King's Business - 1955-11


The wonders of G od will become fascinating events in the lives of the children who receive these gifts. They will enjoy learning o f G o d ’s love and mercy through w ell-illustrated books and attractive records. These are Broadman educational gifts which h a ve been studied and a p p ro v e d b y w orke rs in the field of children’s work. Select the wonderful gifts below and order from your favorite book store.

RECORDINGS ESPECIALLY FOR YOUR CHILD Inspiring children’s songs for each age group are sung by accomplished personalities in religious music. These are recorded on durable vinylite non-breakable, seven-inch 78 RPM records for easy, safe use by youngsters. Many of these songs are played through a second time on the piano to give your child an opportunity to sing alone.


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SONGS FOR C H IL D R E N UND ER 6 Six records—36 songs. Titles of songs are: “ God’s Beautiful World,” “ Spring Is Here,” “ Wonder Song,” “ God Is Very Near,” “ When Nighttime Comes,” “ Oh, How I Love Jesus,” “ Jesus Loves Me,” “ I’m So Happy,” “ Jesus Loves the Little Children,” “ Sharing,” “ Friendly Helpers,” “ A Helper I Will Be,” “ We Thank You God,” “ All By Myself,” “ I Open My Bible and Read,” “ My Gift,” “ Happy Sunday Morning,” “ Tick-Tock Song,” and 18 others. $3.95



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Six records—37 songs. Titles of songs are: “ God Has Sent the Spring,” “ How They Grow,” “ The Falling Snow,” “ God Loved Us and Sent His Son,” “ God Takes Care of Me,” “ Praise Him, Praise Him,” “ Thanksgiving Prayer,” “ Sing, Little Children, Sing,” “ At Christmas Time,” “ I Am So Glad,” “ Jesus Loves the Children,” “ Will You Come,” “ A Happy Song,” “ Helping Song,” “ Thank You, God for Prayertime,” “ When I Cross the Street,” “ My Morning Prayer,” “ Helpers at My Church,” “ The Bible,” and 18 others. $3.95

Five records for Nursery age—28 songs and 3 cradle tunes. Titles of songs are: “ Away in a Manger,” “ Jesus Loves Us All,” “ A Thank- You Prayer,” “ Raindrops,” “ The Pretty, Pretty Flowers,” “ I Like To Sing,” “ Downy Duck,” “ God’s Friendly Night,” “ All for Baby,” “ Growing Up,” “ Drink Your Milk,” “ A Little Helper,” “ A Friend of Mine,” “ To Church We Go,” “ Here We Come A-Walk- ing,” “ Helpers,” “ Cradle Song,” — Brahmns, and 14 others. $3.60


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SONGS FOR C H IL D R E N 6 TH ROU GH 8 Six records—24 songs. Titles of songs are: “ The Creation,” “ I Love the Summertime,” “ For the Beautyof the Earth,” “ He Loves Me, Too,” “ Thr»n Art Npar O T nrd.” “ Timothv’s Carol,” “ Just Like Jesus,” “ Jesus Friend of Little Children,’ “ Thank You, Lord, .A JPrayer, I est Book,” “ Tell Me the Stories o and six others. ou e , Lo , y’ ’ - — ——- — — _____ . ____ — — ------------- ----- - ; , _ , Was Glad When They Said,” “ I Love Thy Church, O God,” “ The Bible Is the B Book,” f Jesus, “ Our Flag and Our Country,” “ We Will Share the Sweet Stories,” and “ Children of Other. Lands," Our Home,” $3.95 8 Outstanding Books for Children

Broadman's LITTLE TREASURE Series These beautifully illustrated books help children enjoy learning more about Jesus. Jesus, Once a Child by Sadie Holcombe Davis. The babyhood and boyhood of Christ. Ages 3-5. 650 God’s Book for Me by Hattie Bell Allen, tells what God has done, that God is near, how to pray. Ages 6-8. 65# They Saw Jesus by Robbie Trent. Stories based on Gospel accounts of people who saw Jesus. Ages 4-10. 650 God’s Good Gifts by Ruth S. Gray. Simple poems and stories. Ages 3-7. 650 David by Hattie Bell Allen. The shepherd boy who became king. Ages 6-9. 650 Just Like Jesus by Hattie Bell Allen. Helps your child want to be like Jesus— at home, at school, at play. Ages 4-7. 650 Bible Friends to Know by Floy Barnard. Children who made their homes happier through kindness, courage, and honesty. Ages 4-7. 650 An interpretation of the twenty- 650 The Good Shepherd by Hattie Bell Allen, third Psalm. Ages 5-8.

I C A N TELL GOD T H IN G S by Robbie Trent

Ì CanTell God : Th inue W W k ’

The author of 14 other popular- selling books for children, Miss Trent’s latest is being called the greatest of all. In I CAN TELL GOD THINGS children learn that they really can talk with God— and see that He is a personal friend who always understands. $1.50


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