WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

WisconsinChristianNews.com Volume 24, Issue 9 Letters to the Editor In 2024, Wake Up and Pray Like Never Before

Page 17

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News: February 2024 We are well into the new year. What will this year bring? I do know one thing; I refuse to listen to the annoyance of the horn blowing politician telling us, again, they have the answers on how to fix the ills of our society. It’s nothing but rank evil. I’m absolutely fed-up with political lies and rhetoric. Every form of evil has risen to the top like scum on the pond and people are numb to it all. Apathetic. Here is a dream that I had. I was in a pure white room. A voice from heaven spoke and said, “Your nation is no longer called The United States of America.” I looked up to heaven and asked, “What are we called then?” I saw a white piece of paper float gently from above and it landed on a white table. The voice spoke, “here is the name of your nation.” I read the words and it said, “United States of Mourning.” At first, I thought it said Morning. I got excited seeing that word, but the voice said, “look at the word again.” Then it dawned on me it read MOURNING. Grief in my soul gripped me. I knew this nation has entered into a time of judgment. I awoke. You may laugh and mock, but let me promise you, mark my words, this nation is going down because of its idolatry. As a nation, we have put

our beloved Creator on the back burner. Father is a God that will not be mocked. You will reap what you have sown. You sow to evil; you will reap the whirlwind. The cup of His indignation will soon be full.

with baby cries, but with the roar of a lion ready to unleash judgment like never before. Those who are just pollywoggin in the pews, you best be shaking and quaking. My Messiah is heading for you first. The Bible says judgment begins in Yah’s house first. He will do house cleaning. Yah’s house will be called a house of prayer, not a social club. For those in high places, with hearts of wickedness, you will face unquenchable hell fire for all your deceptions and evil plots and schemes that you have implemented so you could pillage and plunder the world. Father will give justice to the innocent people whom you harm day and night. Nothing will be missed when our Warrior Messiah treads out the winepress of His fury. Revelation talks on this. This is why Yeshua, our Messiah, has to come Himself. He and He alone is the only one worthy to open the seals of Revelation and allow this judgment to take place. We had our opportunity to be a Christian na- tion but we blew it by loving ourselves, our money, and our power more than Yah Most High. There is a remnant, though, in this nation that has not bowed their knee to ba’al (the god of money and power). Father always has a rem- nant in a polluted land. Pray like your life de- pends on it, because it does. Mourning will be upon our land if people don’t wake up and pray! -Patricia Mattus, Boscobel, Wis.

Pastors, get your people ready. If you refuse,

then you will be held accountable for your lack of love for your people. Why are you even a pas- tor if you can’t warn your people of this damnable evil that has permeated every fabric of our society including your churches? Father will also hold you accountable for pan- dering at the pool of popularity, and for your se- cret sins that you are hiding which is keeping you in a lukewarm state. Repent! Wake up! I’m warning you, the reader, to get your heart right. I hear the sound of our Mes- siah and this time; His arrival isn’t going to be

...And We Still Don’t Pray

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News: February 2024 As WW II approached mid-summer of 1945, it had already claimed be- tween 21- 25 million lives all together, including that of over 400,000 U.S. sol- diers. By this same time — mid-sum- mer of 1945 — we had already developed, tested, and had available to us our “greatest weapon” — the atomic bomb! However, its use would bring about unimaginable death and destruc- tion, the likes we had never seen be- fore. But after much discussion it was surmised that failure to use our “great- est weapon” would bring about even greater loss of life to American soldiers, our allies and the Japanese. So on the mornings of August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945 atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — killing tens of thou- sands. Five days later, on August 14, 1945, the Japanese government offi- cially surrendered. The use of those atomic bombs, our “greatest weapons,” brought about a swift and decisive end to WWII. As Christians in this spiritual war we are fighting, we fail to use our “greatest weapon,” our most pwerful weapon — prayer. There were several things missing in my former church, which I used to love. Missing was: TRUTH, CONDEMNA- TION OF SIN, PASSION FOR THE LORD, and THE HOLY SPIRIT. But another missing element of this church was “prayer.” Our services were 99.9% production and presentation and 0.01% or less, prayer. The only time I recall any of us being instructed to pray was to pray that we fill the seats of the new auditorium we had just built. So it was a prayer for growth. Now that I think about it, I find it revolting, since it involved growing their own personal empire. As a matter of fact, when my

wife and I lead Bible studies, we dis- covered Christians that attended our church and Bible studies didn’t know how to pray. As leaders of the “mar- riage ministry” for some 12 plus years, we discovered that most of the couples attending the class didn’t pray together for their marriages and families. So we had to teach them how to pray — teach them how to stand facing each other, holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes and both praying out loud for each other and their marriages as well as for protection from the enemy who is out to destroy their marriage. So here these couples, many at the brink of divorce, all failing to use their “greatest weapon” they had available to them. If one thinks about it, this is all quite troubling and is why the Church and our country are in the mess they are today. Jesus prayed before all the great crises in His earthly life. He prayed be- fore choosing the 12 disciples; before the Sermon on the Mount; before start- ing out on an evangelistic tour; before His anointing with the Holy Spirit and His entrance to public ministry; before announcing His approaching death; be- fore the cross. When He fed the 5,000 with the five loaves and two fishes; and He went up into the mountain and spent hours there alone in prayer with God. In Luke 6:12, we get further in- sight into when to pray: “Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” Here we see Jesus spending the entire night in prayer. Jesus prayed about everything! If the Bible, in 1st Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “Pray without ceasing...” why is there so little prayer in the Church today? • God’s creation of male and female is being mocked ... and yet we still don’t

pray. • We have broken our covenant with God ... placing ourselves in mortal dan- ger and yet we still don’t pray. • We are defunding the police and law- lessness rules the streets ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Politicians have sold out our country ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Pastors have sold out the Church ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Entire generations are being lost to the enemy ... and yet we still don’t pray. • We are losing this spiritual battle we are in ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Our justice system in America has collapsed ... and yet we still don’t pray. • We have lost our moral compass in this country ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Election integrity is compromised ... possibly forever ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Drag Queen Story Hour is being hosted in our public libraries aimed at indoctrinating our children into the LGBT ideology ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Our government is systematically re- moving God from our country ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Filth, deviancy and blasphemy fill the airwaves ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Evil has infiltrated the Church ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Pastors have conformed to the way of the world ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Our country stands at a precipice ... and yet we still don’t pray. • Our government is corrupt from the top on down ... and yet we still don’t pray. • The Church is absorbing more dark- ness from the world than it is giving off light ... and yet we still don’t pray. • School administrators and teachers

are doing their best to twist the minds of six year olds in an attempt to indoc- trinate them into the transgender ideol- ogy ... and yet we still don’t pray. Now if any of you doubt any of the bullet points above, ask yourselves, When was the last time your pastor lead your congregation in fervent, inter- cessory prayer for “any of the above” bullet points? As for ourselves, a simple

“Please God save this country” ain't gonna cut it. We need to fall on our knees and bury our faces in the ground in repentance and ask God for His Di- vine forgiveness and for Him to once again put His blessing Hand back on this country. Only a spiritual revival and return to God will save this country. -Michael Rorabeck

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