WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Volume 24, Issue 9


Page 33

Come Walk With Us (Part 23)

By Harry and Hadassah Wilkinson February 2024 We have enjoyed the people we have met so far, but attitudes have changed and people have not been friendly and open. The only thing that has really changed, that we can think of, is the interstate that we crossed. We are still in the same type of rural area we have been traveling in and we can’t think of any reason why the attitudes of people should change unless it is the influence of the traffic that travels the interstate highway. As we thought about it, people started changing before we got to the interstate and that has lasted for several miles beyond the interstate. We had an “almost” incident today. This afternoon we were both very tired and we stopped to rest at the entrance to a field. The burrs were so bad that we couldn’t get very far off the road so we spread our tarp and rested near the right of way. The cart was only a couple of feet off the road and we were just behind it. We were so exhausted we both fell sound asleep with traffic only about four feet from us. Traffic has not been heavy but it is fairly steady. The Lord woke me as a dark blue van went by. I knew immediately we were in for an unwelcome visit. I watched the van and, sure enough, it went down the road a ways, turned around, and came back very slowly. I told Hadassah to get on her feet and get her stick because we had trouble coming. I don’t think I ever saw her move so fast just after waking up! The van stopped a few feet from us and the passenger asked something about whether we needed help. I

stood up and stepped out from be- hind the cart with my club in my hand and Hadassah stayed by the

several weeks ago. God, once again, in a miraculous way, provided for a need when we were so sound asleep

where out there, people are bustling around, going about their business. They are part of a world that we were once a part of, but, right now, are detached from. It is a very peaceful feeling. We know that we are being protected and provided for by God and even though this walk is physi- cally hard, we have never felt so at peace with our circumstances. We are in our 56th day and, already, we know we are not the same people who started this walk back in Illi- nois. Our lives will never be quite the same since God has definitely touched them in a very personal way. Even though there was one unfor- tunate experience today, we also had a good one. Two ladies that had seen us before stopped and were inter- ested in what we were doing. They gave us $3.00 and wished us well. A welcome encounter after our experi- ence with the blue van. We can’t remember a day out here when there has been such a contrast to the circumstances we have found ourselves in. Earlier today we were exhausted and fell asleep along the road, only to have God wake us up to potentially serious problems. After that, we were visited by two nice ladies and now we are resting peace- fully in a field enjoying the closeness of God and the detachment from the world. (John 14:27). “And I have been with thee whither- soever thou hast walked, and have cut off all thine enemies from before thee...” (I Chronicles 17:8 KJV). Email Contact: Harry@Virtually-Forever.com

cart with her walking stick ready. The passenger never said another word and did not get out. The driver got out and came around in front of me, very obviously drunk. He said they didn’t mean to cause trouble. I assured him he wasn’t going to. He told me they had seen the cart and turned around to see what it was and that they had not seen us. I know the Lord woke me up and I know they had nothing but larceny on their minds. The driver talked nervously for a little bit and told me that he drinks but prays to the Lord to forgive him. Then he said, “That makes it all right. Doesn’t it?” I told him, “No.” With that, he started to leave and said he would be back after he dropped his passenger off. I asked the Lord to take care of things and we never saw the van again. God warned me of the approaching trouble before we were in a danger- ous situation with these two drunks, just as he told me He would when He showed me the vision of the young man that propositioned Hadassah

that we could not have known there was one. When He woke me, He had instilled in me the knowledge that the people in the van that just went by were intent on doing us some kind of harm. Because we were fore- warned and ready by the time they got turned around and came back we were able to avoid what could easily have been an unfortunate in- cident. It is a Mighty God and Won- derful Father we serve! (Psalm 4:8) This evening was special. We went down a dirt side road looking for a place to camp (almost all the side roads are dirt). About ½ mile off the highway we found a wheat field that had been harvested. It was still pretty early so we spread our tarp out and leaned against the cart and relaxed. We enjoy relaxing like this at the end of a day. It was quiet and beautiful. Hadas- sah mentioned it first and I knew ex- actly what she meant as soon as she started talking. We feel as if we are in limbo. Here we are, sitting in a field in the middle of Kansas. Some-

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