WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Page 24


Volume 24, Issue 9

Honoring Our Husbands and Wives

Betty & Paul Allison (Continued From Page 22)

When Paul retired from the USAF in 1981, we moved back to the city Paul and I were raised in and married in. Paul found work and took good care of us as always. Later, Paul and I became foster parents and adopted two sick babies. Being a nurse, we had all special needs children. Rachel had down syn- drome and was very ill. She was also a preemie and was on a ventilator for three months before we got her. We didn’t think she would live to age one year. With lots of love and good care, she lived and thrived. Now she is thirty eight years old and doing well. Another praise to God. Paul helped so much. When Rachel was several months old, Dan came to us, at two days old. Also so ill. He was a drug baby and suffered from seizures. The first three to four months were the worst. We quickly fell in love with him too.

I must say “Praise God.”

Rachel and Dan started to school, in special needs class, the day they turned three years old. (We didn’t have foster children after we got Rachel). What a joy raising these two too. Our oldest of our first family was Kathy. Kathy never married or had children. Kathy also loved Rachel as her own. To this day, for Kathy, it so special when she can come the two hundred miles and visit. Now, since I can’t drive and with Paul in heaven, Dan takes me to see Rachel often. Rachel is in a host home. We all are so blessed and thankful to God for the wonderful home Rachel is in. Dan is here in Lubbock, Texas, too. He finished high school and lives on his own. He work hard at his job. He has his father’s good work ethic. Again

Paul is still helping to care for me with the good retirement from the USAF insurance.

I’m in an assisted living home of only eight peo- ple. I’m also blessed.

Three of my children are here in Lubbock and three of my children two hundred miles away in Amarillo, Texas. I’m eighty one. Dan and I attend South Park Baptist Church. Again, Dan takes me. Dan, on his days off, spends approximately five to nine hours a week visiting me. Cindy and David her husband, take good care of me too. Jesus never leaves me or forsakes me. How blessed I am. Paul and I were married for fifty-nine and a half years.

Bob & Shirleen Nielsen

By Bob Nielsen, Rockland, Wis. February 2024 I first met my wife in 1976. She was 14 years old and I was 17 when our eyes met for the first time. It was love at first sight. It wasn’t until 1996, after I became a born again Christian and in 2002 when I was working for Mutual Faith Ministries — a Mission Or- ganization that we met again after 24 years apart. I led her to the Lord and we got married six months later. Shirleen has always been a hard worker and cook. She started working at 15 years old and now runs the kitchen at Mauston Hospital and is the Food Director there.

We have fantastic times when we are alone together and traveling or just going out to eat. She truly is God’s greatest blessing to me! Our Son has been faithful in serving the Lord… and he preached his first message at his Church — Calvary Baptist in Sparta Wiscon- sin, just recently. Shirleen and I moved from Southern California to Wisconsin in 2019 before the Plandemic hit, and now we have four Grandchildren and we are extremely blessed of the Lord! I also wrote a short book in 2015 of how The Lord Jesus saved my life. It is called “Wind in The Shade” and it is available on Amazon.

Now Honor YOUR Spouse — Send Us YOUR Stories! In today’s world of negative news sto- ries and the never-ending cultural in- doctrination and prideful celebration of worldly, self-centered, wicked and ungodly lifestyles, we would like “Hon- oring Our Husbands and Wives” to become a regular, uplifting feature here in Wisconsin Christian News. Please see the article starting on Page 5 of this edition. cious than jewels...a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

For the ladies, we have one that says, “I Love My Husband,” and below that, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” (I Corinthians 16:13-14). We prefer that you email the stories to us at: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com Or, if necessary, send by mail to: Wisconsin Christian News 225780 Rib Mountain Dr. #229 Wausau, WI 54401 What an encouragement this will be to others you meet along the way, to live life and love others God’s way?!

If you would like to honor YOUR husband or wife, please write your story. Tell us how your wife is a “Proverbs 31 woman.” Tell us how your husband is a Godly man. Tell us how you met, and how your love en- dures because you are living your marriage GOD’s way!

We are looking for stories between 600 - 800 words, along with a photo or two...perhaps a photo from when you met or were married, along with one from today.

When you do, you’ll receive a T shirt. (Don’t forget to let us know your size). For the men, we have one that says, “I Love My Wife” and below that the words of Proverbs 31, “Far more pre-

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