WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

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Volume 24, Issue 9

Medical Murder is the #1 Cause of Death In the U.S. – by Design! (Part 4 — The Esoteric Spiritual Battle)

By Scott Schara February 2024

as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of right- eousness. Their end will be what their actions de- serve.” 5). Exposing the evil is Satan’s goal – while cre- ating a belief that we are going to finally get justice for the perpetrators and additionally creating the desire of security, safety, and comfort, he snaps the final piece of the control grid into place. The people in the control grid may have a short period where it appears they made the right choice, but they followed the wrong messenger. 1 Thessalo- nians 5:3: “While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of dis- plays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness de- ceives those who are perishing. They perish be- cause they refused to

On September 20, we released a national press release docu- menting the claim in the title. Today I’ll briefly discuss Part 4 of the research – The Esoteric Spiritual Bat- tle. This research project can hopefully

be used for God’s glory to wake people up. The seven parts follow the way we should investigate to find the truth: Who, What, Where, Why, When, How, and Now What?. I hope you enjoy the se- ries. The detailed research is posted on the home page at https://ouramazinggrace.net/Medical%20Murder/i ntroduction. Each part has a related monocast that is de-

signed to give you a taste and hopefully motivate you to dig deeper. For the next three issues, I’ll similarly in- troduce the remaining parts of the series. Think about

love the truth and so be saved. For

this reason God sends them a power- ful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be con- demned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” To summarize, when we see evil, on a macro and micro scale, we should conclude that we’ve been completely duped about everything in Satan’s attempts to have us put our trust in men. The Hegelian Dialectic is in play, esoterically. Problem – evil; Reaction – chaos; Solution – angel of light. Satan wants to present a solution to bring order out of the chaos. You can see this scenario developing if you are paying attention to the proposals: power to the people; military tri- bunals; gold backed currency; patriotism; The Great Awakening. In short, esoterically, the plan to take down the satanic cabal was created by the satanic cabal, in this final act for the souls of men! COVID was a call to repentance. What we are experiencing is a result of God’s judgment. Re- pentance of what? Putting our trust in men and knowledge instead of the Lord. Yes, we’ve been lied to. We’ve also allowed it to happen. There’s only one narrative we should trust: God is our only hope, through His Son, Jesus. Satan knows he loses in the end because God’s word says so. Jesus is the order within the chaos. In closing, how do we prepare? There are al- ways two mistakes we can make, relative to preparation. First, failing to prepare; second, re- lying on our preparations – we rely on the finished work of Jesus Christ. When our own government has become the serial killer, preparation should obvious. Use your critical thinking. Of course, you want to understand advocacy and informed consent to combat medical murder, which is the lane I’m representing. More importantly, there’s never been a more urgent time to share the Gospel and do an inventory of your own Biblical roots – so you can stand firm when the time comes. There’s nothing to fear. As Grace would say, “God’s got this dad.” He is not sitting and panicking when Satan orchestrates these things. He warned us ahead of time. If you’d like to follow our story and advocacy work, please sign up for our newsletter at https://ouramazinggrace.substack.com /. You can also sign up to follow our landmark legal case at www.GraceSchara.com . For the inspiration behind our family’s advocacy, please visit www.OurAmazingGrace.net . There you will find some fantastic pictures and videos of Grace, as well as resources and research. OurAmazingGrace.net

it. People are too expensive; the planet doesn’t have enough resources. If Satan is successful at selling these lies, what we see happening in real time fits like a glove. Long before COVID, even the CDC recognized that ‘medical malpractice’ was the third leading cause of death – heart disease 700,000; cancer 600,000; medical malpractice 400,000 annual deaths. There is legitimate malpractice – negli- gence due to human error. God used Grace’s murder to wake me up. 1,200,000 hospital mur- ders in 39 months! The U.S. was #1 in hospital deaths during the COVID era, with India (with 4X the population) a distance #2, with 531,000 deaths. All these deaths can’t be malpractice. What’s going on, esoterically? During COVID, the U.S. directly incentivized protocols designed to kill. Why? The ultimate source is the Satanic agenda, which I’ll cover today. The excuse the bureaucrats use is money. People are too expen- sive. There are 135,000,000 Americans on Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid and the cost is over 50% of the annual federal budget. At an annual cost of $35,000/person, you can see why ‘elderly’ and ‘disabled’ were the first and second causes of the hospital deaths during COVID. The aver- age COVID incentive was $100,000 paid to hos- pitals, so there was a three-year payback to the government! What’s happening behind the scenes? Take a look: 1). Satan knows his days are numbered. He knows the Bible better than any man who ever walked the face of the earth, other than Jesus. He is urgently unleashing evil in ways we could not conceive of only a few years ago. 2). The big lie mankind has bought into is that we should chase knowledge and by doing so we can be like God (Genesis 3:6: “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom… ”). Today, this lie is called The Red Pill Movement. 3). Satan has sold some whoppers to facilitate what we are seeing, to keep us exoterically chas- ing knowledge: “man is inherently good;” “evolu- tion – no accountability for sin;” “managing mother earth through population and climate control;” “we can be our own god and live forever.” 4). Esoterically, Satan must have the evil exposed to close the anti-Christ control grid with the false prophet gate; he is also controlling the timing of the release of the evil, because the population cannot handle all the evil at one time; controlling the panic, to a degree. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15: “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades

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