WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Volume 24, Issue 9 Revealing the Truth About Islam


Page 15

‘Israel’ Or ‘Palestine?’ (Part 2)

By Usama Dakdok February 2024

ones who launched these wars against Israel, not Israel against their neighbors. Because of these wars, Israel fought back in self-defense against Arab aggression and won each of the wars. Israel took land after the 1967 war to prevent future attacks from being staged so easily. In addition, Israel took back Jerusalem, her historic capital since 1000 B.C. that had been partially occupied by Arabs. The true history, which I was taught in Egypt, is simple. The Egyptians, the Jordanians, Assyrians, and many other Muslims countries refused the Palestinians to take their own state land for they were wishing to accomplish Mo- hammed’s (the self-proclaimed prophet of Islam) desire to eliminate the Jews, not only from Israel but from the earth.

In Part 1 of this article, we exposed some of the lies about the history of Israel and the Jewish people that are written in American textbooks. Simi- lar material is used by the media around the world to claim that the Jewish people are occupying the

land of Israel which should belong to the Palestinian peo- ple. We refuted these lies with historical evidence. How- ever, the lies continue. Here is the latest example of this propaganda. On Monday, Janu-

That is why the Arab League declared a jihad, or holy war, against Israel in 1948 hoping to obtain the entire land as an in- heritance for the Palestinians (that is after the Arabs waged a war of extermination against Israel). After all, Mohammed said in Sahih Muslim 2922 - The Book of Tribula- tions and Portents: “The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews, and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide them- selves behind a stone or a tree, and a stone or a tree would say ‘Muslim oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!’” So what does the

ary 22, 2024, the Jerusalem Post re- leased the article “Hamas Propaganda Doc Denying Atroci- ties, Blaming Israel for Civilian Deaths on Oc- tober 7.” This article was written by Hamas with one of its major points being Hamas’s claim that the problem between Hamas and Israel did not begin on October 7 but has been a 105-year-long struggle. That is why I believe the entire arti- cle is simply propa- ganda. Hamas prints these lies hoping to gain sympathy and support from every people group and religion in order to turn the world against Israel. It still surprises me that we have allowed both

Muslims and liberals to put these lies in our textbooks for the last two decades. Below are some of the lies used to brainwash our students and why we now see them sup- porting the Palestinians. We read in the book, “The World and Its People,” Mc- Graw-Hill/Glencoe, 2005, pages 473 and 509, “War soon broke out between Israel and its Arab neighbors.” Notice that Israel is the aggressor launching war against their peaceful Arab neighbors. Another lie we read is in “Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction,” McDougal Littell, 2005, pages 585-589, Main Idea Q. “What land did Israel gain from the wars against its Arab neighbors?” It is a repeat of the previous lie but just given in the form of a question showing the oc- cupiers, the Jews, stealing land from their Arab neighbors as a result of that war against their neighbors. We read another lie from this same textbook also found on pages 585-589 is: “While the United Nations granted the Pales- tinians their own homeland, the Israelis seized much of that land, including the West Bank and Gaza Strip, during its various wars.” Here we see the claim that the poor Palestinians could not get their own land given to them by the United Nations. The textbook continued to state: “In 1967 Israel wins Six-Day War and seizes more Palestinian land for what it calls security purposes.” Wow, once again, these evil aggressive Jews are truly occupying more land from the poor loving, peaceful, Arab Palestinian neighbors. What about the support of the United States for Israel? Do Muslims and liberals see that in the textbooks? We read in “The American Vision,” McGraw-Hill/Glencoe, 2008, on page 1038: “American support of Israel also an- gered many in the Middle East. In 1947 the UN divided British-controlled Palestine into two territories to provide a home for Jews. One part became Israel. The other part was to become a state for Palestinian Arabs, but fighting between Israel and the Arab states in 1948 left this terri- tory under the control of Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.” It seems to me that the textbooks are more concerned about the anger of the Palestinians than the anger of God Almighty, not realizing that spreading these lies all over the West to brainwash the new generation of Americans will bring nothing but the destruction of America. For the unconditional promise of God to Abraham and the nation of Israel will always be: “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you.” (See Genesis 12:3.) Now, let me respond to these hogwash lies in these text- books. A force of combined Arab states waged aggressive war against Israel in 1948, 1967, and again in 1973. The 1973 war began as a sneak attack against Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Notice the aggressors were the Muslims, not Israel. They are the

Qur’an teach about Israel? The story of the Jews and their inheritance of the Promised Land in the Qur’an is copied from the Bible and corrupted. (See Numbers 13-14.) We read in Qur’an 5:20-26: “And when Moses said to his peo- ple, ‘O my people, remember the grace of Allah on you when he made prophets among you. And he made you kings, and he gave you what he did not give anyone of the world. O my people, enter the holy land which Allah has prescribed for you, and do not turn away on your backs so you will be turned back losers.’ They said, ‘O Moses, surely in it are powerful people, and surely we will not enter it until they come out. So if they come out of it, so surely we will enter.’ Two men among the fearers, Allah graced on them, said, ‘Enter on them the door. So when you enter it, so surely you will be victorious. And on Allah, so depend, if you were believers.’ They said, ‘O Moses, surely we will never enter it as long as they are in it. So go, you and your lord. So engage in war. Surely we are sitting down right here.’ He said, ‘My lord, surely I do not own anything except myself and my brother, so separate between us and the transgressing people.’ He said, ‘So surely it is forbidden to them forty years; they will be lost on the earth. So do not grieve on the transgressing peo- ple.’” There are multiple errors in this passage. One is Moses claiming that there are many prophets among the Jews when he was the only prophet among them. Also, Mo- hammed claimed that he made many of the Jewish people kings when God was the only king of Israel during Moses’ time until they rejected Him by requesting an earthly king, King Saul, which was 500 years after Moses. Also, erro- neously, Mohammed stated that Moses called this land the “Holy Land” when the real name was the “Promised Land.” The Holy Land is a name given to Israel by Chris- tians — 1500 years after Moses. The errors in this pas- sage go on and on. However, the most important fact we gain out of this passage is that the land was given by Allah himself to the children of Israel after their wandering 40 years in the desert. Allah did not forbid that land from them forever but simply for 40 years. This is a clear deed to the Jews of the land of Israel in the pages of the Qur’an. This should end the propaganda claims that the Jewish people are occupying Israel. For more information about Islam, visit our website. To debate the information of this article, please call 941-223- 3698 . www.TheStraightWay.org


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