WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Page 42


Volume 24, Issue 9

Adjusting Your Aim In 2024

By JR Harrison, Natural Family Foundation February 2024 On November 5th of this year, and if things continue in their present direction, something very explosive is destined to happen in Amer- ica. A dangerous national disaster. One that is being accelerated by the upcoming Presidential election process leading up to the planned election itself in November...assuming that we

Regardless of the situation. How about the economy? Folks, pick a subject and then talk it over. No, you might not hit the bull’s-eye to begin with, but you have to start somewhere instead of simply being critical and dismissive. Don’t argue with them, just improve your proposals. The facts are there, folks. We just need to be a better guide instead of being a continual quality control inspector. Above all, know this: your liberal, progressive, fellow Americans at the grassroots level, do not want the American experiment to end either. Trust me on this. Look, there is no one in this world that can find anything wrong with a situation...better than yours truly! LOL! Fact: I grew up “knowing” that behind every rainbow there was always a cloud — and I could prove it. But as I found out with the help of my spiritual guide, which you have available as well, speaking evil into ex- istence is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think Dr. Jordan Peterson said it best when he correctly noted that “The world shifts itself around your aim.” “For the dream comes through much effort and the voice of a fool through many words.” So to my Christian American readers, I offer this challenge believing it is time to now decide what your aim is going to be: Are you going to continue focusing on the latest and greatest evils in the world while further alienating your fellow Americans? Then afterwards pray for God to clean up your mess? Or...are you going to look for common ground to repair your family, your com- munity, and eventually the good ole USofA? In order for this nation to remain one nation under the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, it is going to take His Church to be the “answer to prayer” for this nation because we know that God works through His people. Amen? Let’s start lowering the heat on this boiling pot before it is too late. If you need help, you know where to reach me. But I ask you that you pray first, then lis- ten and then act. Feel free to email me at jr@naturalfamilystrong.com . You can also leave a message 614-890-4008 . Better yet, listen to our Last Call w/BJ Edwards Podcast every Saturday morning. ( www.LastCallRadio.live ). We recommend the Rumble link for starters. NaturalFamilyStrong.com Tel: 614-918-8228

are even going to have an election in 2024. But I digress. Yes, I said “process.” Just take a look around and start with your own family and community. How is that unity thing working for you all? That’s right! It would appear that the peoples of this once great nation are al- ready on the verge of another physical civil war — the spiritual one having already begun decades ago! Then add 9 more months of an even more intensified fear mongering from both sides driven by this year’s Presidential Race. A political contest where instead of focusing on one candidate’s positive attributes, we are bombarded 24/7 with all of the faults (real and imagined) of both candidates and how the end of America is only an election away. No, this hasn’t happened overnight or even during the tumultuous three years under former Vice President Biden’s executive order rule. Like I men- tioned before, the divide and cauterization are the result of decades of Amer- ican hating factions using fear and envy as their main weapons to literally set the stage for the destruction of this once “Christian” nation. And for the record, it matters little as to whether this situation was created by the Illuminati, George Soros, the Masons / WEF or whatever. It is what it

is and it is up to us to determine what our next move will be. A move that I hope will help us all focus on lowering the temperature of this American boiling pot instead of adding yet more fuel to the fire. Mission Impossible? Maybe not! How about this...why not both sides start with something everyone around you can agree on — a common point — and yes there are many common points. For instance, both sides believe that if their candidate is not elected, well . . . it is the end of America, right? So why not start there with your liberal friends. Maybe you could even get into a conversation about election integrity. hmm- mmmmm Well before the election, why not ask them if they believe elections in Amer- ica today are fair and balanced. They might say, “of course they are,” to which you might respond, “So if your candidate loses you are telling me right now that the election was fair and not rigged right?” Then be prepared to do some pre-election research — together!

Then there is the border issue. Maybe start with this item to ask your friend or family member: “How would you react if you woke up to find that a stranger had pitched a tent in your backyard? You call the authorities, but they come out only to inform you that they have no authority to evict your new visitor.” Now what? Not a good example? Then use your own.

