WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

Volume 24, Issue 9


Page 5

Perspectives Opinions • Commentary • Letters

From the Publisher...

Globalist Babylon Is Coming

By Rob Pue February 2024

telligence. No doubt, this “new Bible” will be all-inclusive, mixing the pagan with the holy, or removing the holy altogether as it will likely teach we must worship and serve created things, rather than the Creator. But we should also be mindful of Revelation 18, which describes “Babylon the Great.” This

The entire convention was replete with ses- sions on feminism, climate change, pagan rit- uals, globalism, earth worship — honoring “Mother Earth,” esteeming science over sound theology, “interspecies justice,” which dealt with the worship of animals, transgenderism,

Recently, I wrote a message titled “Babylon the Great Is Fallen.” In that message, I erro- neously stated that “Mystery Babylon” was mentioned in Revelation 18. Since that time, I’ve done a much deeper study on the subject and there are some things I’d like to clarify here. First of all, “Mystery

is no mystery. This is eco- nomic Babylon — yet still described and named “Babylon,” and still repre- senting Globalism, a “new-world order,” a “one- world system.” After the one-world religion is de- stroyed by God, the eco- nomic system of “Babylon the Great” is next. We read, “Babylon the

Babylon” is not mentioned in Revelation 18, but specifically in Revelation 17. “Mystery Babylon” de- scribes the “great whore,” upon whose forehead was written “Mystery, Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.” As I have learned, this “Mystery Babylon” is the coming one-world reli- gion... a false religion, wor- shiping false gods. A great abomination. As we read in Revelation 17, this “woman” that John saw in his vision was “drunken

great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habita- tion of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit...for all nations have drunk the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have commit- ted fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” Here, Babylon the Great is about to be de- stroyed by God. But John hears another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my peo- ple, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues.” These exact same words were used in Jeremiah 51, when God warned His people to leave the city of Babylon before He destroyed it. God always warns His people of coming judgment. Through Noah, He warned the people of the world that some might be saved, yet only eight people were. He also warned the Israelites prior to sending the death angel to Egypt. He warned Lot and his family before the destruc- tion of Sodom. He is warning us today. I don’t know for sure if Babylon the Great is a city, as Scripture tells us, or if it represents a nation. If it is a city, it will likely be the headquarters of the New World Order, now being assembled by the Globalists. But whether a city or a nation, it’s a place of great arrogance toward God, with no reverence for God and in fact, a disdain for God. It’s a place — or a system — where the people rely on their riches, their luxuries and their comfort, and rather than honoring and serving the one true God, they think themselves to be gods. It’s right out of Satan’s playbook — using the same tactics he used against Eve in the garden — “you shall be like gods.” Today, so many are just as arrogant, if not more so. And we’re seeing the characteristics of this “Babylon the Great” of Revelation 18 in the institutions now wielding power over all the world: the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Na- tions — all seeking the dissolution of national sovereignty, the destruction of national bor- ders, the centralization of power and control, and “building back better” after they destroy it all. Continued on Page 7

homosexuality, and I could go on. Over 8,000 people attended, from more than 95 coun- tries, representing more than 210 different re- ligions. Please understand, that the entire premise behind “Babylon” has always been a one- world order, a one-world government and one- world religion. In other words, as we know it today, “Globalism.” But God Almighty does not embrace “globalism.” He destroyed the tower of Babel and the city of Babylon be- cause it was wicked, and sought to deceive people, drive them away from the one true Creator of the universe, and ultimately Jesus Christ, our Savior. But that spirit of Babylon is rising again in today’s world — at an alarm- ing pace. Today, spiritual Babylon of Revelation 17 is being established through things like the “Parliament of World Religions” and the “World Council of Churches.” Not to mention, the Roman Catholic pope, standing hand-in- hand with Islam, even as he endorses homo- sexuality and transgenderism. We also have the modern American churches, most of which have become apostate as well, with a “form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” “Making the Word of God of none ef- fect,” through traditions, trends and tactics designed to simply fill the seats by pastors using “soft words,” that tickle itching ears. No doubt, a one-world religion is coming. The leadership of the World Economic Forum

with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” So, Revelation 17 de- scribes “Mystery Babylon” as spiritual Baby- lon — a coming together of false religions from all over the world; as I said, a coming “one- world religion.” This spiritual “Mystery Babylon” is already coming together; indeed, already in place. You would do well to study on the topics of the “Parliament of World Religions,” or the “World Council of Churches.” Here in Wisconsin, we have the “Wisconsin Council of Churches,” a branch of the “World Council of Churches.” But these are not Christian churches; they’re apostate in every respect. They advocate for everything God considers an abomination, under the guise of “Christianity.” Be not de- ceived by them. Last year, the Parliament of World Religions held their annual meeting in Chicago. The event opened with a thing called “Sacred Fire: Greeting the Day Prayer and Fire Offering.” Other sessions during this conference focused on “Bhawana Yog - Guided Meditation.” Many sessions were held addressing the topic of combating “Climate Change,” there was a ses- sion called “Seed The Earth Altar in the Women’s Village,” a session was held titled “Going Beyond Diversity, Equity and Inclu- sion.” And not to mention the one titled “The Spear Within - The Staff is Passed to the Fem- inine.” And these are just a few of the ses- sions on the first day of the five-day event.

has even s u g - ge s t ed that a n e w “proper” B i b l e m a y soon be written by Artifi- cial In-

MISSIONARIES TO THE PREBORN Speaking Up For the Oppressed Preborn Babies P.O. Box 26931 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226 (414) 462-3399 defendbabies@missionariestopreborn.com www.MissionariesToPreborn.com

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