WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

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Volume 24, Issue 9

Bread and Circuses

By Jim Schneider, Executive Director, VCY America February 2024 A Roman poet by the name of Dec- imus Junius Juvenalis, known to most as just “Juvenal,” lived from around 55AD to 127AD. In one of his composed writings, he penned under

ernmental debt. On top of this, American household debt has been setting record highs. But we’ll keep spending because we have to get our fix of the “bread and circuses” available to us. Our nation is tightening its own noose with the ex- tremist energy policies underway cutting off our plentiful supplies of natural gas and oil while penal- izing those who want to advance their use. This, as electric vehicles pile up in graveyards at charging stations in the cold of winter. While we are con- sumed by our “bread and circuses,” gas appliances are at risk, gasoline vehicles are under attack, and our infrastructure continues to crumble as we grow our dependence on other nations. Morally, our nation is in a free fall. Over 65 million babies in our country have been murdered by abor- tion and this is tragically increasing by the day. Politicians, if elected to office, are stumbling over themselves to promote the killing of the pre-born. But please don’t bother me, I’m still making my way through the tantalizing “bread and circuses” being dangled before my eyes. Recent published polls by the Public Religion Re- search Institute indicate that nearly 30% of Gen Z adults in the United States now identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or queer. The indoctrination occurring through our educational system, the entertainment scene, politicians and social media is reaping great dividends. A mockery has been made of marriage and increasingly women’s sports are being decimated by men who are gender confused. Religiously, many churches are awash with the “bread and circuses” mentality. Doctrinal truth is sacrificed for entertainment and keeping everyone busy with activities is at the forefront of the agenda. Afterall, numbers are more important, aren’t they? What ever happened to being “salt and light?” Sadly, the Great Commission has become the Great “Omis- sion” as the fields are ready to harvest but the laborers are few. A critical juncture lies before every individual, family, church and to our society as a whole. Will we awake out of our slumber to the great spiritual needs of our time? Or will we succumb to the great diversion of the “bread and circuses” offered by the world, the flesh and the devil? VCY.org

the guise of “political satire,” “Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.” The word “cir- cuses,” in its Latin meaning, includes that of “games or sports.” Many individuals rose to political power by keeping individuals occupied with inexpensive food and entertainment. The populace would be so consumed with gorging themselves with the dainties provided and an overwhelming amount of their time on sports and entertainment that they did not rec- ognize that they were surrendering their freedom. This mob, oblivious to their own defeat, followed Fortuna, known as “the goddess of fortune and the personification of luck.” This false goddess was be- lieved to bring not only increase, but also prosperity. So the hordes would follow this pied piper to their own peril. This “political satire” has become a reality. Tragi- cally, numerous Americans are being swayed by “bread and circuses.” Many in our nation are oblivi- ous to the fact that we have become totally preoccu- pied with “bread and circuses” and as a result, our country is quickly falling apart at the seams. The at- tacks and subsequent loss of liberty are happening on many fronts. Consider this brief overview: Recently the World Economic Forum met in Davos, Switzerland. It was a “Who’s Who” of those directly attacking national sovereignty to succumb to the promise of “salvation” from world players who expect nothing less than the surrender of national sovereign to give way to the globalist elitists. UN Secretary-Gen- eral Antonio Guterres called for “global governance” in a “a new multipolar global order.” Additionally, the World Health Organization is calling for elitist powers in preparation for “Disease X” (to be named at some future time) hence the necessity of a world-wide pan- demic treaty with the WHO calling the shots. Are we alert? No, we are distracted by the “bread and cir- cuses.” Due to a disregard of enforcing existing law, the floodgates are wide open for those entering our coun- try illegally. Recently, a coalition of ten former officials

from the FBI gave warning in a letter sent to congres- sional leaders. In this warning, they wrote to “express our concern about a current, specific threat that may be one of the most pernicious ever to menace the United States.” The letter went on to warn stating, “the United States is facing a new and imminent dan- ger.” They were referencing our southern border, which saw a record 2.4 million illegal migrant encoun- ters in the most current completed fiscal year. They referred to it as an “invasion” stating, “In its modern history, the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now.” They indi- cated, “Military aged men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thou- sands.” They indicate this invasion is occurring “by foot across a border that has been accurately adver- tised around the world as largely unprotected with ready access granted.” They also issued a warning, “We would be remiss not to call out this potentially grave threat in the most direct terms. The warning lights are blinking.” But the citizens of America cannot be bothered with this at this time, because we have our “bread and cir- cuses.” Perhaps another day! Economically, we are headed quickly toward the brink of financial collapse. With over $34 Trillion in debt, every man, woman and child in the U.S. would have to pay approximately $265,000 each to wipe out this liability. Additional trillions are owed for intra-gov-

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VCY RALLY WITH MIKE GENDRON March 16, 2024 • 6 pm • Waukesha Expo Center Topic: Discerning Truth in an Age of Deception Mike Gendron is the Founder and Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry. All rallies are held at the Waukesha Expo Center, 1000 Northview Road, Waukesha, WI 53188. Doors open at 5pm. Event begins at 6pm. No registration necessary. Admission is free. A freewill offering will be received to offset the expenses of the evening. The VCY America Network will broadcast these rallies LIVE. Tune in to your VCY America Station to hear this important information.

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