WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Volume 24 Issue 9


Page 41

Where In the World Is Palestine?

By JL Robb February 2024

There has never been a Palestine state or country, anywhere. After Muhammad died in 632 AD, the newly formed Islam began their takeover of the world, their world of “convert or kill.” Their territory eventually included all of the Mideast, North Africa and much of Southern Europe. Finally Spain put a stop to it in 1478 in the Spanish Inquisition. There were three Crusades to take the Holy Land back from the Muslims, but Muslims maintained control. May 14, 1948: Ezekiel’s

blazing pot in the midst of wood, like a flaming torch among sheaves. And they shall devour to the right and to the left all the surrounding peoples, while Jerusalem shall again be inhabited in its place, in Jerusalem.” (Zechariah 12:6). JL Robb is author of the internationally renowned 7-book series: “The End The Book.” Read more at web site www.TheEndTheBook.com Also on Ama- zon. The only prophecies that have not occurred are those referring to the Last Days, but those days are looming as evident on the nightly news.

With the advent of yet another war between Israel vs. Iran, Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad/Houthis and other Iranian proxy groups; it did not have to happen. If the world would only let Israel take care of the murderers, rapists, mutilationists. Cease fires against people who are determined on killing you only give the anti-Jewish terrorists time to re- supply.

I read the Quran because I was taught to always study the competition. It was not an easy read and is a rewrite of the Bible through the eyes of Ish- mael’s descendants. The main focus, in my opinion, was dom- ination of the planet. It was an eye-opener. Islamists have a plan, and we are watching it right now. We, everyone except Muslims, will have a choice: Convert, be killed or enslaved. That is what their “Good Book” says. Islam is the only major re- ligion in the world that es- pouses this convert or kill mentality. Palestine has never, in recorded history, been a coun-

prophecy that God would even- tually bring the Jews from

around the world, back to the land He gave them, came to fruition. May 15, 1948, the new Is- rael was attacked by 5 Muslim coun- tries, all Arab. The wars and rocket exchanges have gone on since then. Palestinian terror- ism is nothing new and has continued against Israel since her rebirth. September 5,

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 The Church of the New Testament

The autonomous body of Christ in which he is the Head and in which he has the preeminence, for it is his.

The New Testament church is a local, independent, private assembly of believers born again by the Spirit of God (upon repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ) that gather together into one place on the first day of the week. The body of Christ is led by the Holy Spirit as God’s people walk by the same rule: the inspired, perfect, and preserved word of God, the King James Bible. The church of the New Testament is holy: A royal priesthood and a peculiar people who are in the world (as salt and light) but not of the world. Complete in Christ Jesus and followers of him, they are called “Christians.” According as God ordains, the church of the New Testament is gifted with bishops/elders and deacons from within each assembly: Men who preach, evangelize, pastor, and teach for the edification of the body and as ministers to it for the glory of God and until Jesus comes again. Matthew 16, Acts 15, 1 Corinthians 6; 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 1; Ephesians 4, Colossians 1; Acts 8 and 13, Romans 16, 2 Corinthians 1, Revelation 1; Mark 6, Luke 22, Acts 1; John 3, Ephesians 2; Luke 13, Acts 20, 1 Corinthians 16; John 14, Romans 8, 1 John 2; 1 Corinthi- ans 1, Philippians 3; Psalm 12 and 117, Proverbs 30, Matthew 4, John17, 1 Peter 1; Psalm 29, Romans 6, 1 Peter 1; Acts 17, 1 Timothy 2, 1 Peter 2, Hebrews 4; John 17, Titus 2; Colossians 2, 2 Peter 1; Acts 11 and 26, 1 Peter 4; Acts 14, 1 Timothy 5, 2 Timothy 2, Titus 1, James 5, 1 Peter 5; 1 Corinthians 11 and 14, Ephesians 4, 1 Timothy 3; 2 Cor inthians 4 , Ephesians 3; 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4. “Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.” -Lamentations 3:40 SearchAndTryOurWays@protonmail.com

