WCN Mid February to Mid March 2024

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Volume 24, Issue 9

The Distortion of Love and the Proliferation of Evil In America

By Pastor Matthew Trewhella February 2024

to fit in. With wanting to not offend. Many view resistance to evil as unloving. But the truth is, love does not negate resistance to evil. True biblical love does not legitimize silence in the face of evil.

Biblical love — God’s love — is not all-accommodating to whatever someone wants to be or all-accommodating to what someone wants to do. God’s love has limits. Biblical love has limits. How do we know love has limits? Because of the Scrip- tures themselves.

Love is defined in various ways here in American society, but it has become akin to

making accommodation for whatever anyone else wants to be or whatever anyone else wants to do. That is how love is

For example, 1 John 2:15 states: “Do not love the world or the things in the world.” That right there — “do not love” — shows biblical love has limits; love is not how the world has defined it as all-accommodating to whatever someone wants to be or wants to do. It goes on to say, “ If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world.” Love is defined by Scripture and what we are to love and not love is defined by Scripture. Psalm 97:10 states, “You who love the Lord – hate evil!” Love is not all-accommodating. Scrip- ture shows us what we are to love and what we

defined to the American. And this is nothing new. If you study the history of man – he has been adept at defining, or redefin- ing, “love” in some way other than how the Lord defines love in Holy Scripture. And sadly, Ameri- can Christianity has adopted, to a great extent, the world’s view and definition of “love.” If someone is offended by what you say, that is viewed as not being “loving.” In fact, that is the paramount tenet of this definition of love by our society – to not accommodate yourself to what- ever someone wants to be or to whatever some- one wants to do is the greatest sin. “Love” accommodates all.

Love and resistance to evil are not contrary to one another (as most of American Christianity wants you to believe). It is not an either/or. In fact, love most often demands confrontation with evil; taking the evil to task – in the right way, given what the sit- uation may be of how evil is demonstrated. Evil must be spoken against and it must have action taken against it. Biblical love does not teach the world’s view or definition of love — that one must accommodate to whatever anyone else wants to be or whatever anyone else wants to do. Biblical love is defined by — yes — the Bible. Scripture teaches us what love is; it teaches us how to love God and it teaches us how to love our neighbor. The law and Word of God teach us how to truly love our neigh- bor. The law and Word of God teach us what is right and wrong, what is good and evil. If you define love outside of Scripture, you can use “love” to justify anything; you can accommodate anything. And that is what evil men and dupes in our society are doing in order to sell their evil — they peddle it under the guise of “love.”

are to hate. God’s law and Word shows us what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil. God’s Word, for exam- ple, tells us homosexual acts are evil. So when the world tries to sell such perversion under the guise of love, we have a duty as God’s people to speak against it and act against it. Listen, no one is called by Scripture to love evil. The Scriptures call upon us to do the exact opposite. We are to hate the evil. We are to resist the evil. By how we conduct our lives and by proclamation of His law and Word with our mouths. Did not the prophets confront the evil of child sacrifice? Did not the prophets confront the evil of idolatry? Did they not con- front the evil of kings and tyrants? Of businessmen and church- men? Did not Abraham confront the evil of his family being stolen? Did not Asa and Jehoshaphat confront the evil of the sodomites? Did not Jesus confront the evil of the money-chang- ers? Did not He confront the evil of the Scribes and Pharisees? Of the lawyers? Of Herod?

And this is a distortion of love. Distortion is the action of giving a misleading account or impression. And that is what American society and American Christianity have done to love. They dispel and dispense a misleading account or impression of love. And their distortion allows evil to proliferate. The distortion of love aids and abets the proliferation of evil in society. Under the guise and proffering of “love” we have hid ourselves from confronting evil. Under the guise and proffering of “love” we have decided to stand still off to the side and let evil proliferate. As Tolkien asked in The Hobbit – “When did we allow evil to be stronger than us?” Or, another way of saying it: “How did we allow evil to become so strong?” This is how. Many view resistance to evil as unloving. This is the presupposition that fuels the ability for evil to proliferate in the land. And it is taught by the bulk mass of pulpits in Amer- ica. Understand, the road to hell is paved with a thousand “kind- nesses.” With wanting to be nice. With wanting to be liked and A Program that’s worth your time!

Continued on Page 10

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