King's Business - 1955-11

Educational-Type Gospel Light BIBLE Lessons wi l l r e v i t a l i z e your S u n d a y S choo l !

World Newsgrams

By James O. Henry

A Lesson From The French The French tricolor (the French flag) was brought into use recently in the fight against alcoholism in wine-drinking France. The govern­ ment decided that the patriotic red, white and blue will appear on all soft drinks with less than one percent alcohol. Bernard Lefay, Minister of Public Health, said: “ The idea is to show the population drinks that are good for them.” The government of Premier Edgar Faure is continuing the cam­ paign begun by former Premier Pierre Mendes-France. Mormon Expansion in England More than 1,000 persons from all parts of Britain attended the ground­ breaking ceremony for Britain’s first Mormon Temple at Newchapel, near East Grinstead, Sussex on August 27. The ceremony was performed by 83- year-old David O. McKay, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ ter Day Saints. The Salt Lake City M o r m o n T a b e r n a c l e Choir, 379 strong, took part in the ceremony. The building will be the London dis­ trict temple and will be either the 13th or 14th Mormon temple in the world — depending on which is fin­ ished first, one now under construc­ tion in New Zealand or London’s. tied Chinese Courts on Juvenile Delinquents An official document that reached Stockholm through Moscow in July discloses in detail the system adopted by the Chinese Communists to inflict forced labor punishment on teen-age children. The document is the text of China’s penal code, known official­ ly as “ Reform Through Labor Regu­ lations.” Boys and girls sentenced to this punishment undergo it in special reformatories charged with “ control­ ling and educating juvenile delin­ quents from 13 to 18 years of age.” The young prisoners, according to the code, shall be “ educated in poli­ tics, in the new morality, in basic culture and in p r o d u c t i o n tech­ niques.” These children’s reforma­ tories are to be set up in provinces and municipalities according to the need and are to be run by the Chinese National Security Service.

Gospel Light Sunday school lessons ivill help your Sunday school achieve depnite spiritual goals! First and foremost, you want to give your pupils the basic message o f the Word o f God. Bible-centered Gospel Light lessons promote this objective above all others. They pre­ sent the Scriptures clearly and pow­ erfully to win pupils to Christ and establish them in radiant Christian living. Second, you want to fix perma­ nently in the minds o f your mem­ bers an orderly view o f the entire Bible. Built on sound educational principles, Gospel Light lessons un­ fold the Word gradually, logically, and systematically. Thus they will help you end forever the tragedy of having young lives in Sunday school

but stimulating and satisfying to teachers as well. With Gospel Light lessons teachers rejoice because o f personal improvement in their teaching ability. New assurance and spiritual victory often follow. Fourth, you want to prepare your pupils for vital service in your church. Gospel Light lessons de­ velop church consciousness and loy­ alty which lead to church member­ ship and to faithful cooperation in the program o f the church on a strong spiritual level. Use Gospel Light materials and give your Sunday school a fresh spiritual uplift! Examine Gospel Light Sunday school lessons at your local Christian bookstore or write for further information. Dept. KB-1 1 Name___________________________ ■ Street______ ________________________ ___ City____________________Zone____State.__ __ Position in S.S. or Church________ ______ Church I GOSPELLIGHTPRES . 1214 So. Brand Blvd. • G lendale 4, Calif. Please send me complete details including chart on "H ow to Or­ ganize Your Sunday School."

for ten to fifteen years who gain only a vague and inadequate grasp of the Scriptures. With Gospel Light lessons your members will ac­ quire what many leaders have called the equivalent o f Bible institute training. A ll materials are correctly graded, meeting year by year the changing needs o f the pupils. Third, you want to provide inspira­ tion and encouragement to all asso­ ciated with your Sunday school. Gospel Light materials are not only fascinating and helpful to pupils



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