WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

WisconsinChristianNews.com Globalist Babylon Is Coming (Continued from Page 5) “Surely God has sent us strong delusion. Surely this nation is guilty of sinful pride and arrogance. America has blood on its hands from the sacrifice of our own children to Molech under the guise of “women’s rights” through abortion; through instigating the devastation of war around the world, and the lies of the “official COVID hospital protocols” that would have made Hitler and Josef Mengele proud...” Volume 24, Issue 9 Page 7

Email: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

But this new world order, this “Babylon the Great,” that the Globalists are building will come to an end in one day. Indeed, in one hour. “And the kings of the earth, who have com- mitted fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, “Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judg- ment come. And the mer- chants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their mer- chandise any more.” Let’s read on: “The mer- chants of these things, which were made rich by her, (can you say “Bill Gates” — or “Pfizer?”) shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, and saying, ‘Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and pre- cious stones, and pearls!” Revelation 18 goes on to describe Babylon the Great’s complete and utter destruction. I believe we’re reading about the destruc- tion of the Globalist New World Order system. A sys- tem of tyranny, deception and absolute domination and control by the Global- ist so-called “elites.” We also read, “...thy merchants were the great men of the earth; and by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” It’s important to note here that the word “sorceries” is correctly translated “Phar- makea” — drugs, chemi- cals, mRNA “vaccines,” jabs. All nations have al- ready been greatly deceived by the COVID planned- demic. Now, they’re plan- ning for “Disease X,” which they tell us they don’t know what it will be, yet they’re already developing a new “jab” to treat it. How con- venient. No “warp speed” needed this time. Now, they’re developing the next “jab” to treat an illness that doesn’t yet exist. And peo- ple are buying into this — because they are deceived. Regarding the destruction of Babylon the Great, verse 20 tells us, “Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye

holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.” And then verse 24, “An in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth.” Friends, the United States may or may not be “Babyon the Great.” As I study these Scriptures more and speak with learned Bible scholars, I’m convinced it will be the headquarters of the New World Order. Still, the United States, I believe, will receive a similar judgment of God. We’ve committed all the crimes of Babylon the Great, whether you re- alize it or not. I believe there are 197 countries in the world today. The United States sends foreign aid to 180 of them. Are you aware, that in order to receive this for- eign aid, all of these coun- tries must accept, push and promote two things? Those two things are: ho- mosexuality and abortion. All nations that accept our foreign aid (via our tax dol- lars) are required to pro- mote homosexuality and abortion — with the excep- tion of Muslim nations. They receive our money with no strings attached. This country used to be a lighthouse on a hill, send- ing missionaries to the ut- termost parts of the earth to share the Gospel to all nations. We used to defend the oppressed and help the poor. Now, many of the missionaries we send are spreading the same false gospel they preach in our modern American churches. A friend of mine once met with a missionary from Africa, who came here to visit, and this man begged us to stop sending missionaries because the missionaries were apos- tates — preaching a “differ- ent gospel” than that of the Holy Scriptures. We’re no longer defending the oppressed or helping the poor. Now, we’re send- ing them drugs, pornogra- phy, homosexuality, transgenderism and war in- stead. We have become the oppressors, for the benefit of the money our politicians can make from them. And now, we’re reaping the whirlwind we’ve sown,

as we live under a tyranni- cal regime that imprisons its political opponents, that has destroyed our na- tional security and de- fense and has instigated an invasion by foreign en- emies. We export sodomy, homosexuality and trans- genderism, we kill, rape and abuse our own chil- dren sexually, physically and mentally. We give lip service to advocating for the dignity of women, but then declare that males can be females, if they choose to be. We declare that 50-year-old men can masquerade as 15-year- old girls and join their swim team; and change clothes and shower with them too. Because now, 50-year-old men can “identify” as 15-year-old girls and if you think or say otherwise, that’s “dis- information.” Surely God has sent us strong delusion. Surely this nation is guilty of sin- ful pride and arrogance. America has blood on its hands from the sacrifice of our own children to Mol- ech under the guise of “women’s rights” through abortion; through instigat- ing the devastation of war around the world, and the lies of the “official COVID hospital protocols” that would have made Hitler and Josef Mengele proud. So many in our land have fallen for great de- ception. But as I stated, God always warns His people. He always makes a way of escape before He pronounces judgment and destruction. I pray that many will open their eyes today, awake from their stupor and turn back to God. Open that dusty Bible, get on your knees and pray and seek His face and turn from your wicked ways. You know what your own personal transgressions are. Face them, repent from them, and turn back to God. The Globalist Babylon is coming; we can’t escape it. But we can be rescued from it and rejoice when God Himself squashes all the plans and schemes of the wicked kings of the earth in just one hour’s time. Understand the times we’re living in, warn

others, stand strong and don’t back down.


345 Main Street P.O. Box 190 Wild Rose, WI 54984 (920) 622-3312 TomLauritzen@yahoo.com HuntWildRose.com

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