe even in your backyard. Listen to great speakers and have great conversations with pa- triots who share your values and who will fight for your consti- tutional rights always! T;D=D%43D%@>434?6DD=%4?J%E37C<=D=%:D%43D%4BB%677%;4EE5%67%KDDE]%'>3=%<=%4%E4365%78%6;D% :<BB<?@I%O73D%4?J%C73D%A7?=6<6>6<7?4B%A;3<=6<4?=%43D%3D[>D=6<?@%7>3%<?873C46<7?%E4GKD6=I%O4?5% =<?GD%;4FD%4?J%43D%G7?6<?><?@%67%b7<?%>=%PDG4>=D%6;D5%K?7:%6;D%63>6;I%N76;%6;D%)7?KD5%4?J%6;D% .BDE;4?6%E436<D=%;4FD%=>33D?JD3DJ%67%6;D%:73BJ%=5=6DC%4?J%43D%3766DJ%837C%6;D%<?=<JD%7>6I%QD% ?DDJ%(7JR8D43<?@%=646D=CD?9%?76%G43DD39%P<@%=ED?J<?@%E7B<6<G<4?=I%% Q;D?%57>%G7?64G6%>=9%4=K%>=%4P7>6%7>3%>EG7C<?@%DFD?6=9%<?GB>J<?@%7>3%4??>4B%A7?FD?6<7?%c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`I%% aI ! $7>3%G7?64G6%<?87%G4?%PD%3DC7FDJ%>E7?%57>3%3D[>D=6I%

By Mark Gabriel, Secretary, Constitution Party of Wisconsin February 2024

Many have heard of Mark Houck, the pro-life Catholic father of 7, who was charged under the federal FACE Act, “Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances,” for an incident that occurred on October 13, 2021. The DOJ knew that Mark had an attorney, and all they had to do was notify him of the charge and any re- quired appearance. Instead, His home was raided by the FBI, to arrest him on September 23rd, 2022. His wife described it as, “A SWAT Team of about 25 came to my house and started pounding on our door. They said they were going to break in if he didn’t open it. And then they had about 5 guns pointed at my husband, myself and basically our kids.” Mark prays and of- fers literature to those coming for abortions at Planned Parent- hood in Philadelphia. A deathscort (death-escort) for Planned Parenthood, who ushers women in to kill their babies, came over to get in the face of Mark’s young son and speak vulgari- ties. After refusing to leave, Mark pushed him away. Although police were called, they did not make any charges. The death- scort filed a criminal complaint, but never showed up in court, so nothing came of it, yet the Feds filed charges to put him away for 11 years. The jury found him “Not Guilty.” Less known than the persecution of Mark Houck by the FBI and DOJ, is their persecution of Paul Vaughn. Paul’s home suf- fered an early morning raid by the FBI, in a similar SWAT style manner. His entire family heard the pounding at the front door.


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