WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Page 40


Volume 24, Issue 9

Wise, Intentional Leadership Development

Living Out a Christ-Centered Identity

By Molly Ditzler, WILD Administrative Assistant February 2024

created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” (Eph- esians 4:22-24). How is this done? Through the daily renewal of our minds (Romans 12:1-2) according to the perfect standard of God’s Word, by walking according to the Spirit (Romans 8:5-17) and through the

by WILD are contextualized by Christian leaders to effectively reach the people in their own communities. The essential goal is Christ-centered leadership multi- plication that focuses on the youth to significantly increase the impact of the Church as leaders in its own community and government for God’s glory.

As is evident in our 21st century soci- ety, a tremendous need exists for spiri- tual leadership development, discipleship and mentoring in the lives of today’s youth and young adults.

spiritual pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4-6). We are in a spiritual battle for the renewal of our minds and the allegiance of our lives unto Christ. We must actively engage in this fight using the spiri- tual weapons Christ has given us. (Eph-

WILD (Wise Inten- tional Leadership De- velopment) is Christ-centered and an interdenominational organization based in Rhinelander, Wiscon- sin, existing to address the vast need for such development both on a local and international level.

esians 6:10-18).

Believers are encouraged to live out a victorious Christ-centered identity in this world necessitates “putting on” our spiritual armor (Ephesians 6:10-18). They are directed to read, apply, medi- tate, memorize, and speak God’s Word over our lives until it abides in the very core of our being as absolute truth. This takes work! This requires inten- tionality, purposefulness, goal setting, fixing our minds and attention, resisting distractions and rejecting deceptions, rationalizations and justifications that come from the world’s futile way of thinking and living. “As believers in Christ, put off the old self, which belongs to our former man- ner of life and is corrupt through deceit- ful desires and put on our new self,

WILD offers training in Biblical spiri- tual leadership, Biblical worldview un- derstanding, and Biblical character studies and is currently impacting the lives of young people not only in Rhinelander, but Asia and Africa as well. Compelled by Christ’s love and obedi- ence to Christ’s Great Commission, WILD leaders are passionately and strategically seeking to impact Africa’s astounding population of 70% young people (25 years old and younger), equipping, and empowering them through training in Biblical leadership principles to be intentionally exemplified in their own lives as Christ’s disciples who intentionally and strategically disci- ple the next generation.

WILD strategically builds relationships with people around the world who will pray and labor together for the expanse of Christ’s Kingdom through the devel- opment of young people as spiritual leaders in their key spheres of influence. WILD seeks opportunities to build up its team of supporters here in the United States and would like to share its vision with church missions committees and families. You can respond via email: intdirector@wildleadership.org . Also check out the WILD website here: WildLeadership.org

The materials provided free of charge

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