1972: The Palestinian terror group, “Black September” attacked the Olympics in Munich, kidnapped Israeli athletes and killed two of the athletes. November 13, 1975: The Zion Square ice cream shop bombing, carried out by two Palestinian terrorist groups, Fatah and Democratic Front for the Libera- tion of Palestine. A bomb planted out- side an ice creamery killed six teenagers and injured 43 people. October 7, 1985: The Italian luxury cruise ship MS Achille Lauro, was at- tacked by the Palestine Liberation Front in the Mediterranean close to Egypt. Before it was over, the PLF mur- dered Leon Klinghoffer and then threw him and his wheelchair overboard. And the list goes on. And on and on. The Almighty made it plain through- out the Bible and history. Israel is spe- cial to Him. Their history is a history of rebellion against God, even today. God brought the Jewish people from afar and took them back to their land. After their rebirth, they learned Hebrew and

try or state and has never had a capital. The Pales- tinian people were once the Philistines. Remember Goliath and David? Goliath was a giant and a Philistine. They were trying to kill Israelis way back then. The Philistines lived in Philistia which is presently the Gaza Strip. From Britannica, October 30, 2023: “The word ‘Palestine’ derives from ‘Philistia,’ the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century BCE occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza. The name was revived by the Romans in the 2nd century CE in ‘Syria Palaestina,’ designating the southern portion of the province of Syria, and made its way thence into Arabic, where it has been used to describe the region at least since the early Islamic era. After Roman times, the name had no official status until after World War I and the end of rule by the Ottoman Empire, when it was adopted for one of the regions mandated to Great Britain; in addition to an area roughly com- prising present-day Israel and the West Bank, the mandate included the territory east of the Jordan River now constituting the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which Britain placed under an administra- tion separate from that of Palestine immediately after receiving the mandate for the territory.” Palestinian terrorist groups and armies have been at war since Israel was reborn May 14, 1948. Re- born because she was once Ancient Israel in the days of Nebuchadnezzar. But the so-called Pales- tinians occupied the land until Israel’s rebirth. They still claim the land. The Jew-hating crowd needs to take their beef up with The Almighty. Jews moving back to Israel was His idea: “Also I will restore the captivity of My people Is- rael, And they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them; They will also plant vineyards and drink their wine, and make gardens and eat their fruit. I will also plant them on their land, and they will not again be rooted out from their land which I have given them...” (Amos 9:14-15) October 7, 2023, will be Israel’s Day of Infamy. At 6:30 in the morning, “Hamas,” which means “vio- lence,” assassins tore through the border wall and stormed Jewish homes, murdering entire families, beheading babies, raping women in front of their husbands before slaughtering them. Many were burned beyond recognition as the Israelis hid in their bomb shelters, and Hamas burned their homes. The Hamas wore Go Pro cameras and filmed everything, terrorist pride dressed in Israeli uniforms. Apparently schools and colleges do not teach about the Holocaust anymore, because students and professors seem to know nothing about the never-ending hatred Muslims have for the Jews and the reasons for it. Here are the basics: • When Israel conquered the Land of Canaan, there was no Palestine state. • During the Ottoman Empire, pre-World War II, there was no Palestine state. • When Israel was reborn May 14, 1948, there was no Palestinian state.

attempted to follow the Law of God but once again have turned astray. Estimates claim 70% of Israelis are secular. The Gay Pride parade there is one of the largest ones in the world. Interesting be- cause it was the God of Israel who called “unnat- ural love” an abomina- tion and destroyed four cities because of it. But woe to those who try to eliminate Israel. “When you touch Israel, you touch the Apple of God’s eye.” (Zechariah 2:8). “He that keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. The LORD is thy keeper.” (Psalm 121:4). “I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you.” (Genesis 12:3). The End Times and Ar- mageddon suddenly have become the talk of the day in many places, even in many churches. The subject of the Last Days has been avoided for years, but it is coming to fruition, right in front of our eyes. “On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a

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