WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Page 22


Volume 24, Issue 9

Honoring Our Husbands and Wives

Mary & Dick Kendall

By Dick Kendall, Mountain, Wis. February 2024

Mary at that young age would result in a life-long commitment of marriage. As the next few years moved along, and we got into high school, Mary and I were in the same marching band at West High in Green Bay. She was a year behind me so I didn’t get to know her well until my junior year. She played flute, I played trombone. We lived only a few blocks apart. Now my walking her home be- came a chance to get to know her better. That shiny brunette hair and deep brown eyes at- tracted me…oh, and that pretty face. Yep, eventually we dated when I was a high school senior and on through our college years. I

Lord willing, my wife (Mary) and I will celebrate our 50th wed- ding anniversary on Saturday, June 22. Whew…time flies! What a wonderful blessing God has provided to me by placing this woman worth more that jewels…rubies, pearls, all of ‘em! [Proverbs 31] in my life. I met her when we were grade-school age, although we didn’t attend the same school. Mary’s cousin, Bill, and I were in Boy Scouts as youngsters. Mary’s two sisters, would leave their bi- cycles at his house so they wouldn’t get vandalized. So did I. Bill’s two sisters, Mary and her sisters, and I would all walk to the swimming pool to recreate on a hot summer afternoon. I never thought much about that then. Little did I realize that meeting

‘popped the question’ in Novem- ber of 1972…she said yes. And, we were married in June of 1974. God has blessed us in so many ways. We had great employers, nice homes, fabulous friends, neat opportunities to visit places

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It hasn’t all been easy. Our youngest child was killed in a car crash at age 23. That certainly put a challenge in front of us… weathering such a tragedy would not have been possible for us had we not had a relationship with God and His son, Jesus Christ. What a wonderful home heaven must be for Kevin. That still didn’t make it easy, but we were able to navigate the road ahead. And, as Romans 8 says “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” We wouldn’t have known it 19 years ago at the time of the accident, but God now allows Mary and I to facilitate a GriefShare group through our church in Lakewood. After pastoring a Baptist church in Antigo and stepping out of the pulpit, God has assured us that our service to Him is just get- ting started. Pulpit supply opportunities are frequent, law en- forcement chaplaincy, and working with a company through Market Place Chaplains gives Mary and I the privilege of contin- uing to serve Him. Remember the old song lyric? “When I am worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep.” Well, we’re not worried, but we do count our blessings. Thank you, God, for our many blessings…and thank you for my wife who is worth more than rubies!

near and far. And the greatest of all blessings were three wonderful children…two sons and a daughter. It seems like yesterday we were attend- ing school conferences to find out how the kids were doing in their studies. What! Now they’re in their 40s! How did that happen? And, our only grandchild is 16. Oh, no way! That’s crazy! I must really be old. Mary worked full-time until our first child was born. We then made the decision that she would be a stay-at-home mom until the kids were in school full days. Even then, after returning to work, she worked part-time to be home for after-school care and activities. Our faith journey has been so fun and very re- warding. My mother was Catholic, my dad was Methodist, I married a Lutheran girl, and I eventu- ally ended up as Pastor of a Baptist Church. That road is another story, but through it all, this won- derful woman has proven to be a Godly lady and a magnificent wife. She’s put up with me! Wow… that takes courage!

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Betty & Paul Allison

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By Betty Allison, Wolfforth, TX February 2024

Paul and I had parents who taught us right. They were not perfect. My father was never home, but my mother was great. I have a sister one and a half years older and a brother one and a half years younger. Both of them were born on July 9. I was born on December 25. Paul’s parents both had mental prob- lems. They had four kids and waited four- teen years and had four more. We ended up raising the youngens. When my boys were ten and twelve years old, Ed came to live with us at age eleven. Ed was behind in school, needed all clothing and hadn’t been taught anything. Not even to wash his hands after going to the bathroom. I was always wanting to eat. Ed had to learn to wait. We had meals together as a family. We had five teenagers at one time. We enjoyed our life in the USAF, for the most part. We moved every three to five years, God bless us. We were married in 1961 and had children in 1963, 1965, 1967 and 1970. We loved being parents and loved seeing our children grow. We were never close to family, until our last child was five years old and we were sta- tioned 200 miles from our childhood home. That was nice. While we were there, I went to nursing school. Up to that time, I was a stay at home mom. That was a blessing to be able to do that. God was so good to us. Continued on Page 24

My Paul and I were married in January 1961 and he was in a car accident in July 2020, living only four days after that. We had a wonderful marriage. He lead us, all those years, to church. Paul was a wonderful husband and fa- ther. Those years, we didn’t holler to each other. We had a happy home. He was the only boy I ever loved and I was the only girl he ever loved. We always tried to do what was pleasing to God. We were both saved as children. We went to the same junior high school. Our first date was to a hay ride with his church youth group. Paul was thirteen years old and I was twelve. All that is a story in itself. We had lots of church dates. His family went to one Nazarene church and mine to another Nazarene church. By the time we were sixteen, he would walk to my house and ride with us to church. By then, we were in love and would have married but knew he had to have a job first. When he turned eighteen, he joined the Air Force. November 1960. When he had a three week leave in January and had finished basic training, we were married. (There was no sex before marriage). When my kids were dating years later, I told them “now don’t you do anything you are not supposed to do!”

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