King's Business - 1955-11

ENJOY PEACE OF MIND Through a Remarkable Annuity Plan That Enables You To Give and Receive Richly


Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, graduate a f Columbia Uni­ versity, New York City, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one a f the largest school systems in America.

Send today for an interesting free booklet that tells how you may share in the great work of spreading the Gospel throughout the world—at the same time receiving a safe, generous, as­ sured, lifelong income, beginning immediately. Today, sure, write THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Dept. KB-305, 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N . Y . Twom o t BookstvOt Affluiti. Blown A Surgeon ond Scientist Called o f God into the Ministry o f His Word.

The Long and Short of It Q. If a bcry of 13 starts to grow faster than another boy the same age, does it mean h e is going to be taller when he is grown? A. Not necessarily. God does not use the same pattern. There are many in­ dividual differences. The shorter boy may soon overtake the taller one. marriage Q. 7 am a student at a Christian col­ lege and have been dating a wonder­ fu l Christian girl whom I intend to marry. Recently she has suffered from a break-down and is now at home under psychiatric treatment. I had planned to go to the mission field but now I am very concerned about her condition. What are the chances o f her complete recovery? Is this con­ dition liable to recur? A. I think you are very wise indeed to carefully consider your relation­ ship with this young lady who has had a break-down. Of course I could not know about the chances of her full recovery since I know so little about the details of the case. Furthermore, that would depend, to a great extent, upon the individual involved. People who re­ ceive psychiatric care in early stages of mental illness are much more likely to recover more speedily than those who seek help long after their illness has been established. On the other hand, one might say that a person who is pre-disposed to mental illness at a very young age may be a more serious case than one who does not become ill until middle or later life. I would suggest that you pray much about this matter and that you give yourself plenty of time to make a decision. A wrong step at this time would affect you for a life time. If God has called you to a foreign field of service, you must consider every ramification of the call. Address your questions to Dr. Clyde M. Nar- ramore, c /o The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17.

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