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Are You Serving God or Self?

By Brian Aish February 2024

COMMANDED to AND because you love them. If you will not warn them, and share the Gospel, then you do not know Gospel, and you do not love God! Nor do you love your neighbors! Do you REALLY care about lost souls or are you satisfied doing “just enough?” One more question — when you leave your home, do you always have a pocket full of tracts? Do you even know what a tract is? If you don’t know, or you don’t use them, it is an evidence that you are following man rather than God, and you have been VERY POORLY “TRAINED,” if at all! Without tracts, you are losing the opportunity to warn 30 to 40% of the population that you would not, otherwise, have the op- portunity… those who are not there when you are. If you spend more time

If you get five or six spam phone calls a day or somebody soliciting business or political support, etc., do you hang up on them because you’re not interested or do you make it about the kingdom of God? Especially if they are trying to scam you, they are obviously liars and thieves, but likely, ac- cording to statistics, less than 1 in 100 calls are going to be included by A (one!), “born again” (saved) Christian. Do you get spams in your email every day? Do you just delete them or do you make it about the kingdom of God? Think about this — you don’t even have to leave your home

Pastor Randy VanDeLoo, Evangelical Hospital Chaplain, Inc. Box 153 • Marshfield, WI 54449 at the Marshfield Medical Center Tel: (715) 650-0990 Email: vandeloo1@juno.com www.EvangelicalChaplain.org

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Because of privacy laws, it is important that when being admitted as a patient, you register under the NAME of your church or request Pastor Randy VanDeLoo be authorized to visit. Have a church secretary or individual call us directly to inform us of the patient’s name.

or your office, and you can share the Gospel to lost souls and warn them of the horrors of hell and the wrath of God and the need of the precious Gospel! This is the “Great Commission,” the greatest responsibility we have as Christians! There are so many verses, just in the New Testament, that make it very clear that those who don’t love their neigh-

drinking 5 or 6 cups of coffee a day, on your phones or looking at social media, watching TV, movies, etc., and you can’t spend 5 min- utes, 10 minutes or even 15 minutes a day, sharing the Gospel with the lost, stop de- ceiving yourself WHO you are REALLY following and

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bors or their brothers, do not walk with God! There are also many verses that say that those who hate their neighbors or their brothers, do not walk with God! Are you doing this when you don’t even have to leave your home? When you do leave your home, you are likely seeing 20 or 30 people or more on a daily basis. And, again, based on statistics, less than 1 in 100 are “born again” (saved) Chris- tians. Are you making your day about the kingdom of God or the kingdom of “self?” If you know that they are not saved, or you do not know that they are saved, do you care enough about their ETER- NITY, to risk being rejected? Think about this – if they don’t know the Gospel, they are “spiritually dead” — godless, and their opinions mean noth- ing. Are you really more concerned about their value or opin- ion of you rather than God’s? Do you really love God? If you do, you will warn others because you’re COMMANDED to. Do you really love your neighbors? If you do, you will warn them because we are

WHO you are REALLY serving. • 7000 people are dying most of them without the Gospel just in this country daily. • 3000 babies are being tortured to death, DAILY! And 98–99% of professing Christians ignore both! And when you do, you are ignoring God! If all those lost souls are present on the “Day of (YOUR) judgment,” will they be a testimony FOR you or against you? If those babies are present on the “Day of (YOUR) judg- ment,” will they be a testimony FOR you or AGAINST you? Please, hear the cries from heaven! Please hear your neighbor’s cries! Hear the “silent screams,” of those who cannot speak for themselves. And hear the cries that are coming out of hell, from all those who never did turn to Jesus Christ! While you still can! And remember, your children are copying what you are doing, not what you are saying! For questions and comments, please contact me: Brian Aish • 520-404-1142 or email me at Email: brianaish4@gmail.com

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